
Quique Dacosta Restaurante

Quique Dacosta
Quique Dacosta
País: Spain
Localidad: 03700 Dénia (Alicante)
Dirección: Las Marinas, km. 3, con Rascassa, 1 (Urb. El Poblet)
(+34) 965784179
Cierra: Sundays night, Mondays, from 20th February to 13th March and from 16th to 26th October.
Precio: 180/220 € €
Precio menú degustación: 135/165 €

  • Gamba roja de Denia en tres servicios
  • Gamba roja de Denia en tres servicios
  • Ostra al pesto
  • Ostra al pesto
  • La rosa de Collio
  • La rosa de Collio
  • Guisantes
  • Guisantes
  • ¿Qué fue primero?
  • ¿Qué fue primero?
  • Ventresca de atún rojo del Mediterráneo
  • Ventresca de atún rojo del Mediterráneo
  • Arroz mediterráneo a las brasas de cítricos, con piel de bacalao
  • Arroz mediterráneo a las brasas de cítricos, con piel de bacalao

As we insisted last year: “Congratulations. Quique Dacosta made superhuman efforts to break fresh ground. He accepted the challenge this guide presented to him in the last edition and was able to reinvent himself, just like Joan Roca did two or three years ago. In fact, we do not remember any other cook of the Spanish top cuisine to have done such a substantial change –some modified some elements, but did not proceed to a real transformation”. The thing is that in 2011, the path he cleared was so magnificent, that instead of talking about a new era, we can talk about a new Quique; a man who is completely different from the one we used to know. His spectacular and utterly sophisticated architectural constructions –very difficult to carry out on a daily basis, a fact that used to lead to some lack of understanding and to some ups and downs regarding realization– to more essential and direct dishes aimed at reaching more virtuosity and efficiency. He also abandoned almost all his the previous influences in order to propose freer and more original creations. Talent is evident in every dish, based on apparently simple recipes that require a strong maturity and a prodigious imagination.
A good example of this new trend is the red mullet, deboned and reconstructed, cooked in a foil parcel, served raw and hot, incredibly natural, covered with concentrate juice made of its livers and sea urchins, wonderfully intense, and magically garnished with julienned snow peas perfumed with eucalyptus, on the top. Another immeasurable ingenious proposal is the dish called Chufas (Tiger nuts): a COOKED horchata (typical Spanish sweet drink made from tiger nuts and sugar) covered with some truffles of cocoa butter filled with foie gras cream, some tiger nuts SHEETS and a few dots of black truffle oil. The avocado is no less impacting and virtuous: a delicious guacamole inlaid with quenelle-shaped smoked salt that swims in an exquisite dashi soup made of red shrimps and seaweeds. Extreme naturalist minimalism: squids cooked in a foil parcel, just heated, served together with a small bowl that contains some squid consommé spiced with a hot pepper infusion. Vegetables in all their purity and lightness: peas with their leaves, flowers and broth enhanced with a hint of wasabi. “El Rocío” (Dew) is a very immaculate and fierce proposal: ice lettuce and salicornia with iced caipirinha. Seaweeds, which appear here and there on the menu, reach their highest peak with the seaweed bread stew. Ecology and nature are omnipresent: roasted aubergines with brushstrokes of beet juice and a succulent hint of hare in the form of concentrate juice, really smooth and refined. The oyster, once again, was brilliant: Gillardeau oyster in its shell, cooked for a few seconds, served in its juice and accompanied with pieces of sea lettuce and salt. A total of 25 dishes that make any imaginable dream come true.
Some of the famous dishes proposed in the last few years are still served in the “Universo local” menu (€90). This is one of the two options, together with the “Sale el Sol” menu (you can’t eat à la carte any longer). Tablecloth have been removed, the place has been computerized … A renewed spirit is in the air.



Gerhard Schwaiger
Gerhard Schwaiger
País: Spain
Localidad: 07081 Portals Nous (Mallorca)
Dirección: Puerto Portals, local 1
(+34) 971675547
Cierra: Midday and from October 31 to March 1
Precio: 40/100 €
Precio menú degustación: 39, 49 y 59 €

  • Vieira en su concha al horno con risotto de Puntalette y salsa de champagne
  • Vieira en su concha al horno con risotto de Puntalette y salsa de champagne
  • Filete de lenguado relleno
  • Filete de lenguado relleno

Gerhard Schwaiger continues to renovate his repertoire annually, leaving not a single dish from the previous year on the menu. The dishes are prepared in a stately manner, erudite and academic, with an undeniably professional touch made for a cosmopolitan clientele. The constructions are very structured and calculated, reflecting great knowledge, technique, refinement and a sensitive aesthetic. The dishes embody nobility, science and constancy. The product: meticulous and resolved. The design is almost always classical, refitted with modern touches.


Piccolo Lago

Marco Sacco
Marco Sacco
País: Italy
Localidad: 28924 Fondotoce-Lago i Mergozzo
Dirección: Via Filippo Turati, 87
(+39) 0323586792
Cierra: Mondays, sundays evening in winter, January and one week in November
Precio: 90 €
Precio menú degustación: 85/105 €

  • Acuarela de arroz Carnaroli madursdo tres años, cocinado cremoso con azafrán, la
  • Acuarela de arroz Carnaroli madursdo tres años, cocinado cremoso con azafrán, langostinos de agua dulce en costra de caparazón y salsa de polenta quemada
  • Carbonara al Koque
  • Carbonara al Koque

An authentic restaurant run by the Sacco brothers - Marco dedicating himself to the kitchen while Carlo oversees the dining room and wine cellar - where precision and rigor come first; the spectrum of taste, the traditional flavors, and the evolution of forms exemplify so many fine qualities that make the diner feel content. When tasting the breads, such as the focaccia or the parmigiano-reggiano bread, one appreciates the immense culture driving its creation and the meticulousness of the preparation process.


Villa Fiordaliso

Riccardo Camanini
Riccardo Camanini
País: Italy
Localidad: 25083 Gardone Riviera
Dirección: Corso Zanardelli, 132
(+39) 036520158
Cierra: Mondays, Tuesdays midday and 10/31 through 2/10
Precio: 100/170 €
Precio menú degustación: 105 €

  • Risotto de erizos de mar y microvegetales
  • Risotto de erizos de mar y microvegetales

Located in a palace on Lake Garda, this Relais & Château lends itself to contemplation and solace. The Tosetti family, who personally attends to the hotel and dining room (Max), has entrusted their successful gastronomic project to Riccardo Camanini, a truly passionate chef who demonstrates a remarkable sense of reflection. As a testimony to the perceptiveness of his accomplishments, he infuses flavor in the fish of the lake, while the presentation exhibits an unprecedented originality: in a crystal jar, as if it were a preserve.


Trussardi Alla Scala

Luigi Taglienti
País: Italy
Localidad: 20121 Milano
Dirección: Piazza della Scala, 5
(+39) 0280688201
Cierra: Saturdays midday, Sundays, three weeks in August and Christmas holidays
Precio: 100/200 €
Precio menú degustación: 65, 130 y 150 €

  • Crujiente de Arroz y Hierbas con Gamba Roja de Liguria y Ternera Cruda Piemontesa Fassona con Alcaparras, Queso de Cabra, Limón y Agua de Manzana
  • Suero de Leche, Albahaca y Oliva Negra
  • Blanco y Negro de Sepia con Cítricos Sobre Panaccota con Erizos de Mar
  • Esencia de Gambas con Garbanzos Verdes y Avellanas tiernas Rallada
  • Tomate a 80 Grados 12 Horas con Albahaca, Espaguetis y Parmesano
  • Risotto con Lomón, Cúrcuma y Escamas de Olio Congelado
  • Pechuga de Pato en Infusión de Ibiscus

  Ubicado en el palacio Trussardi, situado en el corazón de Milán, ofrece una de las vistas más emblemáticas de la ciudad, que incluye la Scala y la plaza que se encuentra entre ella y las galerias Vittorio Emanuele. Ambiente de negocios, muy milanes, decoración impactante...un local para estar y en el que comer fenomenalmente. Oficia Luigi Taglienti, un joven e ilusionante chef, procedente de Cuneo, donde ya había conseguido el 8, capaz de complacer tanto al público social que acude a tan glamoroso local como a los avezados gourmets necesitados de fuertes impresiones. Cocina sociologica y ARTÍSTICA.
Sólo echar un vistazo a los fotos de los platos se perciben varias cualidades. En primer lugar la belleza cromática de las composiciones. También la esencialidad que las distingue; por lo general con contados elementos. Muy importante, la fuerte personalidad del chef, capaz de dictar un estilo diferente con claras señas de identidad italiana o propias: media docena de platos con tonalidad blanca, otros tantos sustentados en lácteos, la constante presencia de cítricos y la constante acidez, contrapuntos geniales en cada construcción, inmaculabilidad sapida, “liviandad dietética”...es una culinaria con espíritu juvenil, eso sí, maduro. Si no se eligen las versiones reinventadas de Lombardia, algunas de las cuales figuran en el menú degustación de 130 €, como el risotto al azafran con lagrima de tuétano a la plancha, el ossobuco a la Tablienti, el contrafilete de ternera empanado a la milanesa con alubias, amarena y echalotes al ajos, puede uno dejarse arrastrar a un mundo de fantasia, que por muy alucinante que sea, siempre preserva la pureza de los sabores y la memoria histórica trasalpina, con asumibles transgresiones.
Toda la tradición palatal trasalpina, piamontesa y ligura, se aprecia en el muy cromático y muy complejo, también informal y armónico, siempre elegante, siempre volatil, conmo todo en esta casa, crujiente de arroz y hierbas con gamba roja en tartar y ternera fassona picada y cruda, además de alcaparras, pecas de queso de cabra, limón, hierbas y flores, además de un chupito de agua de manzana. Fascinante aperitivo al que puede seguir otro minimalista no menos impresionante: unas cucharadas de agua, aceite, limón y regaliz...para que sepas lo que es sorber sin recato u elexir. Ya en platos, el primero del menú degustación de 150 € fue el titulado “blanco y negro de sepia”. Laminas del cefalópodo a la manera de un carpaccio redondo que esconde una cremosa mezcla de panaccota y erizos de mar con dejes refrescantes cítricos y “picantes” de pimienta. Vamos, el mediterráneo en exultante originalidad rubricada por encima con un medallón de tinta y un espagueti frito. Más mar y a la vez alucinante: coquinas, moluscos, rellenando una esferificación de agua de almendras salpicada de puntitos de café. ¿Quién da más? Bocados explosivos. Como la esencia de gambas con garbanzos verdes, tiernos, salpicada de avellana rallada. No puede ser vás sibaritico y más natural en su concreción. Otra, una osadía láctea más, siempre de bocado: suero de leche cremoso con albahaca y olivas negras. Un bombón ciertamente refrescante con sensaciones acidas, amargas y herbaceas. Reinventar Italia reproduciendo los sabores más emblematicos: un tomate entero asado a 50 grados 12 horas, queda como de conserva si bien vivo, vivísimo, con una hoja de albahaca tibia, unos magistrales espaguetis al dente y parmesano desmenuzado. Para hacer un 10 no se necesita nada más que productos estelares y una idea ciertamente lucida, además de precisión. Pastas y arroces impecables, unos más convencionales en sus sabores y otros más transgresores: colosal risotto con limón, cúrcuma y escamas de aceite de oliva congelado, para espolvorear como si fuese un queso. Mas caña: medallón de foie gras sobre lecho de mozzarella. Manjarosa grasa al 2. No cesa en ningún momento la naturalidad y la acidez: pechuga de pato, cruda y caliente, roja por igual, sin tostar exteriormente, lacada de una infusión de ibisco. Y la trangresión se lleva a los postres, una cebolla al pan de oro o una menestra de chocolate blanco con guisantes, pina, erizos de mar y nuez moscada. Siempre quedara, dada la clientela que da lustre al lustre del palacio, el chocolate liquido con cacao, café y mascarpone.
Puede hacer historia en Italia, si el lujo y el vanguardismo se lo permiten. Es el primer año.


Michel Bras

Michel Bras
Michel Bras
País: France
Localidad: 12210 Laguiole
Dirección: Route de l’Aubrac
(+33) 0 565511820
Cierra: November to March, Tuesday and Wednesday midday (except in July and August), Monday all day
Precio: 100/140 €
Precio menú degustación: 95, 152 €

  • Gargouillou de verduras
  • Gargouillou de verduras
  • Anguila glaseada del Loira con alcachofas violetas
  • Anguila glaseada del Loira con alcachofas violetas

In the early 80s, French cuisine was going through a grand period of effervescence. Girardet, Chapel, Maximin, Vergé, Robuchon, Senderens, Bocuse, Guérard and company lived, some more, some less, their moment of glory: Alain Ducasse perfected his neoclassical style in Juan-les-Pins, Pierre Gagnaire dedicated himself to pure experimentation in an old photography studio in St. Etienne, Marc Veyrat defined his personal style in Annecy… In this context, the fame of Michel Bras, a young, self-taught chef of Laguiole, a tiny village in the center of France, began to break out of its confines. Working in subtraction, Bras created a style that has changed the course of contemporary cuisine. Characterized by few distinct elements in a dish, use of local herbs picked only hours before, abolition of creams and sauces, clarity, minimalism, sensitivity, rigor, extreme respect for the seasonality of products and a strong foundation in the actual culinary roots. Regional cuisine? Much more than that, unless lobster and sea bass graze in the meadows of Aveyron! It’s a philosophic cuisine, intellectually influenced by the Aubrac, an untouched, wild region where direct contact with nature is inevitable. The brilliance and sincere passion of Michel Bras for all that is good, beautiful and authentic did the rest. The “Michel Bras style”, which has influenced dozens of chefs in recent years, was absorbed without reservation by his son Sébastien, co-figure of the kitchen who, under the guidance of his father, has assumed the difficult task of advancing his culinary philosophy. The results of the collaboration are promising: we begin with a silky canapé of boletus mushrooms, three delicious spoonfuls of red mullet with spinach, pepper with cereals and lamb sweetbreads with mustard sauce. Following, we succumbed to the temptation of ordering the classic gargouillou of vegetables. What happens here is a supernatural phenomenon: the transformation of a simple plate of boiled vegetables into a masterful work is an impossible deed without a heavy dose of magic. But magic it is, and to what extent! We continued with the fish belly of San Juan de Luz with a vinaigrette of black figs, sprouts, fresh cheese and anis leaves; less magical than the gargouillou but still faultless. We carried on with sweetbreads and filet of local lamb sautéed with dried fruits, coco beans, Guinean sorrel, orange peel powder and wild thyme; a wonderfully precise and succulent dish. We concluded with an extraordinary glazed eel of the Loire, poached with a very liquefied juice of sweet and slightly smoked aromas, accompanied by purple artichokes, a radish julienne and leaves of St. Mary’s thistle. Majestic. The time came for dessert, after a tasting of aligot, we couldn’t resist the chocolate coulant®. After the Peach Melba of Escoffier, the coulant is probably the most plagiarized dessert in the world. If Michel Bras received a euro for every unauthorized copy, today he would be a multi-millionaire on that alone. And, believe me, it lives up to its fame. When a restaurant is located in such a remote place as this, it’s understandable to ask if it truly is “worth the trip”. As far as we are concerned, it truly is.


Saint - James

Michel Portos
Michel Portos
País: France
Localidad: 33270 Bouliac
Dirección: 3, place Camille Hostein
(+33) 0 557970600
Cierra: Sundays, Mondays, 15 days in January and April
Precio: 80/120 €
Precio menú degustación: 95 €

  • Helado de ajo con rebozuelos, chalota, pasta de aceitunas y anguila ahumada
  • Helado de ajo con rebozuelos, chalota, pasta de aceitunas y anguila ahumada
  • Bloque de apio helado con chocolate, crema de coco y caramelo
  • Bloque de apio helado con chocolate, crema de coco y caramelo

With incredible technique, this great connoisseur of raw product, an intelligent, inventive and temperate chef, masterfully transforms the extraordinary products chosen from all over France – with special attention paid to the Bordeaux region and more than one incursion into neighboring Spain – creating precise dishes, rich in flavors and bearing a distinct mark of professionalism that often times reaches excellence.


Goûts Et Couleurs

Jean-Luc Fau
Jean-Luc Fau
País: France
Localidad: 12000 Rodez
Dirección: 38, rue Bonald
Cierra: Sundays and Mondays, January, 10 days in may, 10 days in September
Precio: 30/70 €
Precio menú degustación: 69 €

  • Pradera
  • Pradera
  • Carpaccio de gambas con gelatina de coral y aceite de saúco
  • Carpaccio de gambas con gelatina de coral y aceite de saúco

opened his own restaurant in Rodez, he divides his time between his two vocations as chef and painter, both of which are activities that he asserts himself in, and in his case complement each other. Practically self-taught, intellectual, audacious, intimate, and on top of everything, extremely creative, in sixteen years, starting from zero, he has managed to construct a very personal style and transform his small restaurant in Rodez into one of the most interesting dining establishments in France.


Jacques Decoret

Jacques Decoret
Jacques Decoret
País: France
Localidad: 03200 Vichy
Dirección: 7, avenue de Gramont
(+33) 0 470976506
Cierra: Tuesday and Wednesday, February vacations, from August 11 to September 7
Precio: 75/110 €
Precio menú degustación: 95 €

  • Cola de sapo lacada
  • Cola de sapo lacada
  • Foie gras de pato a la plancha en choucroute imaginaria
  • Foie gras de pato a la plancha en choucroute imaginaria

In 1998, Jacques Decoret abandoned the spotlight of Paris, where he was on his way to a very secure career – meilleur ouvrier de France in 1996 – in order to open his own restaurant in Vichy, a valiant wager that by no means promised success at the time. Decoret is an authentic acrobat of taste and juggler of the burners. He likes to entertain, and to be entertained, something which is clearly reflected in his cuisine, extremely ironic and, what’s more, ironic unto itself.


Dal Pescatore

Nadia Santini
Nadia Santini
País: Italy
Localidad: 46013 Mantova
Dirección: Runate, 17. Canneto S/OI
Cierra: Mondays, Tuesdays, midday Wednesdays, from 1/1 to 1/21 and 8/15 to 9/9
Precio: 150/210 €
Precio menú degustación: 130 €

  • Tortelli de pecorino toscano, ricotta y Parmigiano-Reggiano
  • Tortelli de pecorino toscano, ricotta y Parmigiano-Reggiano
  • Anguila del Lago de Garda en escabeche con perfume de naranja
  • Anguila del Lago de Garda en escabeche con perfume de naranja

Antonio Santini has created a stately mansion in the heart of the countryside, with discreet luxury in which one breathes, even inhales, nature and the natural. The countryside and the atmosphere place the diner in a paradise of dreams and submerge him in an ideal world. Few restaurants distill such a wonderful grappa. Not in Italy—this is the best establishment in the country, along with La Pergola—nor… well, save for one or another Parisian palace.