Casa Gerardo

Marcos Morán
Marcos Morán
País: Spain
Localidad: 33438 Prendes (Asturias)
Dirección: Ctra. As 19, km. 8
(+34) 985887797
Cierra: Mondays, every evening except Fridays and Saturdays; two weeks in January. In August, open every evening except Sundays and Mondays.
Precio: 90/120 €
Precio menú degustación: 56 y 80 €

  • Sardina en Punto Rosa a la Salmuera con Espuma de Fabes y Callos de Bacalao
  • Sopa de Corazones de Tomate con Yemas de Trigueros y Avellanas
  • Arbellos Asturianos Repelados "a la Francesa"
  • Ostra Guilardeau Empapada, con Papada de Joselito y Sutil Vinagreta
  • Cigala Gaudi
  • Salmonete en Salmis
  • Fabada
  • Pétalos de Nabo en Rosa

Marcos Morán is a dangerous imp who might shatter the establishment of Spanish cuisine some day. This 30-year-old chef struggles between his father’s diplomacy and his high-voltage personality. If you don’t show some signs of bravery, they won’t let you fulfil your potential, especially when you see how the press offices of luxury cooks manipulate everything, buying and fooling their colleagues and the whole world, deciding about rankings based on their own will and interests. Just bear this in mind, dear Marcos: if you don’t transfer your character of “enfant terrible” to real life, they won’t let you reach the grandeur you are destined to. Spain and worldwide cuisine need not only more licentious spirits, but also freer minds, which is far more transcendental.
Marcos is a volcano full of lava that breathes fire in his creations, which are all very risky, ingenious, more or less perfect, always bursting with substance. When genius is magnified by virtuosity, this can lead to some of the most important dishes in Spain. Such as the crayfish, coffee, crayfish, coffee, … in which the gigantic tail, impeccably roasted, is served over a jelly made with the crayfish juice together with a crayfish consommé and three versions of the animal: with coffee tones, olive oil touch and salty biscuit with coffee hints. An essential creation in which two or three elements express themselves in a very different manner. Another transcendental dish –not because of its audacity, but thanks to the grandeur of its raw material, its doneness, its immaculate flavour and its rosy skin– is the red mullet over cauliflower and beet purée and seasoning, aimed at enhancing the pink tonality, served with pickled violet onion and rosy meats and skin; a masterpiece based on pink colours and red mullet. Another madness: toast of raw sardine, slightly marinated, proposed on Sardinian bread painted with black sesame essence and accompanied with anchovy butter; a kind of simple and holy pie.
A bit under what we could call “Dishes of the year”, we find the really revolutionary turnip and apple served with reduction of milk and Lagar de Oles cider vinegar; no more, no less. The grilled oyster or the boiled cockles proposed with sea plankton emulsion and hints of lemon is another exaltation of intense and pure oceanic flavours which brim with the juice of these sea treasures. The very tasteful stew consisting of boiled octopus, grilled pork and emulsified beans seasoned with bay leaf exemplifies the chef’s bravery and the synchronisation hidden behind every proposal. The fabada (bean stew), made of entire creamy and exquisite beans, tasty and lightened stock as well as noble and impeccably done compango (blood sausage, pork belly and chorizo), is better than ever. And don’t leave the place without tasting the compango croquettes, which might be the best ever, as they have been performed regarding external fragility, consistency and palatal purity (less flour in béchamel means a more evanescent and tasty sauce). And so go the moving moments on and on, until the arrival of the insatiable traditional –but not timeless– rice pudding.


Alain Chapel

Philippe Jousse
Philippe Jousse
País: France
Localidad: 01390 Mionnay
Dirección: RN
(+33) 0 478918202
Cierra: Monday and Tuesday, January, from the 15 – 22 of August
Precio: 110/155 €
Precio menú degustación: 105 , 140 €

  • Huevo escalfado sobre colmenillas al vino blanco de Savagnin, espárragos verdes
  • Huevo escalfado sobre colmenillas al vino blanco de Savagnin, espárragos verdes de Villelaure con cangrejos de río de patas rojas
  • Cigalas y velouté de hinojo sobre gelatina de crustáceos con helado de aceitunas
  • Cigalas y velouté de hinojo sobre gelatina de crustáceos con helado de aceitunas negras

Alain Chapel was one of the most important chefs of his generation. Supreme advocate of nouvelle cuisine, he represents a milestone in the history of gastronomy. His style, calibrated, light, directed at exalting the product, has influenced an entire generation of chefs, and his kitchens have formed some of the great talents of our time (it suffices to mention one name: Alain Ducasse). After his premature passing in 1990, Phillipe Jousse, executive chef of Chapel’s restaurant in Kobe, was brought back to France to take the reins of the kitchen and perpetuate the teachings of the master.


Il Centro

Elide Mollo
Elide Mollo
País: Italy
Localidad: 12040 Priocca D´Alba (CN)
Dirección: Via Umberto I , 5
(+39) 0173616112
Cierra: Tuesdays and for two weeks in July
Precio: 50/90 €
Precio menú degustación: 43 €

  • Tallarines de yema de huevo
  • Tallarines de yema de huevo
  • Raviolis con hígado y salchicha desmenuzada
  • Raviolis con hígado y salchicha desmenuzada

Elide Mollo is a delicate, sensible, immaculate, neat chef who expresses herself naturally and simply. Little or no originality or sophistication, plenty of exquisite flavor. She executes with angelic perfection such simple dishes as battered and fried acacia flowers served with a brushing of honey. She successfully stands out in something so elemental as cured anchovies, meticulously selected, served with half a roast pepper, perfumed with the proverbial touch of renowned Nember oil, valued at €60 per deciliter.



Mauro Uliassi
Mauro Uliassi
País: Italy
Localidad: 60019 Senigallia (Ancona)
Dirección: Banchina di Levante
(+39) 07165463
Cierra: Mondays and from 12/27 to 3/19
Precio: 100/140 €
Precio menú degustación: 75 , 90 €

  • Albanella con crustáceos, verduras y moluscos
  • Albanella con crustáceos, verduras y moluscos
  • Pez limón marinado con leche de coco, cigala y helado de erizos de mar
  • Pez limón marinado con leche de coco, cigala y helado de erizos de mar

This restaurant, situated in the fishing port of this beautiful and touristy town, is considered one of the temples of fish in Italy. Each day, boats unload the best that the Adriatic has to offer: fish and shellfish of extraordinary quality, exultant with freshness. As a result, raw materials are the first and greatest element of the cuisine of Mauro Uliassi, who makes a monograph of the sea. The raw Adriatic is his greatest obsession, and this line of work has innumerable examples.


Le Cirque

Robert Kranenborg
Robert Kranenborg
País: Holland
Localidad: 2586 CZ Den Haag
Dirección: Circusplein 50
(+31) 0704167676
Cierra: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, midday Thursdays and midday Fridays
Precio: 100/160 €
Precio menú degustación: 98 €

  • Crema de calabaza al pimiento y caviar de salmón
  • Crema de calabaza al pimiento y caviar de salmón
  • Vieiras al chorizo, manzanas confitadas y jugo de cebollas
  • Vieiras al chorizo, manzanas confitadas y jugo de cebollas

Robert Kranenborg is one of the professionals with greatest culinary know-how in Holland. Every dish shows infinite knowledge, theory and practice that the diner cannot but value, even admire. They are erudite constructions that stand out for their balance. They represent a revitalization of historic flavors and concepts that are refined, lightened, beautified… brought up to date.



Hilario Arbelaitz
Hilario Arbelaitz
País: Spain
Localidad: 20180 Oiartzun (Gipúzcoa)
Dirección: Araneder Bidea, Barrio Iturriotz
(+34) 943491228
Cierra: Sunday, Wednesday, first two weeks of January, a few days after Easter and the last two weeks of October.
Precio: 100/160 €
Precio menú degustación: 115 €

  • Gelée de pomelo con queso, ensalada aromática y vinagreta de remolacha
  • Gelée de pomelo con queso, ensalada aromática y vinagreta de remolacha
  • Brandada de bacalao
  • Brandada de bacalao
  • Atún marinado con sopa de dashi gelatinizada y ensalada
  • Atún marinado con sopa de dashi gelatinizada y ensalada
  • Cigala con salsa gelatinizada de jengibre, ravioli de vainilla y bulbos salteado
  • Cigala con salsa gelatinizada de jengibre, ravioli de vainilla y bulbos salteados
  • Chipirones con verduras y vinagreta de su tinta
  • Chipirones con verduras y vinagreta de su tinta
  • Salmonete sobre hojas de endivia al vapor con calabaza de naranja
  • Salmonete sobre hojas de endivia al vapor con calabaza de naranja
  • Manitas de cochinillo confitadas y braseadas
  • Manitas de cochinillo confitadas y braseadas

We repeated it times and times again: “Hilario Arbelaitz changed the menu without a hint of alteration in his very defined identity”. Now, at full maturity, at a time when everything seemed to be defined, a discrete but significant change has occurred. Hilario, faithful to himself, still practices what he best does and loves: wise, refined, harmonic and creamy cuisine. What has changed is the latter aspect, “creamy”, ie. the density of the sauces and its impact on the main ingredients. The dishes have become more immaculate, purer, smoother, more slender, lighter, more dietetic and aesthetic…, less affected. They have gained a bit of personality preserving the identity of the cook, who has always been consistent with his feelings and bears silkiness and harmony inside. We are frankly happy about this evolution; a qualitative leap in which there are not so many proposals to be eaten with a spoon; a spoon that was, is and will always be made of gold and diamonds.
Hilario Arbelaitz, as level-headed as before, is more clairvoyant and modern than ever. His techniques and his modern chromatism offer very refreshing flavours: aromatic herbs salad with grapefruit jelly, cheese cubes and spherifications, and grapefruit vinaigrette. The classical cod brandade is dismantled to avoid the hotchpotch of flavours and allow the elements to express themselves individually: the sauce in the bottom of the plate, the potato on it, and the iridescent cod slices, accompanied by a hint of caviar and a crown of herbs oil. The chef also winks at the Japanese cuisine without going too far: marinated tuna on hardly gelatinized dashi soup, microvegetables and herbs salad, and mustard ice cream with a touch of wasabi. The style of the dishes is very constant: roasted crayfish with gelatinized ginger sauce, vanilla ravioli and various sautéed bulbs. Another testimony of nobility, precise doneness and pertinent accompaniment is the grilled Gillardeau oyster with foam of its own water. For more top raw materials, precision and naturality, taste the sautéed baby squids with sautéed vegetables and vinaigrette made with the animal’s ink. The red mullet filet lain on steamed endive leaves with pumpkin and orange, flowers and another foam belongs to a new generation. And the feast goes on with utterly exquisite pig’s trotters, previously caramelized and grilled in their juice, accompanied by some memorable mashed potatoes.



Nicolás Ramírez
Nicolás Ramírez
País: Spain
Localidad: 31300 Tafalla (Navarra)
Dirección: Plaza de Navarra, 4
(+34) 948700852
Cierra: Sunday evenings, Mondays and from August 21 to September 3.
Precio: 60/90 €

  • Tempura de hortalizas y txipiron, cremita de esparragos de Navarra
  • Tempura de hortalizas y txipiron, cremita de esparragos de Navarra
  • Menestra de verduras de temporada
  • Menestra de verduras de temporada
  • Ensalada de brotes y yemas de esparragos, verduritas de primavera y toques marin
  • Ensalada de brotes y yemas de esparragos, verduritas de primavera y toques marinos
  • Huevo en costra de patatas fritas, pimientos del piquillo y tostadica de ajo
  • Huevo en costra de patatas fritas, pimientos del piquillo y tostadica de ajo

Atxen Jiménez is an exceptional person. Framed by her natural inteligence, her capacity for work, her infectious enthusiasm… charming as very few people, and scarcely any professionals, are. It is incredible that her restaurant is always packed and that it merits such acclaim. The pluses include many elements, from the wisdom of possibilistically renewing the locally-inspired cuisine, to the restaurant’s décor, as elegant and warm as its owner, to the prices—reasonable for the quality and quantity of food offered. And above all, immense satisfaction, abundant human pleasure.



Diego Domínguez
Diego Domínguez
País: Spain
Localidad: 28006 Madrid
Dirección: Ortega y Gasset, 40
(+34) 915778272
Cierra: Sunday evenings, Holy Week and in August.
Precio: 100/170 €

  • Ostra
  • Ostra
  • Camarones
  • Camarones
  • Empanada de xoubas
  • Empanada de xoubas
  • Lamprea
  • Lamprea

This opulent seafood house serves sumptuous oceanic treasures that are as majestic as the marine paradise that supplies them—the Domínguez family, Manuel and his son Diego, who is fully involved in the management of the establishment, always shell out whatever is necessary, and even something more, to obtain the best of the best. Consequently, one always visits one of the two Combarros in the hope of finding what can be found in very few restaurants: unforgettable experiences of yesteryear that, though seemingly improbable, not only are reaffirmed but sometimes surpassed.



Valeria Piccini
Valeria Piccini
País: Italy
Localidad: 58050 Montemerano
Dirección: Vía Canónica, 3
(+39) 0564602817
Cierra: Midday Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 12/24 to 12/26, 01/07 to 02/05 and for three weeks in July
Precio: 90/120 €
Precio menú degustación: 90 €

  • Brocheta de caracoles
  • Brocheta de caracoles
  • Carpaccio tibio de pichón
  • Carpaccio tibio de pichón

The cuisine of Valeria Piccini is like her: beautiful, wonderfully beautiful. It is bursting with uncontainable passion from the heart—natural, authentic and, above all, immensely enjoyable. A fountain of pleasure. It is above and beyond times, criteria, tastes… Nobility rules here—nobility in the most excellent of ingredients, nobility in execution, nobility in perfectionism, nobility in the meeting of yesterday and tomorrow; nobility in so many aspects, and above all in refinement. A wealth of taste and flavor. Sybaritic succulence.


Rías de Galicia

Cándido Iglesias
Cándido Iglesias
País: Spain
Localidad: 08004 Barcelona
Dirección: LLeida, 7
(+34) 934248152
Cierra: Always open
Precio: 80/150 €

  • Percebes
  • Percebes
  • Ostras especiales y almejas del atlántico
  • Ostras especiales y almejas del atlántico

At the Iglesias family’s restaurant, headed by don Cándido and seconded by his sons, Juan Carlos and Borja, one must come prepared for primal excesses; the more the better. With an excitement for unbridled pleasure and full consciousness that there are no limits to quality—only to the amount to be spent. Let us be clear: this is one of the finest seafood houses in Spain.