
Terreiro Bahía

Diogo Pereira
Tereza Paim
País: Brasil
Localidad: Praia do Forte
Dirección: Alameda do Sol
(+55) 36761754
Cierra: Always open
Precio: 40/50 €

  • Tentáculos de pulpo con aromas de tomillo y orégano
  • Tentáculos de Pulpo con Aromas de Tomillo y Orégano
  • Salchicha de lengua de cordero y carne de cerdo
  • Salchicha de Lengua de Cordero y Carne de Cerdo
  • Cigarra con chiles, camarones secos, leche de coco y aceite de cilantro
  • Cigarra con Chiles, Camarones Secos, Leche de Coco y Aceite de Cilantro
  • Denton con Salsa de Acerola y Pimienta Rosa más Verduras
  • Denton con Salsa de Acerola y Pimienta Rosa más Verduras

A simple establishment decorated with personality that reflects very particular tastes. One dines practically outside, as if it were a terrace slightly protected from the warm, pleasant sun. Small and inoffensive monkeys visit the restaurant creating a unique ambience, also created by small details at the table and in the service, chatty and talkative, which go about their business. In this tropical atmosphere we find Tereza Paim and Diogo Pereira. Traditional cuisine with innovative airs for the indigenous. Notable raw product, except the shrimp: frozen.


Joan Gatell

Joan Gatell
Joan Petrell
País: Spain
Localidad: 43850 Cambrils (Tarragona)
Dirección: Paseo Miramar, 26
(+34) 977366782
Cierra: Sunday nights, Mondays, from December 15th to January 15th and the first half of May.
Precio: 90/120 €
Precio menú degustación: 75 €

  • Mariscada
  • Mariscada
  • Pulpitos salteados con ajo y perejil
  • Pulpitos salteados con ajo y perejil
  • Caldero con fideos rojos
  • Caldero con fideos rojos
  • Suquet de gambas
  • Suquet de gambas

Gatell is like an old song that, no matter how long it’s been since you last heard it, it continues to fascinate, beyond the gastro-sentimental arena, for its strange perfection, for its timeless Mediterranean refrain… knowing all the while that this passion is not easy amidst so much novelty in the field, but Gatell is one of those immutable laws in cuisine (so few are left these days) who play in another dimension, in a different league, whose rules are self-explanatory only with a demand that neither time nor space are willing to make.


La Credenza

Giovanni Grasso
Giovanni Grasso
País: Italy
Localidad: 10077 San Maurizio Canavese
Dirección: Via Cavour, 22
+39 0119278014
Cierra: Sunday nights and Mondays, lunchtime except for Sundays, three weeks in August and one in January.
Precio: 80/120 €
Precio menú degustación: 60 y 75 €

  • Ensalada de espárragos con brotes y jugo de zanahoria.
  • Ensalada de espárragos con brotes y jugo de zanahoria.
  • Codorniz con manzana
  • Codorniz con manzana
  • Agnelotti rellenos de salami de Turgia
  • Agnelotti rellenos de salami de Turgia
  • Raviolis líquidos de pichón
  • Raviolis líquidos de pichón
  • Risotto mantecato de ostras
  • Risotto mantecato de ostras
  • Cordero marinado al café
  • Cordero marinado al café

Giovanni Grasso’s cuisine is above all noble. The use of stellar products is a standard, as is serving them with a good deal of generosity. Product here receives impeccable, methodical preparation. They arrive perfectly done, highlighting their intrinsic qualities. From there the chef conveys his message with two mediums: reinterpreted or reinvented traditional constructions and clearly original articulations, at times quite daring. In keeping with this approach, there is no doubt that the establishment has adopted a modern, personal style, in varying degrees of intensity.



Pierre Reboul
Pierre Reboul
País: France
Localidad: 13100 Aix en Provence
Dirección: 11, petite rue saint Jean
Precio: 100/160 €
Precio menú degustación: 80/100 €

  • Milhojas de bogavante, tomate y queso de cabra
  • Milhojas de bogavante, tomate y queso de cabra
  • Caja de ancas de rana con caviar de perejil
  • Caja de ancas de rana con caviar de perejil
  • Cigala con jugo de crustáceos con vainilla y espuma de limón
  • Cigala con jugo de crustáceos con vainilla y espuma de limón
  • Foie gras con manzana y aire de fruta de la pasión
  • Foie gras con manzana y aire de fruta de la pasión
  • Hamburguesa de codorniz
  • Hamburguesa de codorniz
  • Camembert fundente y ahumado
  • Camembert fundente y ahumado

Pierre Reboul, following a long professional journey, opened his own restaurant in November of 2007, inaugurating this locale in the heart of the city. The formula is working nicely. The reason is simple: he is a remarkable professional.



Grant Achatz
Grant Achatz
País: United States
Localidad: 60614 Chicago,Illinois
Dirección: 1723, North Halsted
(+1) 3128670110
Cierra: Mondays, Tuesdays and some holidays. Open only for dinner
Precio: 200/350$ €
Precio menú degustación: 125/220$ €

  • Ensalada Tailandesa
  • Ensalada Tailandesa
  • Pichón a la Saint-Clair
  • Pichón a la Saint-Clair
  • Patata caliente con sopa fría de parmesano y trufa
  • Patata caliente con sopa fría de parmesano y trufa
  • Lomo de buey Miesaki
  • Lomo de buey Miesaki
  • Postre sobre la mesa
  • Postre sobre la mesa

The best chef in America and one of the finest on the Culinary Planet. A man who lives with a rare passion for his work, to the point of it being his reason to live. Without this sort of obsession you can’t spend 17 hours a day thinking about your work and still have a smile on your face. His extravagance unfurls in a display of unique methods: 22 excellent waiters for 60 clients, 24 different plates as well as other devices to complement the 24 dishes which compose the large tasting menu, the staging of the dining room, the ambience… and the iron-clad discipline that is felt in the kitchen. Grant Achatz is one of those clairvoyant, stubborn people who believe blindly in what they do, fully convinced that where “there’s a will, there’s a way”. Nothing stands between him and his goals. He even beat tongue cancer, with all that implies for a chef and his palate, but it seems to have only magnified his exceptional work. At only 33 years old, he has conquered the world through palates, diverse palates that prostrate themselves before a being, better yet a hero, who gives everything he’s got and even more.
His personality is developing. It suffices to mention as a testimony, one among many: the elimination of the tablecloth in the dining room; the plates are set down directly onto the wood. It only makes an appearance at one moment in the four hours of the feast, in which the waiters ask the complicity of the guests who help to lay it out. Next, the chef and an assistant arrive in the room to paint what looks to be a normal looking plate over a “silicone tablecloth” that the guests then share (white and dark chocolate pieces in liquid nitrogen, white brush strokes, maple syrup, tobacco jelly, raspberry marmalade, etc.). This sort of “live and direct” cooking over the silicone tablecloth constitutes a new concept that breaks with all protocols and precedents. This is originality from a creator that transgresses established borders.
The assemblies are, in general, exuberant, with a tendency for an avant-garde baroque style. Taking inspirations from very distinct cultures and time periods, he offers such widely different dishes as the Thai salad with pork tripe, iceberg, cucumber, chili sauce and distilled vegetables in the same sitting as the Saint-Clair squab with onion confit-filled tartlet and potato puree that harks back to Escoffier. The proliferation of elements found in every construction, as well as the trip through time and space, helps to let the guests lose themselves at various moments, not being able to identify what they’re eating. There is no greater significance (though we admit that we are not familiar with all his work and that our palates are human after all) than when the artist reserves his right to creative license.
With so many and such seasonal proposals it serves us better to circumscribe ourselves to a few examples: the baked potato suspended by a pin over a wax pot that the guest removes from its hole, at which point it falls apart over a chilled soup of parmigiano-reggiano and truffle. Memorable. The talent is appreciated even in the more classical flavors: explosive ravioli stuffed with liquid truffle juice. Three spaces bursting with reflection and work: passion fruit jelly with Dijon mustard and dehydrated soy, translucent slices of bacon wrapped around apple and a sweet potato croquette coated with brown sugar and bourbon skewered with a cinnamon stick. Brilliant. And a minimalist exception supported by superb product to reaffirm yet again that Grant Achatz has one ideology and only one, his own: Miesaki filet mignon, potato “croquette” and dehydrated spices. Perfect.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a cuisine you must see and try for yourselves.


Cafe Pushkin

Cafe Pushkin
Cafe Pushkin
País: Russia
Localidad: Moscú
Dirección: Tsepckofi Fiyaenap 26-a
Cierra: Always open
Precio: 250/350 €

  • Hojaldres rellenos
  • Hojaldres rellenos
  • Anguila ahumada con diferentes verduras
  • Anguila ahumada con diferentes verduras
  • Ensaladilla rusa con cangrejo
  • Ensaladilla rusa con cangrejo
  • Sopa de oveja y col
  • Sopa de oveja y col
  • Plato de pollo
  • Plato de pollo
  • Crema helada con fresas
  • Crema helada con fresas

The fact that gastronomy is a reflection of the society from which it is born comes to no surprise. Appearance and dishonesty exceed both fiction and reality. We live in a circus filled with clowns… for whom millions of the misinformed, without a shred of criteria, laugh along. It suffices to take this restaurant as an example. It holds the position of 80th best restaurant in the world in the guide that each year prints the British magazine THE RESTAURANT. What nerve! If they decide what the 100 best restaurants in the world are, we are all in trouble. But that is what they have achieved.


Inter Scaldes

Jannis Brevet
Jannis Brevet
País: Holland
Localidad: 4416 NA Kruiningen
Dirección: Zandweg, 2
(+31) 0113381753
Cierra: Sundays and Mondays all day, Tuesdays and Saturdays midday, from January 19th to February 27th, from July 30th to August 21st and from December 9th through until January
Precio: 120/200 €
Precio menú degustación: 85/135 €

  • Ostras Gillardeau en habitat verde
  • Ostras Gillardeau en habitat verde
  • Cigalas con infusión de melón y espárragos verdes
  • Cigalas con infusión de melón y espárragos verdes
  • Guiso de zanahorias tiernas con lascas de parmesano y trufa negra
  • Guiso de zanahorias tiernas con lascas de parmesano y trufa negra
  • Vieiras con trufa y muselina de coliflor
  • Vieiras con trufa y muselina de coliflor
  • Rodaballo a la plancha con jugo de bacalao seco, espárragos y naranja confitada
  • Rodaballo a la plancha con jugo de bacalao seco, espárragos y naranja confitada
  • Parfait de fruta de la pasión con chocolate negro ahumado, crema de mascarpone a
  • Parfait de fruta de la pasión con chocolate negro ahumado, crema de mascarpone al azafran y piña salteada

Jannis Brevet is a legendary name in Dutch cuisine. He has received the highest honors, finding himself at the apex of rankings in all the guides. He represents supreme professionalism. He embodies theoretical and practical knowledge. He is erudition itself. Privileged product, the finest possible, precise cooking times, conventional sauces modernized by texture, academic garnishes perfectly concluded, known models… yet he knows how to demarcate a unique voice–a voice that, in its effectiveness, reigns supreme.



Bart De Pooter
Bart De Pooter
País: Belgium
Localidad: 2840 Rumst - Reet
Dirección: Laarstraat, 22
Cierra: Sábados mediodía, domingos, del 04/02 al 12/02 y del 04/08 al 07/09
Precio: 100/170 €
Precio menú degustación: 80/105 €

  • Lomos de sardina con tostadas de tomate y albahaca
  • Lomos de sardina con tostadas de tomate y albahaca
  • Anguila con alcachofas
  • Anguila con alcachofas
  • Bogavante con espárragos
  • Bogavante con espárragos
  • Bacalao con migas de pimienta y yogurt
  • Bacalao con migas de pimienta y yogurt
  • Chop with jellied onion, shallot and red wine rings
  • Chop with jellied onion, shallot and red wine rings
  • Sorbete de mango con plátano y jugo de naranja y limón
  • Sorbete de mango con plátano y jugo de naranja y limón

Two styles harmoniously coexist within the work of the studious, dedicated chef Bart De Pooter. On one hand, he constructs creative, groundbreaking proposals, found especially in the appetizer portion of the first part of the tasting menu; and on the other hand, more conventional articulations in the main dishes that are labor-intensive with an array of elements surrounding a solid main ingredient, always of exceptional nobility and perfectly prepared. The best example of this?



Adrian Quetglas
Adrian Quetglas
País: Russia
Localidad: 119034 Moscú
Dirección: Soymonovsky, built 1
Cierra: May 1st to May 6th and December 30th to January 5th
Precio: 300/400 €
Precio menú degustación: 118 €

  • Huevo congelado con crema de patatas y polvo helado de baicon
  • Huevo congelado con crema de patatas y polvo helado de baicon
  • Nueva versión del clásico Borsch
  • Nueva versión del clásico Borsch
  • Vieira con caldo ahumado de atún, risotto de flor de hibiscus y salicornia
  • Vieira con caldo ahumado de atún, risotto de flor de hibiscus y salicornia
  • Rape confitado en aceite de olivas con aceitunas al orégano y puré de patatas vi
  • Rape confitado en aceite de olivas con aceitunas al orégano y puré de patatas violetas
  • Pichón con zanahoria, kefir y cereales
  • Pichón con zanahoria, kefir y cereales
  • Tierra de Dukka con crema de limón en salmuera, caramelo ras el hanout y sorbete
  • Tierra de Dukka con crema de limón en salmuera, caramelo ras el hanout y sorbete de cerezas y rosas

A lavish restaurant that reflects the point to which luxury forms a part of the Russian spirit. The service, the cellar… everything is impressive. The guests dine in giant throne-like chairs to make them feel like Czars. Already conquered by the space, there is little doubt that the guest will not also be conquered by the cuisine. The man in charge is Adrian Quetglas, an Argentine forged by his professional career in Spain, something that one clearly sees in his style, plainly identifying with the current trends in use in Iberian haute cuisine.



Anatoly Komm
Anatoly Komm
País: Russia
Localidad: 125009 Moscu
Dirección: Strastnoy Bul´Var, 8 A
Cierra: Sundays, from January 01 to 15, and from May 01 to 10
Precio: 230/300 €
Precio menú degustación: 150 €

  • Pan Boronvinsky líquido con crujiente de aceite de girasol
  • Pan Boronvinsky líquido con crujiente de aceite de girasol
  • Ensalada de cangrejo real con gelatina de apio y alioli de girasol
  • Ensalada de cangrejo real con gelatina de apio y alioli de girasol
  • Queso adigeyskiy con sal negra y gelatina de tomate
  • Queso adigeyskiy con sal negra y gelatina de tomate
  • Nieve de interiores de pollo con salsify y remolacha
  • Nieve de interiores de pollo con salsify y remolacha
  • Spicula anadara: vieira rusa, gel de sus corales y aire de limón
  • Spicula anadara: vieira rusa, gel de sus corales y aire de limón
  • Pez de hielo con papel de berenjena, rábano picante y mousse de vegetales
  • Pez de hielo con papel de berenjena, rábano picante y mousse de vegetales

Anatoly Komm is a genius. A man overrun with gifts and an iron will. A visionary, an idealist ready to die for his cause: to become the international number one and to headline the Russian gastronomic revolution. And he is plainly conscious of the fact that both elements go inseparably together. For now, while managing several restaurants, he raised a banner of his own over the last two floors of a skyscraper in Moscow, the decoration of which, in 2008, cost 4 million euros, in what was to be known as an exaltation of culture and luxury in the country of “Czarist” proportions.