Sweet and soft turrón of Alba (1981)

Chef: Ugo Alciati
Country: Italy
City: 12060 Pollenzo (Cuneo)
Address: via Fossano, 19
(+39) 0172458422info@guidoristorante.it
Piero and Ugo Alciati continue to develop their study in the tradition that began in the seventies at the legendary restaurant of their parents, Guido and Lidia, in Costigliole d’Asti, called Da Guido. In their new, beautiful establishment in Pollenzo where they share kitchens with Savino Mongelli, Ugo prepares dishes of his mother, alternating them with his own creations like this intriguing, decadent sweet, soft turrón of Alba, decorated in an “optically artistic” style with extra-bitter Domori chocolate.