Everything that defines Isaac Salaberria’s work, especially as far as seafood is concerned, is confirmed again in this recipe, for the umpteenth time. As always, it is composed of a main ingredient cooked at a low temperature submerged in oil, achieving a gustative and tactile naturality aspect that has no precedent. The fish filets, whole and with bones, are seasoned with grey Guérande salt for five minutes. They are then cut and confited in olive oil at 60º C for seven minutes. They are kept in their juices and, at serving time, are filtered with heat until acquiring a temperature of 40 degrees. On top of obtaining a new flavor from the turbot, notably different from raw, roasted, or boiled… it acquires a new texture, consistent, meaty to the bite but leaving a clean cut from the knife and a translucent, iridescent color, unique, which let clearly see as the tips of the fork penetrate. It is the same procedure that brought fame to the Mediterranean horse mackerel, the red mullet, the anchovies, the sardines, but surpassing its predecessors, perhaps because the technique finally reaches its zenith with this fish.
The style is enjoyable, with its minimalist construction and the intervention of the cream of caramelized carrot and the dried octopus broth, served in a shot glass, as usual, that must be sipped in intervals with the principal ingredient, playing to situate it before and after this and the other component.