Tierra Guareña Chickpeas
Sociedad Coop. Los Zamoranos
Country: Spain
City: 49400 Fuentesaúco (Zamora)
Address: Camino Valparaíso, s/n
(+34) 980601136cooperativa@loszamoranos.com
Price: 3 € per kg
This is the old and prestigious Flor de Saúco brand that has had to change its name for legal reasons.
This cooperative produces about 130,000 kilos from its famed region, all of which are protected by the seal of origin.
These chickpeas are characterized by three qualities. Their skin, practically imperceptible, is the thinnest known for this legume. Their texture, buttery and at the same time substantial, causes them to soften without the least bit of resistance. And their flavor, singularly rich, makes them unique.
In raw form, they are medium to large sized, creamy in color with a curved, pronounced tip and rough skin.