Peperoncini Farciti Con Tonno Frantoio Di Sant’agata D’oneglia

Frantoio Di Sant´Agata D´Oneglia
Country: Italy
City: 18100 Imperia
Address: Via Sant Agata-Strada del Francesi, 48
(+39) 0183293472frantoio@frantoiosantagata.com
Price: 21,50 € for a 280 g jar
Small Piemontese peppers, thin – delicate but meaty – filled with a medley of tuna, anchovies, capers and eggplant, impregnated with olive oil, vinegar and other seasonings. The fish component dominates the palate, exalting the peppers in their splendor, delicate and chewable, offering an alluring, immaculate experience. The spiciness of the pepper is barely perceptible, existing without affecting the identity of the product.