Don Bocarte bonito belly in olive oil
Country: Spain
City: 39740 Santoña (Cantabria)
Address: Baldomero Villegas, s/n.
(+34) 942661920pedidos@donbocarte.com
Price: Retial price for a 350 g cans: Around 18 €
The arrival in 1997 of master charcutier Jose Mari Zorrilla to the artisan fish conserves couldn’t have been more fruitful for the gourmet world. As if the Don Bocarte anchovies in virgin olive weren’t enough (and they were), he has done it again with the bonito belly–extraordinary. One’s attention is immediately drawn to the color, a light tonality with slices that are easily separated. A sharp, supernaturally clean flavor, demonstrating its juicy meats, boasting a gelatinous character, bragging about its substance… The oil contributes to the overall oleaginous quality, playing a secondary role that dresses the fish without taking anything away from the identity of the main ingredient. Very limited production.