Potatoes, caviar, watercress and shallot cream (2004)

Nicolas Le Bec
Chef: Nicolas Le Bec
Country: France
City: 69002 Lyon
Address: 14, rue Grolée
(+39) 0478421500restaurant@nicolaslebec.com
After working in Montpellier with Jacques and Laurent Pourcel and in Paris with Alain Passard and Jean-Pierre Vigato, Nicolas Le Bec transferred to Lyon to become chef of La Cour des Loges before opening his own restaurant in the middle of the Presqu’île. Le Bec is one of the best interpreters of classic bourgeois cuisine, revisited today. This brilliant dish is a light version of potatoes, Asetra caviar and fresh watercress over a cream of shallot confit with acidic aromas.