Oceanic soup with shrimp, squid, scallops and crab (2002)

Chef: David Bouley
Country: USA
City: 10013 New York
Address: 120 W Broadway
(+1) 212 9642525info@bouleynyc.com
Born in Connecticut into a family of French ancestry, David Bouley has an enviable curriculum: Paul Bocuse, Frédy Girardet, Gaston Lenôtre, Joël Robuchon, Roger Vergé… All these great chefs have had an enormous effect on what is a clearly European inspired cuisine. The Bouley restaurant opened in TriBeCa in 1987, closed after ten years of business and reopened at a new locale in 2002. It is the cornerstone of the small empire Bouley has built, counting five restaurants in total as well as a few large stores.