Grilled Sole With Liquid Chili and Smoked Salmon Snout

Martin Berasategui
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 20160 Lasarte (Guipúzcoa)
Indirizzo: Loidi, 4
(+34) 943366471

Martín Berasategui’s cuisine has almost always brimmed with very elaborated elements. An utterly reflexive, complex and sophisticated practice. However, this dish represents an exception to the rule, as it is much more essential and pragmatic. The main ingredient is an immaculate sole filet, whose exquisiteness and skin gelatinousness are reinforced by some smoked Carpier salmon snout. It is accompanied by three sauces: a mushroom dressing; a foamy potato juice in green sauce; and a few technocrat spheres of Ibarra chili, which give the Basque hint, but in a very modern way.

La Ricetta

 Sole filet
Smoked Carpier salmon snout

Chili water sphere

Base (chili water)

500 g cleaned chili flesh (± 1.5 kg raw vegetable)
50 g cooking juice
50 g extra virgin olive oil

Blanch the chili:


Chili spheres

200 g chili water
1.5 g Xantana
2.4 g Gluco


Ingredients for the alginate base

1 l mineral water
7.5 g Algin

Ingredients for the mushroom sauce

350 g sliced mushrooms
70 g shallot brunoise
50 g butter
1.2 l cream

For the base:
Grind all the ingredients into the Thermomix until obtaining an homogenous dough.
Strain through a superbag (very important to remove the water, not the creams) and squeeze.
Remove as much water as possible pressing strongly with the hands.
Set aside.

For the blanched chili:
Blanch the chili for 30 seconds, strain and place on a frozen tray or on a tray with ice in order to cut the cooking.
Remove the seeds once cold.
Set the flesh aside and put the cleaned flesh into 500-gram bags.

Fort he spheres:
Mix well and remove the air with the vacuum packer. Put into bags and cover with aluminum foil so that the light does not oxidize the preparation.

Pour the liquid of the sphere into an Eines spoon (size 2.5), let a few seconds into the alginate base, remove the balls with a perforated spoon, refresh with water and let stand in a Tupper with virgin olive oil.

Alginate base

Mix, strain and set aside. Make spheres.


Mushroom sauce

Slightly fry the shallot, add the mushrooms, let their juice come out, add the cream and reduce until obtaining the texture of a coating.
Set aside.
Add butter cubes before serving.


Foamy potato juice in green sauce
500 g potatoes cooked into green sauce
200 g potato cooking water
250 g cream
150 g virgin olive oil
8 g chopped parsley
1 siphon ISI with 2 charges

Potatoes in green sauce

2 kg potatoes cut into 0.5 cm slices
250 g chopped spring onion
40 g sliced garlic
175 g virgin olive oil
2 l fish fumet 2000


For the juice:

Mix the previously cooked 500 g potatoes into the Thermomix together with the 200 g cooking water and the 250 g cream. Strain finely and Thermomix again. Whip with the 150 g virgin olive oil and the chopped parsley.
Salt and pour into the siphon with two charges.

For the potato:

Peel the 2 kg potatoes and cut into 0.5 cm slices. Put into cold water until use.
Chop the 250 g spring onion and slice the 40 g garlic into filets.

Pour the 175 g virgin olive oil into a saucepan and add the garlic filets. When these start “dancing”, add the spring onion and poach for 5 minutes. Add the 2 kg sliced potatoes and slightly fry for 10 minutes, add the 2 l fish fumet progressively. Let cook for 20 minutes at low heat.



Place the sole in the middle of a designer plate.
On one side, lay the salmon snout together with 2 chili spheres.
On the opposite side, draw 3 foamy dots of green sauce.
Finish with 2 quenelles of mushroom sauce at each side of the dish and some sprouts of seasonal vegetables.



Grilled Sole With Liquid Chili and Smoked Salmon Snout

Martin Berasategui
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 20160 Lasarte (Guipúzcoa)
Indirizzo: Loidi, 4
(+34) 943366471

Martín Berasategui’s cuisine has almost always brimmed with very elaborated elements. An utterly reflexive, complex and sophisticated practice. However, this dish represents an exception to the rule, as it is much more essential and pragmatic. The main ingredient is an immaculate sole filet, whose exquisiteness and skin gelatinousness are reinforced by some smoked Carpier salmon snout. It is accompanied by three sauces: a mushroom dressing; a foamy potato juice in green sauce; and a few technocrat spheres of Ibarra chili, which give the Basque hint, but in a very modern way.

La Ricetta

 Sole filet
Smoked Carpier salmon snout

Chili water sphere

Base (chili water)

500 g cleaned chili flesh (± 1.5 kg raw vegetable)
50 g cooking juice
50 g extra virgin olive oil

Blanch the chili:


Chili spheres

200 g chili water
1.5 g Xantana
2.4 g Gluco


Ingredients for the alginate base

1 l mineral water
7.5 g Algin

Ingredients for the mushroom sauce

350 g sliced mushrooms
70 g shallot brunoise
50 g butter
1.2 l cream

For the base:
Grind all the ingredients into the Thermomix until obtaining an homogenous dough.
Strain through a superbag (very important to remove the water, not the creams) and squeeze.
Remove as much water as possible pressing strongly with the hands.
Set aside.

For the blanched chili:
Blanch the chili for 30 seconds, strain and place on a frozen tray or on a tray with ice in order to cut the cooking.
Remove the seeds once cold.
Set the flesh aside and put the cleaned flesh into 500-gram bags.

Fort he spheres:
Mix well and remove the air with the vacuum packer. Put into bags and cover with aluminum foil so that the light does not oxidize the preparation.

Pour the liquid of the sphere into an Eines spoon (size 2.5), let a few seconds into the alginate base, remove the balls with a perforated spoon, refresh with water and let stand in a Tupper with virgin olive oil.

Alginate base

Mix, strain and set aside. Make spheres.


Mushroom sauce

Slightly fry the shallot, add the mushrooms, let their juice come out, add the cream and reduce until obtaining the texture of a coating.
Set aside.
Add butter cubes before serving.


Foamy potato juice in green sauce
500 g potatoes cooked into green sauce
200 g potato cooking water
250 g cream
150 g virgin olive oil
8 g chopped parsley
1 siphon ISI with 2 charges

Potatoes in green sauce

2 kg potatoes cut into 0.5 cm slices
250 g chopped spring onion
40 g sliced garlic
175 g virgin olive oil
2 l fish fumet 2000


For the juice:

Mix the previously cooked 500 g potatoes into the Thermomix together with the 200 g cooking water and the 250 g cream. Strain finely and Thermomix again. Whip with the 150 g virgin olive oil and the chopped parsley.
Salt and pour into the siphon with two charges.

For the potato:

Peel the 2 kg potatoes and cut into 0.5 cm slices. Put into cold water until use.
Chop the 250 g spring onion and slice the 40 g garlic into filets.

Pour the 175 g virgin olive oil into a saucepan and add the garlic filets. When these start “dancing”, add the spring onion and poach for 5 minutes. Add the 2 kg sliced potatoes and slightly fry for 10 minutes, add the 2 l fish fumet progressively. Let cook for 20 minutes at low heat.



Place the sole in the middle of a designer plate.
On one side, lay the salmon snout together with 2 chili spheres.
On the opposite side, draw 3 foamy dots of green sauce.
Finish with 2 quenelles of mushroom sauce at each side of the dish and some sprouts of seasonal vegetables.




Pierre Moncuit 04 Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru

Pierre Moncuit

Tipo: Espumoso
Nazionalita: Francia
Zona: Champagne
Localita: 51190 Le Mesnil-sur-Oger
Indirizzo: 11, rue Persault-Maheu
(+33) 0326575265
Anno di fondazione: 1977
Produzione (bottiglie):
Ettari di vigneto:
Marchi: Pierre Moncuit Hugues de Coulmet, Pierre Moncuit-Delos, Pierre Moncuit Millésime Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru, Nicole Moncuit Vieille Vigne y Pierre Moncuit Brut Rosé.
Prezzo: 36 €

Etiqueta que se sitúa entre el razonable Pierre Moncuit Hughes de Coulmet y el descomunal Nicole Moncuit, este Millésime es otra maravilla más de este destacable productor de esta privilegiada zona. En nariz da todo cuanto se espera de un vino de Mesnil. De intensidad media, se muestra elegante y profundo, deparando sensaciones florales, también a frutas blancas frescas, a piel de cítricos, con encantadores recuerdos minerales y unos ligeros tonos herbáceos y anisados. En boca refrenda algunas de las características, destacando una acidez marcada y poderosa, un paso cremoso y duradero y un final lleno de sensaciones frutales y minerales con una buena persistencia. Dorado pálido, burbuja media y abundante. En definitiva, un chardonnay de gran linaje.


Inflorescence Blanc de Noir

Inflorescence Blanc de Noir
Cedrid Bouchard

Tipo: Espumoso
Localita: 10110 Celles-sur-Ource
Indirizzo: 13 Brue du Vivier
(+33) 0325296978
Anno di fondazione: 2000
Produzione (bottiglie): 5.000 botellas.
Ettari di vigneto: 2,84 hectáreas, el más pequeño de los productores de Champaña
Marchi: Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "La Parcelle", Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "Val Vilaine", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Blancs "La Haut Lamblée", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Noirs "Les Ursules", Roses de Jeanne La Bolorée Blanc de Blancs y Roses de Jeanne Rosé de Saignée "Creux d'Enfer"
Prezzo: 33,80 € €

 L’étiquette Inflorescence a recours à des raisins exclusivement cultivés par le prestigieux viticulteur Cédric Bouchard dans le vignoble de son père, qui s’étend sur 1,47 hectare, à Celles-sur-Ource, et allie la pratique agricole à l’oenologie, avec une production de 45 hectolitres par hectare.
Il s’agit d’un “blanc de noirs” savoureux, un pinot noir corpulent, vineux et minéral. Un champagne dont la personnalité déchaînera très certainement les passions. Effervescence fine et discrète, plus délicate que la normale. Bouquet agréable et complexe, très vineux, aux sensations minérales, calcaires et terreuses, doté de touches citriques et de notes d’algues. En bouche, ce vin s’avère à la fois élégant et harmonieux, fruité et acide, concentré et exubérant. 



Inflorescence Blanc de Noir

Inflorescence Blanc de Noir
Cedrid Bouchard

Tipo: Espumoso
Localita: 10110 Celles-sur-Ource
Indirizzo: 13 Brue du Vivier
(+33) 0325296978
Anno di fondazione: 2000
Produzione (bottiglie): 5.000 botellas.
Ettari di vigneto: 2,84 hectáreas, el más pequeño de los productores de Champaña
Marchi: Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "La Parcelle", Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "Val Vilaine", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Blancs "La Haut Lamblée", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Noirs "Les Ursules", Roses de Jeanne La Bolorée Blanc de Blancs y Roses de Jeanne Rosé de Saignée "Creux d'Enfer"
Prezzo: 33,80 € €

 The label Inflorescence uses a variety of grape that is exclusively grown by the very prestigious vine-grower Cédric Bouchard in his father’s vineyard: 1,47 ha located in Celles-sur-Ource, 100% agricultural practice and oenology, with a production of 45 hectoliters/ha.
This is a tasty “blanc de noirs”, a hefty, winy and mineral pinot noir. A champagne whose personality will undoubtedly rekindle passions. Its effervescence, fine and discreet, is lighter tan usual. Its enjoyable and complex bouquet, neatly winy, is synonymous with mineral, calcareous and earthy sensations, with citric hints and seaweeds. In the mouth, it turns to be elegant and harmonic, fruity and acid, concentrated and exuberant. 



Inflorescence Blanc de Noir

Inflorescence Blanc de Noir
Cedrid Bouchard

Tipo: Espumoso
Localita: 10110 Celles-sur-Ource
Indirizzo: 13 Brue du Vivier
(+33) 0325296978
Anno di fondazione: 2000
Produzione (bottiglie): 5.000 botellas.
Ettari di vigneto: 2,84 hectáreas, el más pequeño de los productores de Champaña
Marchi: Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "La Parcelle", Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "Val Vilaine", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Blancs "La Haut Lamblée", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Noirs "Les Ursules", Roses de Jeanne La Bolorée Blanc de Blancs y Roses de Jeanne Rosé de Saignée "Creux d'Enfer"
Prezzo: 33,80 € €

 The label Inflorescence uses a variety of grape that is exclusively grown by the very prestigious vine-grower Cédric Bouchard in his father’s vineyard: 1,47 ha located in Celles-sur-Ource, 100% agricultural practice and oenology, with a production of 45 hectoliters/ha.
This is a tasty “blanc de noirs”, a hefty, winy and mineral pinot noir. A champagne whose personality will undoubtedly rekindle passions. Its effervescence, fine and discreet, is lighter tan usual. Its enjoyable and complex bouquet, neatly winy, is synonymous with mineral, calcareous and earthy sensations, with citric hints and seaweeds. In the mouth, it turns to be elegant and harmonic, fruity and acid, concentrated and exuberant. 



Inflorescence Blanc de Noir

Inflorescence Blanc de Noir
Cedrid Bouchard

Tipo: Espumoso
Localita: 10110 Celles-sur-Ource
Indirizzo: 13 Brue du Vivier
(+33) 0325296978
Anno di fondazione: 2000
Produzione (bottiglie): 5.000 botellas.
Ettari di vigneto: 2,84 hectáreas, el más pequeño de los productores de Champaña
Marchi: Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "La Parcelle", Inflorescence Blanc de Noirs "Val Vilaine", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Blancs "La Haut Lamblée", Roses de Jeanne Blanc de Noirs "Les Ursules", Roses de Jeanne La Bolorée Blanc de Blancs y Roses de Jeanne Rosé de Saignée "Creux d'Enfer"
Prezzo: 33,80 € €

La etiqueta Inflorescencia utiliza uvas cultivadas exclusivamente por el prestigiosísimo viticultor Cedric Bouchard en el viñedo de su padre, de una extensión de 1,47 has., sito en Celles-sur-Ource, controlando 100% práctica agrícola y enología, con unos rendimientos de 45 hectolitros por hectárea.
Estamos ante un sabroso “blanc de noirs”, un pinot noir corpulento, vinoso y mineral. Un Champagne que, dada su personalidad, seguro despertara pasiones. Así la efervescencia es fina y discreta; menor de lo normal. Posee una nariz bella y compleja de marcado carácter vínico, deparando sensaciones minerales, calcáreas, terrosas, con toques cítricos y a algas. En boca resulta elegante y armónico, frutoso y ácido, concentrado y exuberante.




Mejillones a la Gallega Los Peperetes

Mejillones a la Gallega Los Peperetes
Jelopa, S. L.

Nazionalita: España
Localita: 36610 Carril-Villagarcía de Arosa (Pontevedra)
Indirizzo: Valentín Viqueira, 28
(+34) 986506679
Prezzo: Sobre 7 € la lata de 150 g. con 10 piezas

Hay que decir que la guarnición y la salsa superan al marisco. Integrada la fórmula por aceite, pimientos rojos y verdes, tomate, cebolla, ajo, sal y pimienta de Cayena, queda realmente delicada y muy armónica, produciendo múltiples sensaciones, entre las que resalta el contraste dulce picantillo, sobre la constante gratamente untuosa del aceite de oliva.
Los mejillones, por su parte, tienen una pulcra presencia, siendo hermosos de tamaño, que no gigantes. Responden al sabor típico del marisco, si bien atemperado, como sucede siempre en la conserva, con una consistencia que tiende a la naturalidad. Esta misma casa los prepara también en escabeche, a su vez logrados, lo que no puede extrañar a nadie, ya que Jesús Lorenzo es un número uno en la industria conservera gallega del mar. Un artesano obsesionado con la calidad.



Berberechos de Carril Los Peperetes

Berberechos de Carril Los Peperetes
Jelopa, S. L.

Nazionalita: España
Localita: 36610 Carril-Villagarcía de Arosa (Pontevedra)
Indirizzo: Valentín Viqueira, 28
(+34) 986506679
Prezzo: Sobre 22 € la lata de 150 g. 30/40 piezas

Lo primero que llama la atención en estos berberechos es su esmerada y minuciosa presentación, que recuerda a un desfile militar en el que la tropa marina se alínea en filas de a uno, de pie y con la cabeza bien alta. Convencidos los ojos, el paladar ratifica la nobleza del producto, que muestra un sabor inmaculado a berberecho. Textura tersa pero blanda. Un mínimo de arenilla, prácticamente inapreciable, se detecta excepcionalmente en alguna pieza de alguna lata. El caldo es un trago largo de mar, que pide barra libre, embriagando de bravía exquisitez. En fin, los mejores berberechos de España por la calidad del marisco, limpieza y puesta en escena y por la naturalidad que manifiestan en todo momento. Se comercializan en tres calibres: 30/40, 40/60 y 70 piezas, siempre en latas de 140 gramos. Cotizan pujantemente en función del mayor volumen. La producción anual alcanza las 5.000 unidades.



Almeja Blanca Los Peperetes

Almeja Blanca Los Peperetes
Jelopa, S. L.

Nazionalita: España
Localita: 36610 Carril-Villagarcía de Arosa (Pontevedra)
Indirizzo: Valentín Viqueira, 28
(+34) 986506679
Prezzo: Sobre 32 € la lata de 150 g. con 16/18 piezas

Las almejas más puras y duras de la industria conservera española. De un sabor inmaculado, que las aproxima increíblemente a las naturales. Textura consistente, muy propia del marisco. El caldo es un10, concentrando las mejores esencias del molusco, hasta haberlo convertido en un consomé marino excelso, de campeonato mundial. Y, para que nada falte, de una presencia exuberante, mostrándose enteras y escrupulosas.
Se comercializan únicamente en latas de 140 gramos en dos calibres -16/18 y 20/24 piezas-, siendo de la misma calidad aunque preferibles las primeras por su mayor tamaño. En pocas palabras, Jesús Lorenzo es un artesano que no tiene rival en su género: almejas, berberechos, navajas, mejillones a la gallega o en escabeche, sardinillas y tantas gollerías más.
