
Pierre Moncuit 04 Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru

Pierre Moncuit

Tipo: Espumoso
Nazionalita: France
Zona: Champagne 2004
Localita: 51190 Le Mesnil-sur-Oger
Indirizzo: 11, rue Persault-Maheu
(+33) 0326575265
Anno di fondazione: 1977
Produzione (bottiglie):
Ettari di vigneto:
Marchi: Pierre Moncuit Hugues de Coulmet, Pierre Moncuit-Delos, Pierre Moncuit Millésime Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru, Nicole Moncuit Vieille Vigne and Pierre Moncuit Brut Rosé
Prezzo: 36 €

This wine can be classified between the reasonable Pierre Moncuit Hughes de Coulmet label and the colossal Nicole Moncuit delight. This millésime is another wonder of this outstanding producer of this privileged area. The bouquet gives all you can expect from a Mesnil wine: medium intensity, elegance, depth, with floral sensations, hints of fresh white fruit and citrus peel, charming mineral touches and light notes of herbs and anise. Some of these characteristics are confirmed in the mouth, with a neat and powerful acidity, a creamy and lasting flow and a final taste full of fruity and mineral persistent sensations. Pale golden appearance, medium and abundant bubbles. In short, a Chardonnay of noble descent.


Pierre Moncuit 04 Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru

Pierre Moncuit

Tipo: Espumoso
Nazionalita: France
Zona: Champagne 2004
Localita: 51190 Le Mesnil-sur-Oger
Indirizzo: 11, rue Persault-Maheu
(+33) 0326575265
Anno di fondazione: 1977
Produzione (bottiglie):
Ettari di vigneto:
Marchi: Pierre Moncuit Hugues de Coulmet, Pierre Moncuit-Delos, Pierre Moncuit Millésime Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru, Nicole Moncuit Vieille Vigne and Pierre Moncuit Brut Rosé.
Prezzo: 36 €

This wine can be classified between the reasonable Pierre Moncuit Hughes de Coulmet label and the colossal Nicole Moncuit delight. This millésime is another wonder of this outstanding producer of this privileged area. The bouquet gives all you can expect from a Mesnil wine: medium intensity, elegance, depth, with floral sensations, hints of fresh white fruit and citrus peel, charming mineral touches and light notes of herbs and anise. Some of these characteristics are confirmed in the mouth, with a neat and powerful acidity, a creamy and lasting flow and a final taste full of fruity and mineral persistent sensations. Pale golden appearance, medium and abundant bubbles. In short, a Chardonnay of noble descent.


Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: Strada di Certosa, 82
Indirizzo: 53100 Siena
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo ha un talento infinito che materializza in costruzioni minimaliste dai vivi contrasti, esposti in stupefacente armonia. Sapori puri, immacolati, spesso provocantemente in contrasto, che esprimono un’incredibile sensibilità, non solo di sapori ma anche cromatica, con disposizioni squisite quanto belle, oltreché personali. Composizioni destinate ai gourmet esperti che vanno pazzi per gli esperimenti. Hanno davvero tutto: tutto quanto può offrire un essere privilegiato che da tutte le parti sprizza buon gusto, formazione, capacità di lavoro, umiltà, audacia, fantasia... arte. Diciamolo ancora una volta, a scanso di equivoci: Paolo Lopriore è un GENIO, un GENIO che cerca sempre, assolutamente sempre, di farci scoprire sensazioni inedite.
A testimonianza di quanto detto, c’è il risotto, senza burro né formaggio, cotto in acqua e legato con farina di riso, impeccabile per punto di cottura, uniforme e al dente, con capperi, pinoli tostati e olio d’oliva; mai il riso ha avuto tanto sapore di riso e mai il risotto era stato meno grasso. Riso immacolato con magia.

La Ricetta





320 gr. di riso carnaroli
210 gr. di burro di cacao
70 gr. di olive taggiasche
70 gr. di pinoli
36 capperi medi sotto sale
vino bianco
30 gr. di farina di riso
In una pentola capiente far sciogliere il burro di cacao a bagno maria.tostare i pinoli in forno a 180° per circa 30 min. , frullarli con 140 gr. di burro di cacao , passare il tutto al colino fine , stendere finemente il composto su un foglio di carta da forno e riporlo in frigorifero.
Il restante burro unirlo alle olive precedentemente denocciolate , chiudere il tutto in un sacchetto sottovuoto e cuocere 30 min. ad alta temperatura,circa 100 °.
Passare il tutto al setaccio , stendere finemente il composto su un foglio di carta da forno e riporlo in frigorifero.
Far tostare il riso in una casseruola di rame con una noce di burro,sfumare con il vino bianco ,salare leggermente e continuare la cottura per circa 16 min. con acqua bollente aggiungendola poco alla volta.
A parte diluire la farina di riso con dell’acqua ficnhe’ la consistenza che si andra’ ad ottenere non assomigli ad una pastella per friggere.
aggiungerla al riso
Distribuire il riso su 4 piatti individuali , guarnire con i capperi e adagiarvi sopra una scaglia di burro ai pinoli ed una scaglia di burro alle olive.

Rice, Capers, Pine Kernels and Olives.

Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: Strada di Certosa, 82
Indirizzo: 53100 Siena
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo has infinite talent that materializes itself in minimalist constructions with lively contrasts provocatively expressed in astonishing balance. Pure, immaculate and on many occasions contrapuntal flavors, expressed with incredible sensitivity, with regard to both flavor and color, with dishes that are as exquisite as they are beautiful, and very personal. Compositions that are destined for an experienced gourmet clientele who are crazy about experimenting with new things. And it has everything – everything that can be offered by a privileged human being whose job it is to distil good taste, training, work capacity, modesty, daring, fantasy… and art. It must be repeated, in case there was any doubt: Paolo Lopriore is a GENIUS, a GENIUS who always, absolutely always, intends to give us new and unprecedented sensations.
To prove the previous statement, like the suckling pig – from Paolo Parisi, obviously! –, with its rose and tender meat and its gelatinous skin, deliciously served with black cabbage juice and leaves as unique accompaniment. Glorious simplicity.

La Ricetta


320 g Carnaroli rice
210 g cocoa butter
70 g Taggiasche olives
70 g pine kernels
36 medium capers covered with salt
White wine
30 g rice flour
In a big saucepan, melt the cocoa butter (bain marie). Toast the pine kernels in the oven at 180° C for around 30 minutes and whip them together with 140 g cocoa butter. Strain finely, spread a thin layer on a greaseproof paper and keep in the fridge.
Gather the rest of cocoa butter with the previously pitted olives, seal the whole mixture into a vacuum bag and cook for 30 minutes at high temperature (+/- 100° C).
Sieve, spread the dough on a greaseproof paper and keep in the fridge.
Brown the rice in a copper saucepan with a knob of butter, add the white wine, slightly salt and keep on cooking for 16 minutes adding boiling water, progressively.
Apart, dissolve the rice flour with the water until obtaining a texture that is different from the frying dough.
Add to the rice.
Divide the rice into 4 individual plates, season with capers and cover with a butter curl of pine kernels and butter curl of olives.


Rice, Capers, Pine Kernels and Olives.

Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: Strada di Certosa, 82
Indirizzo: 53100 Siena
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo has infinite talent that materializes itself in minimalist constructions with lively contrasts provocatively expressed in astonishing balance. Pure, immaculate and on many occasions contrapuntal flavors, expressed with incredible sensitivity, with regard to both flavor and color, with dishes that are as exquisite as they are beautiful, and very personal. Compositions that are destined for an experienced gourmet clientele who are crazy about experimenting with new things. And it has everything – everything that can be offered by a privileged human being whose job it is to distil good taste, training, work capacity, modesty, daring, fantasy… and art. It must be repeated, in case there was any doubt: Paolo Lopriore is a GENIUS, a GENIUS who always, absolutely always, intends to give us new and unprecedented sensations.
To prove the previous statement, like the suckling pig – from Paolo Parisi, obviously! –, with its rose and tender meat and its gelatinous skin, deliciously served with black cabbage juice and leaves as unique accompaniment. Glorious simplicity.

La Ricetta


320 g Carnaroli rice
210 g cocoa butter
70 g Taggiasche olives
70 g pine kernels
36 medium capers covered with salt
White wine
30 g rice flour
In a big saucepan, melt the cocoa butter (bain marie). Toast the pine kernels in the oven at 180° C for around 30 minutes and whip them together with 140 g cocoa butter. Strain finely, spread a thin layer on a greaseproof paper and keep in the fridge.
Gather the rest of cocoa butter with the previously pitted olives, seal the whole mixture into a vacuum bag and cook for 30 minutes at high temperature (+/- 100° C).
Sieve, spread the dough on a greaseproof paper and keep in the fridge.
Brown the rice in a copper saucepan with a knob of butter, add the white wine, slightly salt and keep on cooking for 16 minutes adding boiling water, progressively.
Apart, dissolve the rice flour with the water until obtaining a texture that is different from the frying dough.
Add to the rice.
Divide the rice into 4 individual plates, season with capers and cover with a butter curl of pine kernels and butter curl of olives.


Arroz, Alcaparras, Piñones y Aceitunas

Arroz, Alcaparras, Piñones y Aceitunas
Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: Strada di Certosa, 82
Indirizzo: 53100 Siena
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo tiene un talento infinito que materializa en construcciones minimalistas con vivos contrastes expuestos en asombrosa armonía. Sabores puros, inmaculados, provocadoramente confrontados en muchas ocasiones, que expresan una increíble sensibilidad, no sólo sápida sino también cromática, con disposiciones tan exquisitas como bellas, además de personales. Composiciones destinadas a gourmet experimentados a los que les vuelva loco experimentar. Y es que lo tienen todo, todo lo que puede ofrecer un ser privilegiado que destila buen gusto, formación, capacidad de trabajo, humildad, audacia, fantasía...arte. Hay que decirlo una vez más por si alguna duda pudiera quedar: Paolo Lopriore es un GENIO, UN GENIO que busca siempre, absolutamente siempre, descubrirnos sensaciones inéditas.
Como testimonio de lo aseverado, ahí esta el risotto, sin mantequilla y queso, cocido en agua y ligado con harina de arroz, impecable de punto, uniforme y al dente el grano, con alcaparras, piñones tostados y aceite de oliva; nunca el riso supo tanto a riso y nunca el risotto fue menos graso. Arroz inmaculado con magia

La Ricetta


320 g de arroz Carnaroli
210 g manteca de cacao
70 g de aceitunas Taggiasche
70 g de piñones
36 alcaparras medianas cubiertas de sal
Vino blanco
30 g de harina de arroz
En un cazo grande, fundir la manteca de cacao al baño maría. Tostar los piñones en el horno a 180° C durante unos 30 minutos y batirlos con 140 g de manteca de cacao. Pasar por un colador fino, extender finamente en una hoja de papel para horno y reservar en la nevera.
Reunir la manteca restante con las aceitunas previamente deshuesadas, sellar el conjunto en una bolsa de vacío y cocer durante 30 minutos a alta temperatura (+/- 100° C).
Tamizar, extender la masa en una hoja de papel para horno y reservar en la nevera.
Dorar el arroz en un cazo de cobre con una nuez de mantequilla, añadir el vino blanco, salar ligeramente y continuar la cocción durante unos 16 minutos añadiendo agua hirviendo progresivamente.
Aparte, diluir la harina de arroz con el agua hasta conseguir una consistencia distinta a la de la pasta para freír.
Incorporar al arroz.
Distribuir el arroz en 4 platos individuales, condimentar con las alcaparras y cubrir con una viruta de mantequilla con piñones y una viruta de mantequilla con aceitunas.

Grasso & Magro di Maiale al Cavolo Nero

Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: 53100 Siena
Indirizzo: Strada di Certosa, 82
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo ha un talento infinito che materializza in costruzioni minimaliste dai vivi contrasti, esposti in stupefacente armonia. Sapori puri, immacolati, spesso provocantemente in contrasto, che esprimono un’incredibile sensibilità, non solo di sapori ma anche cromatica, con disposizioni squisite quanto belle, oltreché personali. Composizioni destinate ai gourmet esperti che vanno pazzi per gli esperimenti. Hanno davvero tutto: tutto quanto può offrire un essere privilegiato che da tutte le parti sprizza buon gusto, formazione, capacità di lavoro, umiltà, audacia, fantasia... arte. Diciamolo ancora una volta, a scanso di equivoci: Paolo Lopriore è un GENIO, un GENIO che cerca sempre, assolutamente sempre, di farci scoprire sensazioni inedite.
A testimonianza di quanto detto, c’è il porcellino, naturalmente di Paolo Parisi, dalla carne rosea e tenera e pelle gelatinosa, delizioso, solo accompagnato da cavolo nero in centrifugato e foglie. Gloriosa semplicità.

La Ricetta


1 pancetta di maiale di cinta senese da 400 gr.
210 gr. di succo di cavolo nero passato alla centrifuga greenstar
1 noce di burro
100 gr. di foglie di cavolo nero essiccate e ridotte in polvere
Rosolare la pancetta di maiale dolcemente da ambo i lati.
Chiuderla in un sacchetto sottovuoto e cuocerla per 6 ore a 70° , raffreddarla e riporla in frigorifero per due giorni.
In una pentola capiente portare l’acqua a 30 °, immergervi la pancetta e farla rinvenire per circa 30 minuti.
A parte in una padella sfrigolare il burro , quando sara’ nocciola spegnere con il cavolo nero , passare al colino e ritirare in caldo.
Tagliare la pancetta in 4 pezzi , disporla al centro del piatto , cospargerlo con la polvere di cavolo nero e contornare con un cordone di salsa ottenuta precedentemente.

Loin and Fatty Pork With Black Cabbage

Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italia
Localita: 53100 Siena
Indirizzo: Strada di Certosa, 82
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo has infinite talent that materializes itself in minimalist constructions with lively contrasts provocatively expressed in astonishing balance. Pure, immaculate and on many occasions contrapuntal flavors, expressed with incredible sensitivity, with regard to both flavor and color, with dishes that are as exquisite as they are beautiful, and very personal. Compositions that are destined for an experienced gourmet clientele who are crazy about experimenting with new things. And it has everything – everything that can be offered by a privileged human being whose job it is to distil good taste, training, work capacity, modesty, daring, fantasy… and art. It must be repeated, in case there was any doubt: Paolo Lopriore is a GENIUS, a GENIUS who always, absolutely always, intends to give us new and unprecedented sensations.
To prove the previous statement, like the suckling pig – from Paolo Parisi, obviously! –, with its rose and tender meat and its gelatinous skin, deliciously served with black cabbage juice and leaves as unique accompaniment. Glorious simplicity.

La Ricetta


1 Cinta Senese pork belly (400 g)
210 g blended black cabbage (Greenstar blender)
1 knob of butter
Salt and pepper
100 g dehydrated and pulverized black cabbage leaves
Slightly brown the pork belly on both sides.
Introduce into a vacuum bag, seal and cook for 6 hours at 70° C. Cool and keep in the fridge for 2 days.
In a big saucepan, heat the water until 30º C, immerse the pork belly and let cook for around 30 minutes.
Apart, heat the butter in a frying pan. Once brown, pour the black cabbage, strain and set aside in a hot place.
Cut the belly in 4 pieces, arrange in the centre of the plate, sprinkle with the black cabbage powder and finish with a stroke of the previously obtained sauce.

Loin and Fatty Pork With Black Cabbage

Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italia
Localita: 53100 Siena
Indirizzo: Strada di Certosa, 82
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo has infinite talent that materializes itself in minimalist constructions with lively contrasts provocatively expressed in astonishing balance. Pure, immaculate and on many occasions contrapuntal flavors, expressed with incredible sensitivity, with regard to both flavor and color, with dishes that are as exquisite as they are beautiful, and very personal. Compositions that are destined for an experienced gourmet clientele who are crazy about experimenting with new things. And it has everything – everything that can be offered by a privileged human being whose job it is to distil good taste, training, work capacity, modesty, daring, fantasy… and art. It must be repeated, in case there was any doubt: Paolo Lopriore is a GENIUS, a GENIUS who always, absolutely always, intends to give us new and unprecedented sensations.
To prove the previous statement, like the suckling pig – from Paolo Parisi, obviously! –, with its rose and tender meat and its gelatinous skin, deliciously served with black cabbage juice and leaves as unique accompaniment. Glorious simplicity.

La Ricetta


1 Cinta Senese pork belly (400 g)
210 g blended black cabbage (Greenstar blender)
1 knob of butter
Salt and pepper
100 g dehydrated and pulverized black cabbage leaves
Slightly brown the pork belly on both sides.
Introduce into a vacuum bag, seal and cook for 6 hours at 70° C. Cool and keep in the fridge for 2 days.
In a big saucepan, heat the water until 30º C, immerse the pork belly and let cook for around 30 minutes.
Apart, heat the butter in a frying pan. Once brown, pour the black cabbage, strain and set aside in a hot place.
Cut the belly in 4 pieces, arrange in the centre of the plate, sprinkle with the black cabbage powder and finish with a stroke of the previously obtained sauce.

Gordo y Magro de Tocino con Col Negra

Gordo y Magro de Tocino con Col Negra
Cuoco: Paolo Lopriore
Nazionalita: Italia
Localita: 53100 Siena
Indirizzo: Strada di Certosa, 82
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo tiene un talento infinito que materializa en construcciones minimalistas con vivos contrastes expuestos en asombrosa armonía. Sabores puros, inmaculados, provocadoramente confrontados en muchas ocasiones, que expresan una increíble sensibilidad, no sólo sápida sino también cromática, con disposiciones tan exquisitas como bellas, además de personales. Composiciones destinadas a gourmet experimentados a los que les vuelva loco experimentar. Y es que lo tienen todo, todo lo que puede ofrecer un ser privilegiado que destila buen gusto, formación, capacidad de trabajo, humildad, audacia, fantasía...arte. Hay que decirlo una vez más por si alguna duda pudiera quedar: Paolo Lopriore es un GENIO, UN GENIO que busca siempre, absolutamente siempre, descubrirnos sensaciones inéditas.
Como testimonio de lo aseverado, ahí está el cochinillo, por supuesto que de Paolo Parisi, de carnes rosáceas y tiernas y piel gelatinosa, manjaroso, tan solo con la compañía de col negra, en licuado y hojas. Gloriosa sencillez.

La Ricetta


1 panceta de tocino de Cinta Senese de 400 g
210 g de col negra pasada por la licuadora Greenstar
1 nuez de mantequilla
C.s. de sal y pimienta
100 g de hojas de col negra deshidratada y pulverizada
Dorar la panceta de tocino ligeramente por ambos lados.
Introducirla en una bolsa de vacío, sellarla y cocerla durante 6 horas a 70° C. Enfriar y reservar dos días en la nevera.
En un cazo grande, llevar el agua a 30º C, sumergir la panceta y dejarla cocer unos 30 minutos.
Aparte, en una sartén, calentar la mantequilla. Cuando esté dorada, verter la col negra, colar y reservar en caliente.
Cortar la panceta en 4 trozos, disponerla en el centro del plato, espolvorear con el polvo de col negra y redondear con un cordón de la salsa obtenida anteriormente.