El Refugio

Alfredo Castrelo y Fermín Fuentes
Alfredo Castelo
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 15173 Oleiros (A Coruña)
Adresse: Plaza de Galicia, 11
(+34) 981610803
Jours de fermeture: Dimanche soir et trois semaines en septembre
Prix à la carte: 80/150 €

  • Anchoas con espuma de queso y vinagreta de pimientos
  • Anchoas con espuma de queso y vinagreta de pimientos
  • Merluza sobre emulsión de pimientos del padrón y berberechos
  • Merluza sobre emulsión de pimientos del padrón y berberechos

Un restaurant fidèle à lui-même : un sanctuaire de la cuisine basée sur le produit. Un produit ... irréprochable ! Imbattable, ou presque. Telle est sa griffe, sa marque de gloire. On va y déguster les meilleurs fruits de mer, chacun d’entre eux lors de la saison respective, ainsi que les meilleurs poissons des eaux galiciennes, préparés dans le cadre d’élaborations simples et respectueuses de l’espèce utilisée.


La Sirena

Mari Carmen Velez
Mari Carmen Vélez
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 03610 Petrer (Alicante)
Adresse: Avda. de Madrid, 14
(+34) 965371718
Jours de fermeture: Dimanche soir, lundi, Pâques, trois dernières semaines d’août
Prix à la carte: 70/130 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 65 €

  • Canaillas y bacalao con geleé de naranja sanguina, flores, hojas y granizado de
  • Canaillas y bacalao con geleé de naranja sanguina, flores, hojas y granizado de té
  • Lomitos de bacalao con jugo de ceps
  • Lomitos de bacalao con jugo de ceps

Le point fort – et pas des moindres – de ce restaurant qui marche du tonnerre, toujours bondé de la crème de la société d’Alicante et de gourmets venus savourer l’endroit, a toujours été les fruits de mer et les riz. Gambas, langoustines, langoustes, pouces-pieds, murex, palourdes, huîtres, étrilles, araignées de mer… tous sont excellents. N’hésitez pas à admirer la somptueuse exposition située à l’entrée du restaurant ! Inutile de dire que La Sirena est l’une des meilleures maisons de fruits de mer espagnoles.



Enrique Martinez
Enrique Martinez
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 31592 Cintruénigo (Navarra)
Adresse: Ribera, 19
(+34) 948811150
Jours de fermeture: Dimanche soir, lundi et du 22 décembre au 22 janvier
Prix à la carte: 60/90 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 40 y 75 €

  • Mero con almendras y avellanas
  • Mero con almendras y avellanas
  • Mollejas a la brasa con verduras
  • Mollejas a la brasa con verduras

Les recettes élaborées avec les légumes et légumineuses cultivés par la famille Martínez dans les champs de leur propriété ou loués à d’autres agriculteurs donnent la chair de poule au palais. Les pochas párrocas (haricots blancs), par exemple, sont les meilleurs d’Espagne : leur saveur, leur onctuosité et l’imperceptibilité de leur peau se manifestent au sein du millefeuille d’anguille –jadis dégustée lors des fêtes de Tudela– préparé avec de la pomme et de la pomme de terre, et rehaussé d’une sauce chimichurri qui apporte des sensations acides et piquantes.


Casa Solla

Pepe Solla
Pepe Solla
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 36005 San Salvador de Poio (Pontevedra)
Adresse: Avda. Sineiro, 7
(+34) 986872884
Jours de fermeture: Monday, Sunday and Thurday nights, 15 days at Christmas
Prix à la carte: 60/125 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 61 y 85 €

  • Vieira marinada con sésamo, fiideos de arroz y consomé de verduras
  • Vieira marinada con sésamo, fiideos de arroz y consomé de verduras
  • Croqueta de gamba
  • Croqueta de gamba
  • Sopa de pescado infusionada en hierba limón con tartar de bogavante
  • Sopa de pescado infusionada en hierba limón con tartar de bogavante
  • Jurel en caldeirada cítrica
  • Jurel en caldeirada cítrica
  • Lubina en fondo marino
  • Lubina en fondo marino
  • Cacheira de carnaval
  • Cacheira de carnaval
  • Lamprea a la bordelesa
  • Lamprea a la bordelesa

As we have been saying recently, “Pepe Solla is bettering himself day by day”. The meals he serves are more and more splendid, and this opinion is shared by the great majority of gourmets who come along. This increasing quality confirms the professional and personal maturity of the chef, whose confidence appears through the dishes. Intelligent en sensitive proposals that attempt to make the guest happy, quite simply. Compositions that are seasoned with the right sensory and intellectual incentives in order to be distinctively original and, above all, especially exquisite. The results are frankly fantastic. The satisfaction and, let’s repeat it, the reflexive imagination of the dishes create a real admiration. None of the proposals from the menu could be considered as eccentricities, even by the most traditionalist guest. Sensibility and solidity. And a lot of personality. This is what you can find in this clearly distinct evolutionary style. Every recipe hides a good deal of substance and splendour.
The generosity of efforts is palpable the whole way through, from appetizers to chocolates. The stream of little bites was delicious: olive oil “butter”, cappuccino, gin tonic, bread with anchovies pâté, octopus with potato and paprika cream … invite gluttony. In this atmosphere appears an immaculate delight brimming with subtle nuances: an outstanding scallop, macerated for 12 hours in oil together with citrus peels and ginger, that seemed to be half raw, lain on lettuce juice with minced macadamia nut and sprouts; tremendous. Purity and complexity could not be combined any better. This balance between naturality and diversity is also present in the baby squid tagliatelle served with seaweed, sesame oil and some spicy touch. The prawn croquette is all inspiration: a tail marinated in curry oil is hidden in an ethereal and delicate béchamel foam that is garnished with golden bread powder. 10/10 products, 10/10 doneness and 10/10 accompaniments: this is the way to describe the grouper, proposed on a black olives sauce with millet couscous and young garlic. The lamprey with red wine is another demonstration of the chef’s potential and nobility: exquisite fish, utterly fat and gelatinous, served with a velvety and excellent sauce that deserves a golden spoon. And so go joyful scenes on and on, until getting to the carnival cacheira (pork’s head), lain on chickpea broth with chickpeas, spinach and Basmati rice; its majesty the fat.
His style, very clearly defined, also appears through other appetizers and constructions. The Bloody Mary, the olive with anchovies and the chestnut cappuccino with Ras el Hanout –three appetizers inspired by Ferran Adrià’s concepts and techniques– are really fascinating, anthological. He alternates the prawn croquette with a mussel croquette: different seafood, but identical format. The marinated scallop, almost raw, with sesame and creamy and crunchy rice vermicelli, is another version of the previous proposal, but with some oriental hints that also characterize other recipes. The sauces are usually translucent broths, such as the fish soup infused in lemon grass and ginger, exuberantly perfumed, served with small pieces of lobster swimming in the liquid that are heated by the temperature of the consommé. If you want passion for soft doneness, for liquid sauces and for absolute cleanliness, taste the (horse) mackerel in citric stew. The sea bass served on the bottom of the sea (seaweed and salicornia) is another example of the unswerving way set out by Pepe and of the exquisite taste that distinguishes him. In short, Solla’s constructions have got more added value than ever.


Can Bosch

Joan Bosch
Joan Bosch
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 43850 Cambrils (Tarragona)
Adresse: Rambla Jaume I, 19
(+34) 977360019
Jours de fermeture: Dimanche soir, lundi et du 22 décembre au 31 janvier
Prix à la carte: 60/75 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 54 €

  • Salteado de ceps con cigalas en costra de pan
  • Salteado de ceps con cigalas en costra de pan
  • Milhojas de berenjena con espardenyes, caballa y cebolla
  • Milhojas de berenjena con espardenyes, caballa y cebolla

Bien que Joan Bosch ait réalisé une progression appréciable, dans le sens où de plus en plus de constructions élaborées sur le plan culinaire ont pris place sur la carte, chaque visite à Cambrils est un peu comme retourner à la maison pour Noël. Dans ce village plein de saveur et cette maison riche en substance, le corps ne demande qu’à s’assouvir de chair et à revivre d’inoubliables aventures gastronomiques.


Les Magnolias

Jean Chauvel
Jean Chauvel
Pays: France
Localité: 94170 Le Perreux-sur-Marne
Adresse: 48, avenue de Bry
(+33) 0148724743
Jours de fermeture: samedi midi, dimanche et lundi
Prix à la carte: 120/180 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 80 €

  • Larvas de ostra tibias al vermut combinadas con espuma de pie de ternera
  • Larvas de ostra tibias al vermut combinadas con espuma de pie de ternera
  • Cubismo de raya con hormigueo de sabores exóticos
  • Cubismo de raya con hormigueo de sabores exóticos

Jean Chauvel est un jeune enthousiaste qui élabore des plats amusants regorgeant de passion. Chaque construction recèle un effort de titan, tant sur le plan de l’intellect que de l’exécution, à en juger par l’infinité d’éléments qu’il étale sur l’assiette. Des recettes surchargées, voire excessives, qui requièrent la complicité du convive, condamné à de pénibles efforts pour s’y retrouver parmi tout le contenu proposé.


Osteria Francescana

Massimo Bottura
Massimo Bottura
Pays: Italie
Localité: 41100 Módena
Adresse: Via Stella, 22
(+39) 059220286
Jours de fermeture: samedi midi, dimanche, 2 semaines en janvier et le mois août
Prix à la carte: 100/140 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 95 €

  • Espuma de mortadela, pan crocante y piñones picados
  • Espuma de mortadela, pan crocante y piñones picados
  • Sopa fría y caliente de patata y raíces con nieve de remolacha
  • Sopa fría y caliente de patata y raíces con nieve de remolacha
  • Raviolis de cotechino y lentejas
  • Raviolis de cotechino y lentejas
  • Iceland
  • Iceland
  • Cochinillo lacado con vinagre balsámico
  • Cochinillo lacado con vinagre balsámico
  • Civet de liebre
  • Civet de liebre
  • Suflé semicocido de panettone
  • Suflé semicocido de panettone
  • Macarrón dulce salado de foie gras y tartufo bianco
  • Macarrón dulce salado de foie gras y tartufo bianco

Massimo Bottura is a real big shot. A lively, enthusiastic, jubilant and exultant man who transmits his pathologic engagement in culinary art. This kind of passionate people, convinced that where there is a will, there is a way, is really scarce. Against all odds, this belated and self-taught cook ended up becoming one of the best representatives of cuisine in the world. After progressing through different steps –evolutionist and transgressive ones–, proposing pertinent abstract dishes, he reached the actual stage that combines a variety of emotional and intellectual experiences expressed with excellence. His maturity can be savoured both through any cleverly inspired traditional dish coated with his unquestionable personality and through any astonishing avant-garde creation aimed at taking the guest to another galaxy. Ladies and gentlemen, this man’s creative constructions are really vibrant and audacious. His moving gastronomy appeals to palate and mind. And produces both carnal and cerebral pleasure.
The fact Massimo does research into techniques and uses unusual methods to manipulate his ingredients in order to propose new sensations and better results does not mean that his cuisine has not many earthly aspects. The products he uses are frankly unbeatable: the best parmigiano-reggiano, the best Modena vinegar, the best cold meats (cotechini and zampone)… He actually feels ethically obliged to use top quality raw materials. Although he is 100% Italian, his culture is based on universal knowledge. Although his proposals are rather spirited, they turned to be utterly refined.
Childhood memories: bologna foam with delicious and crunchy bread and line of toasted pine kernels; change of design and textures reproducing palatal memory with extreme gentleness. As simple and pure, the chef proposes some fried gnocchi with Culatello (ham) and belly pork, white water melon and apple mustard, and red fruit jam. Very basic elements which could not be more lightened or perfected. The exquisite cold and hot potato and root soup with beet snow is really unusual. And what can we say about the magical Cotechino cold meat and lentils with butter sauce, in which pork and legume feel completely immaculate, as if the pasta was not wrapping them, being just an accompaniment, sharing the stage with them; sublime. Pasta tastes of pasta and the filling tastes of both main ingredients, varnished with a kind of warm gelatine. The Burgundy escargots are proposed in an unprecedented and utterly ingenious way: with mushrooms, hazelnuts, pink pepper, parsley juice, and garlic broth snow. A clairvoyant recreation of tradition using avant-garde techniques to materialize ideas and tastes. With “Iceland”, the chef really messes things up, because the guest doesn’t exactly know whether he/she is in front of a salad, a sorbet or both things: ice-cube-shaped apple and cucumber, chocolate, date, baby strawberries, breadcrumbs that evoke gingerbread… Brilliant. The very noble suckling pig, lacquered with balsamic vinegar and garnished with spinach, pine aromas, mashed potatoes, anise juice, … is definitely doctoral and lively, full of nuances that make all the difference in such an orthodox construction. Another ingenious and iconoclast way to perform an historical recipe: bread crust deeply soaked with fragrances over a hare tartare, served with an exciting sauce made with the animal’s blood and red wine. Raw meat proposed with stewed and concentrated complements. An audacious and marvellous jugged hare.
The desserts are also worthy of a world number one. The tomato caramelized with spices and served with mozzarella foam and white truffle is a 3D vision of provincial Italy. The half-cooked panettone soufflé, really ethereal, confirms the artist’s philosophy and technical mastery for the nth time. The sweet and salty foie gras and white truffle macaroon also says a lot about Massimo’s talent.
The chef reinvents traditional dishes from an exceptional and utterly peculiar vision of his country and his world.



Carlo Cracco
Carlo Cracco
Pays: Italy
Localité: 20123 Milano
Adresse: Victor Hugo, 4
(+39) 02876774
Jours de fermeture: Monday and saturday at midday, sundays and from 8/1 to 8/21 and from 22/12 to 10/1
Prix à la carte: 100 / 170 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 120 / 160 €

  • Dorada Cruda con Flores de Anís sobre Praliné de Avellana
  • Mejillones Rellenos de Tomate con sus Cáscaras Comestibles
  • Zamburiñas Crudas con Colatura de Alicci y Espuma de Espárragos
  • Cañaíllas Sobre Mousse de Aceite de Oliva y Sepia Perfumada con Vainilla
  • Yema de Huevo Marinada con Crema Ligera de Parmesano
  • Gambas a la Brasa con Salsa de Yogur y Cilantro
  • Gambas con Avellanas Cocidas
  • Arroz, Limón, Anchoas y Cacao
  • Risotto al Negro de Sepia con Tuétano y Erizos
  • Riñones de Ternera con Erizos de Mar
  • Nueva Versión de Costeleta a la Milanesa

Due to his multiple activities, including television programmes, among others, Carlo Cracco decided to hand the daily management of the restaurant to Matteo Baronetto, a young and acclaimed chef he also shares the creative tasks with, which remains as infinite as usual. Fantasy abounds, although three coexisting trends are reflected through the three tasting menus: tradition, innovation and historical classics of the house. The latter is our favourite, as it is composed of about ten famous dishes that have been consecrated by time and customers and that are still in after reaching a milestone. In fact, everything is evolutionary or avant-garde, here, because the traditional recipes are originally reinvented, but respecting the spirit they were created with. We are before a new era of Cracco’s restaurant.
In what way have the constructions changed? They all reflect a distinctive personal identity as well as Matteo’s pertinent and original ideas. Like the minimalist appetizer which consists of rose petals with sugar, tuna roe and mustard leaves; delicacy, freshness, sweetness, florality, contrasts and, of course, genius. Then comes another essential and as moving bite, full of remote flavours: caviar served in two slices of green tea. Like the utterly natural –like no others, really– pieces of sea bream, 7-millimeter thick, raw and lukewarm, lain over a biscuit of sugar and toasted almonds that transmits its heat to the inferior side of the fish and gives a taste of dried fruit oil, of nocciole (hazelnuts) from the Piedmont region –Carlo Cracco and Matteo Baronetto’s homeland–, and is garnished with some anise flowers. Who gives more with less? Like the marinière mussels, steamed, filled with tomato and served on their shells; a real taste of sea, seaweed and ink. Like the immaculate raw scallops, seasoned with some drops of anchovy oil, and served on their shell, covered with green asparagus foam. Like the young almonds with almonds curd and capers; another great and very pure demonstration of boldness, which definitively marks the chef’s style. Like the clairvoyant composition of cod tripe and juice with rabbit threads and salmon roe; a display of exquisiteness, sapid and tactile counterpoints. Like this combination of wood aromas and show which requires the guest’s complicity: grilled red prawns brought on the table so that the guest can cook them the way he/she wants and add his/her favourite touch of yoghurt or coriander sauce. Like the new risotto. Regarding risottos, Cracco is the unquestionable boss, because he is able to keep the identity of the rice, to cook it uniformly, al dente but not raw at all, with a consistency that perfectly matches with the creaminess of the sauce, always full of contrasts, which softens the rice and which, in this case, is sprinkled with some black powder of cuttlefish and marrow. If you sit at a table in this restaurant, you frankly must taste one or two risottos (see below). Like the insolent version of the cotoletta a la milanesa 2012, with raw meat and the breadcrumbs served as an accompaniment; a play that might still need some improvement.
Only a dozen of brilliant dishes that have been consecrated through the years remain on the menu: the very perfect risotto alla milanese, with saffron and grilled marrow; the even more provocative and clairvoyant risotto with electrifying hints of anchovies, lemon and cocoa; the contrasted spaghetti with sea urchins and coffee; the amazing and magical burnt cream with olive oil and murex; the magical egg yolk marinated with some light Parmesan cream; the delicious spit-roasted pigeon breast with cabbage and assortment of fruit and vegetables; and the colossal filleted veal kidneys with sea urchins and white foam.
In short, fertile creativity expressed at its highest.



Gonzalo Antón
Gonzalo Antón
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 01008 Vitoria (Álava)
Adresse: Avda. Gasteiz, 21
(+34) 945134822
Jours de fermeture: Dimanche et mardi soir
Prix à la carte: 55 vinos incluidos €
Prix menu de dégustation: Vino incluido, 56 €

  • Ensalada de bogavante
  • Ensalada de bogavante
  • Verduras a la plancha con toffee de guisantes
  • Verduras a la plancha con toffee de guisantes
  • Revuelto de trufa negra
  • Revuelto de trufa negra
  • Kokotxas de merluza en salsa emulsionada y guisantes pelados con espuma verde
  • Kokotxas de merluza en salsa emulsionada y guisantes pelados con espuma verde

Sans s’éloigner le moins du monde de sa philosophie et de sa pratique, qui lui ont valu tant de succès, cette année, ce restaurant a procédé au changement de carte le plus radical de son histoire. À tel point que seuls une demi-douzaine de plats ont subsisté. Qu’a-t-il bien pu se passer ? Il faut croire que ses mentors ne sont pas satisfaits, qu’ils pensent qu’ils sont amenés à donner plus d’eux-mêmes… qu’il existe, dans le fond, un engagement gastronomique.


El Portal de Echaurren

Francis Paniego
Francis Paniego
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 26280 Ezcaray (La Rioja)
Adresse: Padre José García, 19
(+34) 941354047
Jours de fermeture: Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday from January to June, from 22/6 to 01/07 and from 9/12 to 28/12
Prix à la carte: 60 / 100 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 60 y 80 €

  • Queso de cabra y germinados bajo un velo de néctar de pimiento
  • Queso de cabra y germinados bajo un velo de néctar de pimiento
  • Espárragos blancos 6 horas a 65 grados
  • Espárragos blancos 6 horas a 65 grados
  • Hongos con clorofila y pera
  • Hongos con clorofila y pera
  • Habas y guisantitos con yema y esfera de patata
  • Habas y guisantitos con yema y esfera de patata
  • Mediterráneo
  • Mediterráneo
  • Cigala y oreja de cerdo en adobo
  • Cigala y oreja de cerdo en adobo
  • Callos y morros a la riojana
  • Callos y morros a la riojana

Francis Paniego decided to serve only two tasting artistic menus that, at the request of the guests, can be completed with one of the historical popular specialties of the house that are served at El Echaurren hotel next by.
The chef’s talent, knowledge and vocation are clearly expressed by the impacting goat milk’s cheese with sprouts lain on a translucent green pepper veil; a demonstration of refinement, sensitiveness and technique. The meal goes on following a similar line with country flavours that are synonymous with local land and minerality; unbelievable. The asparagus –vacuum-cooked at 65º for 6 hours– proposed with St. George’s mushrooms mayonnaise and slices (or another variety, according to the season), shoots and coffee aroma have already become a classical dish. Another example of naturality and reaffirmation of the cook’s style is the half mushroom, also cooked at low temperature (for 25 minutes), grilled and wonderfully arranged on the plate together with a lively tonality and taste of basil, fresh garlic, spring onion and julienned pear. This fresh vegetal cuisine has other brilliant representatives, such as the baby peas with hot yolk, potato spheres, ham, mushroom slices and flowers. Or such as the proposal called “Mediterráneo”; a daring and pertinent combination of very sensitive characters put together in perfect harmony: mashed cucumber, yoghurt cream, grated fresh almonds, green apple ice cream, onion sprouts, bread and olive oil. An incontrovertible construction, because of the raw materials and the exquisiteness they give out, is the crayfish with marinated and then roasted with pig ear, blood sausage, crayfish consommé and tips of green asparagus.
All this creative cuisine must not hide the legacy Francis received from his parents, Marisa and Félix, legendary guesthouse owners from La Rioja region. Here are some exceptional basic dishes you may not miss: the ham croquettes; the caparrones (red beans); the lamb’s trotters; the veal tripe and snout a la riojana, among other delicacies, which always invite you to come back to Ezcaray, a place where cuisine transmits the human warmth of a genuine family. And don’t forget to taste the most delicious coated hake on earth, confited at 45ºC and served with peppers and a light rice soup!