Pasta -Spaghetti- “A La Guitarra” Sandro Desii
Sandro Desii is obsessive about fantasy and quality. He is a unique person who puts his ideals before absolutely everything, including his own financial interests. His spirit and drive to exceed himself is such that, having not been content with merely creating the best multicolor showcase of pastas in Spain, he surpasses himself to establish nothing less than a world record: spaghetti a la guitarra.
Prepared according to old Italian customs, exclusively hand-made, the pasta integrated with hard grain semolina and eggs, placed in sheets onto a wood frame with guitar cords stretched from end to end, spread with a roller-pin… Later, the spaghetti is hung, one by one, onto bamboo canes where they are dried almost entirely at low-temperature.
The superb selection of raw materials and the wholly artisanal efforts come together to produce this spaghetti – unprecedented in the alimentary market both for the texture, tender and meaty, as well as the abundant, delicious flavor. And they take no time at all to cook, just 4-5 minutes.
In fact, they are so magnificent that we recommend dressing and seasoning them with elements that highlight their qualities, rather than drowning and burdening them with sauces. Only for gourmets that believe that pasta can be a delicacy.