Epoisses Berthaut Cheese
Fromagerie Berthaut
Country: France
City: 21460 Epoisses
Address: Place du Champ de Foire
(+33) 0380964444fromagerie.berthaut@wanadoo.fr
Price: €7.20 a 250g piece
A very peculiar cheese that assumes the French tradition and is very much in consonance with the most popular textures. Creamy, fluid, liquid… it easily flows onto the plate, provided it is well ripened and the serving temperature is right. As for the flavor, it seems inspired in salted butter—we would even say that it is, though softened and made into cheese. Clear milky flavor, extremely subtly enhanced by the perfume of a Marc de Bourgogne. Very unique. Winner of the Paris 2004 Gold Medal in Concours Général Agricole.