Raw sardines with black olive paste, vanilla mousse and pepper pearls (2005)

Chef: Miguel Sánchez Romera
Country: Spain
City: 08392 Sant Andreu de Llavaneres (Barcelona)
Address: Passatge de les Alzines, 16
(+34) 937927767esguard@miguelsanchezromera.com
Inspired by the garum fish sauce of ancient Rome, this dish is based on four elements: the paste of black olives from Northeast Africa, the piquillo pepper sauce, the vanilla mousse and the green pepper pearls from Madagascar. The pure taste of the sardine is accompanied by a range of flavors that include sweet, savory and sour aromas, perfumes of ripened fruit, a hint of bitterness and a dash of spice. It is a beautiful example of the constructionist philosophy preached by Miguel Sánchez Romera.