Grilled Oyster With Venere Rice

Ferrero by Francisco Morales y Rut Cotroneo
Chef: Francisco Morales
Country: Spain
City: 46870 Valencia
Address: Ctra. Onteniente-Villena km 15,5
(+34) 962355173

Paco Morales, seemingly only shortly after being born, has become one of the most trusted references in creative haute cuisine in Madrid. His spirit and talent break molds. His style has no equal in the Spanish capital: radically minimalist creative cuisine. Along with Josean Martínez Alija “Guggenheim”, with whom he worked, as well as Andoni Luis Aduriz “Mugaritz”, where he spent a time training, they are the genuine representatives of this movement, which has remained personified in just a scant few chefs.
The finest example of his work must be the grilled oyster, hardly seared at all–a few moments is all it takes–and only on one side. It is presented jellied and warm, meaty and with all its juices, exultantly oceanic, served over a few grains of souffléed venere rice that bring beauty and textural counterpoints to the shellfish. Delicate, natural, yet full of gastronomic denaturalization and fullness. It is an achievement in itself that so few elements can offer such an exuberant universe.

The Recipe

Seaweed, herbs and root vegetable salad

Il Canto - Hotel Certosa de Maggiano
Chef: Paolo Lopriore
Country: Italy
City: 53100 Siena
Address: Strada di Certosa, 82
(+39) 0577288180

Paolo Lopriore is the chef with the most talent and culinary artistic dedication in Italy today. This daring proposal, cultivating the purity of nature in an exceptional, even unique way, is a result of his lucid and professional approach. The real brilliance is in the idea itself, the selection of ingredients, the purity that is expressed and the lack of western seasoning, particularly Italian, wholly without either oil or vinegar. Such historic, noble ingredients are substituted with intense aromas expressed with great subtlety: ginger, wasabi, mustard… bringing light and color to an otherwise strictly green composition.

The Recipe

Baked lumaconi pasta

Il Canto - Hotel Certosa de Maggiano
Chef: Paolo Lopriore
Country: Italy
City: 53100 Siena
Address: Strada di Certosa, 82
(+39) 0577288180

The fact that Paolo Lopriore is the most avant-garde chef in Italy today does not mean that he hasn’t the capacity to reinvent traditional recipes. All the flavor of southern Italy is expressed in this immaculate, gigantic pasta, preserving every bit of its textural and sapid identity, it is lucidly and majestically impregnated with traditional ingredients, with wisdom and assuredness: tomato, basil, burrata cheese, aged parmesan…
A perfect reformation of Italian cuisine presented by a revolutionary.

The Recipe

Baby squid risotto with carpaccio and ink sauce

Chef: Iván Sáez
Country: Spain
City: 28015 Madrid
Address: San Bernardino, 13
(+34) 915412026

Often the most simple things can be the most extraordinary. That is certainly the case with this recipe, intellectualizing a traditional dish in keeping with the set of values of contemporary haute cuisine. A superb baby squid risotto, academically prepared, covered by a carpaccio made from the same cephalopod, or of normal squid, strengthening the dish with its raw nature, beautifying the plate, accompanied by a few ribbons of squid ink. It is presented without altering the traditional sense of the dish, but with a new color and texture, converting it into a distinguished, elegant construction that is flavorfully, texturally and visually impressive.

The Recipe

Crusted cod with tender spring onion, lentils and crispy pancetta

Ferrero by Francisco Morales y Rut Cotroneo
Chef: Francisco Morales
Country: Spain
City: 46870 Valencia
Address: Ctra. Onteniente-Villena km 15,5
(+34) 962355173

The young Paco Morales–a future number one in Spanish cuisine–has truly exceptional natural gifts beyond that of almost anyone we have seen in the last thirty years of gastronomy. His daringness and masterful talent are perfectly reflected in this recipe (which is nothing short of stellar), something that is no small feat when using salt cod as a protagonist.
Interestingly, as an alternative to the radical minimalism that distinguishes his work, he reveals a versatility to his approach that shines a light on his ability to construct more complex and academic dishes. The cod itself boasts a remarkably beautiful filet with a clean, sharp flavor: beyond juicy… it is then enriched with a flavorful, attractive crust of potato starch and served over a broth made of meat and cod; an essential construction in which the spring onion, lentils and crispy pancetta are swimming.

The Recipe

Grilled, smoked scallops with stewed chicken ravioli and sauce suprême

Chez Ruffet
Chef: Stéphane Carrade
Country: France
City: 64110 Jurançon
Address: 3, avenue Charles Touzet

This dish expresses all wonder of the philosophy and laboriousness that defines the cuisine of Stéphane Carrade’s–a chef who has succeeded in putting forth a completely personal message… a combination which, it must be said, can wear on a guest at times for its exhaustive baroque style. Nonetheless, exuberance is coupled with wonder with two ultimate values: select products and an immaculate way of communicating them to the guest.
A supreme testimony to this element is found in these scallops. Excellent in and of themselves, seared and smoked, clean and powerful, offered alongside a succulent chicken ravioli with vegetables and juices, crowned with truffles and flowers as well as an attractive, refreshing green mango mirepoix seasoned with Espelette pepper and ginger, topped with an exciting adornment of sweet corn and bacon foam. It would be hard to find more purity, more complexity, more art and such beauty in a single dish.

The Recipe

Sautéed beans with bacon, mange-tout juice and basil hints

Guggenheim Bilbao
Chef: Josean Martinez Alija
Country: Spain
City: Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Address: Abandoibarra Etorbidea, 2
(+34) 944239333

As we have been proclaiming around for many years, Josean Martínez Alija is a real child prodigy which has become one of the most talented chefs in the world. This dish confirms his essential, minimalist, vegetal, pure, light style… Concretion and naturality could not be expressed better than this. The beans are proposed with peas to their greatest splendor: green and only green, very chromatic and, above all, tasty. Inspired by the popular recipe which offers them in the company of Iberic ham, used in the last decades by an infinite number of cooks together with peas when spring shines, here, the vegetables are proposed with another historic touch: basil, which means contrast and coolness. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce a personal and perceptive, highly harmonic version of tastes and rythms dedicated to diverse ancestral cultures.

The Recipe


Chef: Bittor Arginzoniz
Country: Spain
City: 48291 Axpe-Marzana. Atxondo (Vizcaya)
Address: Plaza San Juan, 1
(+34) 946583042

Bittor Arginzoniz has an unlimited capacity for surprise. He continues to pursue his home-style revolution which has brought him so much fame–now under the title of “the hamburger”. A strange and wonderful hamburger that uses, as its protagonist, acorn-fed Iberian ham, cooked with other delicate cuts from the same pig and seasoned with chorizo pepper, garlic and salt. He molds the chopped meat as if it were a terrine, then grills it briefly. It comes out browned on the exterior and red inside, hot and aromatized with the wood oven fragrances. It is served sliced, as if it were a pork chop.
The optimal expression of fresh Iberian pork dressed with historic sensations: chorizo and embers.

The Recipe

Low-temperature egg over crushed potatoes with onion consommé

Chef: Sergio Bartard
Country: Spain
City: 48960 Galdakao. (Vizcaya).
Address: B. Elexalde, 20.
(+34) 944567671

The capacity for synthesis, simplicity and purity are patent in this modern delight, expressing ancestral and modest flavors in a highly intelligent and natural manner. It would be hard to get more out of such a cheap and traditional formula. Red onion consommé, some potatoes, flattened and powerfully impregnated with oil and astonishingly flavorful low-temperature egg; everything in perfect proportions thanks to the privileged sense of good taste and balance of this new and talented chef: Sergio Bartard.

The Recipe

Hot salad

Chef: Carlo Cracco
Country: Italy
City: 20123 Milano
Address: Victor Hugo, 4
(+39) 02876774

Let us shout from the rooftops that a new stage–a new era even–has begun in this legendary restaurant after Carlo Cracco assumed ownership and management.

The greatest testimony is this creation, which demonstrates an immense amount of talent. The dish represents a substantial, even revolutionary change in the history of salads, offering a new version that is cooked, hot and al dente, served in a rectangular, flat shape, as if it were a carpaccio, covered with a warm jelly made from the cooking water of the same vegetables that grace the dish, crowned with scallop medallions marinated in port, only lightly steamed. In a word, brilliant.

The Recipe