
Anne Rozès Hure de Porc

Anne Rozès

Country: France
City: 64990 Lahonce
Address: Premin de Pédegain
(+33) 0559315609
Price: €2.50 and €8.40 for cans of 200 and 800g

Hure de porc of Christian Parra. A representative example of the best French country charcuterie. This is a type of very special paté made from pork fat rinds, sausage, garlic, carrots, onions, salt, pepper and Espelette pepper. It has immense flavor that is clearly identifiable with pork. The texture is very well executed: it combines juiciness with meaty and gelatinous accents. Quite heavily spiced. The accompanying juice is wonderful, intense and gelatinous. Truly gourmand.


Reypenaer V.S.O.P. Cheese

Wijngaard Faas B.V.

Country: Netherland
City: 3440 AC Woerden
Address: Box, 104
(+31) 348412152
Price: 9 and 14 €

The most famous of Dutch cheeses. Its texture denotes immense personality, combining creaminess and unctuousness with a certain crystalline appearance that many can identify, or better yet, confuse, with Parmesan. With flavor of reduced milk, concentrated and clearly salty, very much in accordance with northern European culture. Its color, an orange-brown, is another of its peculiarities. In short, very easy to eat and with a uniquely special character.
Made industrially from pasteurized cow’s milk; aged for 2 years.


Santa Teresa Mayonnaise

Yemas de Santa Teresa, S.A.

Country: Spain
City: 28290 Las Rozas (Madrid)
Address: Calle Chile, 10. Edificio Madrid, 92
(+34) 916369260
Price: €1.65 a125ml brick

Julián Gil and Silvia Girón, having become two model gastronomic producers—on the market are their exceptional Yemas (pastries made with yolks) and their consummate Carne de Membrillo (quince) de Santa Teresa—are embarking on a new venture, that of prepared foods. And they have tackled a difficult task, that of making high-quality mayonnaise; and, to general surprise, ours included, they have fully succeeded. In doing so, they solicited the consulting services of another revered character, chef Martín Berasategui.

The goal has no suprises: that it should taste clearly of extra virgin olive oil without ruining the oily flavor—a flavor to which they add a subtle acidic counterpoint in the form of refined cider vinegar; this makes for a harmonious ensemble, with the addition of pasteurized egg yolks and salt. It is noble and proudly flaunts its ingredients, which are treated with doctoral culinary expertise. And if it is notable in terms of taste, in texture it is outstanding—with a creamy, somewhat mousse-like consistency.


Epoisses Berthaut Cheese

Fromagerie Berthaut

Country: France
City: 21460 Epoisses
Address: Place du Champ de Foire
(+33) 0380964444
Price: €7.20 a 250g piece

A very peculiar cheese that assumes the French tradition and is very much in consonance with the most popular textures. Creamy, fluid, liquid… it easily flows onto the plate, provided it is well ripened and the serving temperature is right. As for the flavor, it seems inspired in salted butter—we would even say that it is, though softened and made into cheese. Clear milky flavor, extremely subtly enhanced by the perfume of a Marc de Bourgogne. Very unique. Winner of the Paris 2004 Gold Medal in Concours Général Agricole.


Anikó Tangerine Marmalade


Country: Italy
City: 60019 Senigallia (Ancona)
Address: Piazza Saffi, 10
(+39) 0717931228
Price: €6,50 and €15 for jars of 100 and 345g

Reputable chef Moreno Cedroni, who owns the Madonnina del Pescatore restaurant in Senigallia, is the author of this select and luxurious line of marmalades for this company, with different fruit flavors, among which we have highlighted the tangerine.

The presentation makes all the difference, in stylish glass jars designed to enhance the beauty of their contents. Specifically, it consists of a light, brilliant gelatin with the hue of the fruit, if not slightly more yellow. This texture must be considered unique and revolutionary in the field of marmalades—supremely delicate, fragile, light, and airy… it volatizes incredibly on the palate. The flavor is of immensely pure tangerine, whose fragrances it also releases. Just a hint of excess sweetness, though not cloying, keeps us from giving it a higher rating.


5 Sensi

Morgan Pasqual
Country: Italie
City: Malo (Vicenza)
Address: Salida Piovene Rocchette, en la autopista Valdasti
(+39) 445607976
Closed: Samedi midi et dimanche
Price: 60 €
Tasting menu:: 45-55 €

  • Rabbit and foie gras ravioli with wild herbs
  • Rabbit and foie gras ravioli with wild herbs
  • Lamb from Puglia with gnummarieddi
  • Lamb from Puglia with gnummarieddi

Quand un gourmet prend place à table, il peut savourer d’autres plaisirs que la délectation purement palatale.
L’odorat, la vue, l’ouïe, voire le toucher, exalté dans le monde du finger food, peuvent renforcer l’intensité d’une expérience multisensorielle. Les 5 sens précités ont donné à un homme, Morgan Pasqual, l’idée d’ouvrir un restaurant, le 5 Sensi, à Malo, au cœur du Veneto. Il s’agit d’un cuisinier regorgeant de créativité, toujours bien équilibrée.


Pierre Gagnaire

Pierre Gagnaire
Pierre Gagnaire
Country: France
City: 75008 París
Address: 6, rue Balzac
(+33) 0158361250
Closed: Samedi et dimanche
Price: 250/400 €
Tasting menu:: 245 €

  • Declinación de calamar
  • Declinación de calamar
  • Silla de cordero con nabos, rábanos, hojas varias y jugo de su cocción al roquef
  • Silla de cordero con nabos, rábanos, hojas varias y jugo de su cocción al roquefort

Pierre Gagnaire est une célébrité culinaire mondialement reconnue face à laquelle on ne peut que tirer sa révérence.


L'Auberge Basque

Cedric Béchade
Country: France
City: 64310 St Pée sur Nivelle
Address: D307 Vieille Route de St Pée à St Jean
(+33) 0559517000
Closed: lundi;marti;jeudi et vendredi à midi et du 12/11 au 26/11
Price: 70-100 €
Tasting menu:: 39 €

  • Yema de huevo poché envuelta en gelatina de pimiento verde con tiras de piquillo
  • Yema de huevo poché envuelta en gelatina de pimiento verde con tiras de piquillo intercaladas
  • Salmon con quinoa cocida como paella, manzana y wasabi
  • Salmon con quinoa cocida como paella, manzana y wasabi
  • Cordero con polenta al pistacho, acelgas, chorizo, anchoas y aroma de azafran
  • Cordero con polenta al pistacho, acelgas, chorizo, anchoas y aroma de azafran
  • Pizza de chocolate
  • Pizza de chocolate

Magnifique restaurant situé dans une fermette restaurée (11 chambres), à 7 kilomètres de Saint-Jean-de-Luz, en pleine campagne, dans un cadre bucolique doté de splendides paysages champêtres. À la tête des fourneaux, on trouve Cédric Béchade, un jeune formé par le célébrissime Alain Ducasse, qui lui a confié des postes à très hautes responsabilités.

Fusilli farcis d’huile tricolore (2006)

Fusilli farcis d’huile tricolore (2006)
Casa Otano
Chef: Jesús Angel Iñigo Luri
Country: Spain
City: 31001 Pamplona
Address: San Nicolás, 5
(+34) 627099673

Ces fusilli à la gélatine d’eau de tomates sont proposés en trois versions : farcis d’huile d’olive pure, aromatisés avec des crevettes et condimentés au basilic. Le plat est complété par une mozzarella farcie de jaune d’œuf et de jus de truffe couverte d’un colorant alimentaire (bronze) et d’un lait de brebis et d’un parmigiano-reggiano caillés. L’impact esthétique est réellement impressionnant.

Bar, carottes et fèves noires (2006)

Bar, carottes et fèves noires (2006)
The Grocery
Chef: Charles Kiely
Country: EEUU
City: NY 11231-4650
Address: 288 Smith St, Brooklyn
(+1) 718 5963335

En 1999, Charles Kiely et Sharon Pachter ont ouvrirent leur propre restaurant aux alentours des Carrol Gardens. En 2004, lorsque le guide Zagat le projeta à la septième place du hit-parade des meilleurs restaurants de New York, derrière des établissements tels que Le Bernardin, Daniel, Peter Luger, Nobu, Bouley et Jean Georges, The Grocery conquit une notoriété inattendue.