Earth and Sea Squids

Earth and Sea Squids
Cocinero: Koldo Rodero
País: España
Localidad: 31002 Pamplona (Navarra).
Dirección: Arrieta, 3
(+.34) 948211217

This proposal is synonymous with minimalist genius based on seasons. We first tried the squid cubes with daikon, then the reversed version, in which radish was replaced by thistle, one of the emblematic vegetables from Navarra. The truth is that we don’t know how the cook can give us so much pleasure with so few elements: a velvety black sauce with a clear flavour of the cephalopod stains the bottom of the dish and welcomes some squid rectangles with raw and slightly warmed thistle or daikon which preserve all their purity and naturality. At the first bite, the mouth gets inundated with oceanic and earthy contrasts, linked together through the ink.

La Receta


1 squid (1 kg)
1 heart of red thistle
1 Espelette pepper
4 dl squid sauce
2 onions
1 green pepper
½ garlic clove
1 k squids (tentacles and other parts)
Fresh ink
2 l soft fish broth
½ ham chungur (final part with bone and skin)
100 g cod tripe
½ glass Txakoli wine
Extra virgin olive oil
Make a good black sauce. Stew the vegetables until caramelized, add meats, squids and wine, reduce and add the broth.
Reduce ¾ part, fold the ink and cook.
Add salt and texturize. Set aside.
Once cleaned, chop the one-kilo squid into 2-cm2 cubes.
Cut the thistle heart likewise and vacuum-cook at 70º C for 30 minutes. Let cool.
Place a spoonful of ink sauce on the bottom of the dish.
Warm the squids together with the thistle into a frying pan without browning.
Arrange onto the sauce and add finely julienned Espelette pepper.
Finish with some drops of Arbequina olive oil.


Earth and Sea Squids

Earth and Sea Squids
Cocinero: Koldo Rodero
País: España
Localidad: 31002 Pamplona (Navarra).
Dirección: Arrieta, 3
(+.34) 948211217

This proposal is synonymous with minimalist genius based on seasons. We first tried the squid cubes with daikon, then the reversed version, in which radish was replaced by thistle, one of the emblematic vegetables from Navarra. The truth is that we don’t know how the cook can give us so much pleasure with so few elements: a velvety black sauce with a clear flavour of the cephalopod stains the bottom of the dish and welcomes some squid rectangles with raw and slightly warmed thistle or daikon which preserve all their purity and naturality. At the first bite, the mouth gets inundated with oceanic and earthy contrasts, linked together through the ink.

La Receta


1 squid (1 kg)
1 heart of red thistle
1 Espelette pepper
4 dl squid sauce
2 onions
1 green pepper
½ garlic clove
1 k squids (tentacles and other parts)
Fresh ink
2 l soft fish broth
½ ham chungur (final part with bone and skin)
100 g cod tripe
½ glass Txakoli wine
Extra virgin olive oil
Make a good black sauce. Stew the vegetables until caramelized, add meats, squids and wine, reduce and add the broth.
Reduce ¾ part, fold the ink and cook.
Add salt and texturize. Set aside.
Once cleaned, chop the one-kilo squid into 2-cm2 cubes.
Cut the thistle heart likewise and vacuum-cook at 70º C for 30 minutes. Let cool.
Place a spoonful of ink sauce on the bottom of the dish.
Warm the squids together with the thistle into a frying pan without browning.
Arrange onto the sauce and add finely julienned Espelette pepper.
Finish with some drops of Arbequina olive oil.


Chipirones Tierra y Mar

Chipirones Tierra y Mar
Cocinero: Koldo Rodero
País: España
Localidad: 31002 Pamplona (Navarra).
Dirección: Arrieta, 3
(+.34) 948211217

Genialidad minimalista que se atiene a la estacionalidad. Lo probamos por primera vez en tacos de chipirón y daikon, luego en invierto el daikon deja su sitio a la verdura navarra, el cardo. La verdad es que no se puede dar más placer y sorprender tanto con tan pocos elementos: una aterciopelada salsa negra con neto sabor a cefalópodo tiñe el fondo del plato y cobija unos rectángulos de chipirón y cardo o daikon, crudos y calientes, a los que tan sólo se ha filtrado calor, que preservan inmaculadamente su naturalidad. Al hincarle el diente depara contrastes marinos y terrosos con el hilo conductor de la tinta.

La Receta


1 chipirón de kilo
1 parte central de cardo rojo
1 pimiento de Espelette
4dc salsa de chipirón
2 cebollas
1 pimiento verde
½ diente de ajo
1 k chipirones ( tentáculos y restos)
Tinta fresca
2l fumet ligero de pescado
½ chungur de jamón
100g tripas de bacalao
½ copa de txakoli
aceite de oliva virgen extra y
Elaborar una salsa negra concienzudamente. Estofar las verduras hasta caramelizarlas, añadir las carnes y chipirones, el txakoli, reducir y agregar el caldo.
Reducir ¾ partes, incorporar la tinta y cocerla.
Poner a punto de sal y textura. Reservar.
Cortar el chapirón de kilo una vez limpio en cuadrados de
2cm x 2cm
Cortar el centro de cardo en el mismo tamaño y cocer al vacío a 70ºc unos 30 minutos. Enfriar
Colocar una cucharada de salsa de tinta en el fondo del plato
Calentar ligeramente los chipirones junto con el cardo en una sartén sin que cojan color.
Disponer sobre la salsa y añadir una juliana finísima de pimiento de Espelette.
Agregar unas gotas de aceite de arbequina.

Queso Fresco de Almendras con Miel de Flores y Aceite de Oliva Virgen

Queso Fresco de Almendras con Miel de Flores y Aceite de Oliva Virgen
Cocinero: Kiko Moya
País: Subida estación del norte, 205
Localidad: 03824 Cocentaina (Alicante).
(+34) 965592100.

La cocina de Kiko Moya esta a punto de dar un nuevo salto cualitativo. Para ello sólo necesita ir definiendo una personalidad culinaria, cuestión en la que está, ya que hoy por hoy sus construcciones tienen impronta, se distinguen por ser diferentes, por no inspirarse en conceptos o técnicas en candelero. El día que dicten tendencia se revalorizaran, ya que de nobleza, erudición, originalidad y buen gusto, sápido y estético andan sobradas.
Un ejemplo de por donde transcurre el quehacer del chef lo tenemos en esta creación. Una creación minimalista, ingeniosa y sosegada, que reinventa, formal y sapidamente, sabores históricos, de gran raigambre mediterránea. Se trata de una bola cremosa de queso fresco de vaca exuberantemente perfumada con almendra tierna, ciertamente fundente y singular, que se deposita sobre un chorretón de aceite de oliva virgen extra y se le engrandece y termina de contrastar con láminas de almendras tiernas, unos toques de miel y unas flores de tomillo y lavanda.

La Receta

Aceite de oliva virgen
Flores de lavanda y tomillo
Almendras tiernas enteras

Para la hidromiel: 15gr/rac
100 gr. de miel
100 gr. de agua
0.6gr. de xantana
Para el queso fresco de almendras: 40gr/rac

1000 gr de almendra marcona cruda
2000 gr. de leche
6 almendras amargas
5h de gelatina
8 gotas de cuajo.

Para el queso fresco:
Trituraremos las almendras junto con la leche y lo dejamos reposar en cámara 24 h. Licuaremos la mezcla hasta conseguir una leche de almendras. Esta leche la llevamos a ebullición, retiramos y añadimos la gelatina hidratada. Y a continuación las gotas de cuajo. Colocamos en los paquetitos de film a modo de quesos frescos. Refrigerar y dejar reposar.
Para la hidromiel:
Mezclar la xantana con la miel y luego diluirla en el agua

Colocamos en la base del plato la hidromiel, y luego cubrimos con el aceite de oliva. Encima colocaremos el queso y las flores y la almendra tierna.

Almond Cottage Cheese, Wild Honey and Virgin Olive Oil

Cocinero: Kiko Moya
País: Subida estación del norte, 205
Localidad: 03824 Cocentaina (Alicante).
(+34) 965592100.

Kiko Moya’s cuisine is about to make a new qualitative leap forward. To do so, the chef just needs to define a culinary personality –he is doing well, because his constructions have already their own stamp and differ from the rest for not drawing their inspiration from the concepts and techniques that are in the limelight. The day his proposals set trends, they will gain even more in value, because they really brim with nobility, erudition, originality and good taste, both palatal and aesthetic.
The following creation is a good example of the actual situation of the chef’s practice. A minimalist, ingenious and peaceful creation which formally and gustatively reinvents historic flavours that are deeply rooted in Mediterranean culture. The dish is a creamy ball of cow cottage cheese exuberantly perfumed with fresh almond, pertinently melting and peculiar, that is lain onto a pool of extra virgin olive oil and enhanced with contrasts of fresh almond slices, honey hints, together with thyme and lavender flowers.

La Receta


            Virgin olive oil
            Lavender and thyme flowers
            Entire fresh almonds
For the mead: 15g/portion
            100 g honey
            100 g water
             0.6 g Xantana
For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion 
            1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
            6 bitter almonds
            5 leaves gelatin
            8 drops rennet
             For the cottage cheese:
            Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
            For the mead:
            Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.
             Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.


Virgin olive oil
Lavender and thyme flowers
Entire fresh almonds

For the mead: 15g/portion
100 g honey
100 g water
0.6 g Xantana

For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion
1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
6 bitter almonds
5 leaves gelatin
8 drops rennet

For the cottage cheese:
Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
For the mead:
Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.

Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.

Almond Cottage Cheese, Wild Honey and Virgin Olive Oil

Cocinero: Kiko Moya
País: Subida estación del norte, 205
Localidad: 03824 Cocentaina (Alicante).
(+34) 965592100.

Kiko Moya’s cuisine is about to make a new qualitative leap forward. To do so, the chef just needs to define a culinary personality –he is doing well, because his constructions have already their own stamp and differ from the rest for not drawing their inspiration from the concepts and techniques that are in the limelight. The day his proposals set trends, they will gain even more in value, because they really brim with nobility, erudition, originality and good taste, both palatal and aesthetic.
The following creation is a good example of the actual situation of the chef’s practice. A minimalist, ingenious and peaceful creation which formally and gustatively reinvents historic flavours that are deeply rooted in Mediterranean culture. The dish is a creamy ball of cow cottage cheese exuberantly perfumed with fresh almond, pertinently melting and peculiar, that is lain onto a pool of extra virgin olive oil and enhanced with contrasts of fresh almond slices, honey hints, together with thyme and lavender flowers.

La Receta


            Virgin olive oil
            Lavender and thyme flowers
            Entire fresh almonds
For the mead: 15g/portion
            100 g honey
            100 g water
             0.6 g Xantana
For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion 
            1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
            6 bitter almonds
            5 leaves gelatin
            8 drops rennet
             For the cottage cheese:
            Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
            For the mead:
            Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.
             Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.


Virgin olive oil
Lavender and thyme flowers
Entire fresh almonds

For the mead: 15g/portion
100 g honey
100 g water
0.6 g Xantana

For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion
1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
6 bitter almonds
5 leaves gelatin
8 drops rennet

For the cottage cheese:
Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
For the mead:
Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.

Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.

Almond Cottage Cheese, Wild Honey and Virgin Olive Oil

Cocinero: Kiko Moya
País: Subida estación del norte, 205
Localidad: 03824 Cocentaina (Alicante).
(+34) 965592100.

Kiko Moya’s cuisine is about to make a new qualitative leap forward. To do so, the chef just needs to define a culinary personality –he is doing well, because his constructions have already their own stamp and differ from the rest for not drawing their inspiration from the concepts and techniques that are in the limelight. The day his proposals set trends, they will gain even more in value, because they really brim with nobility, erudition, originality and good taste, both palatal and aesthetic.
The following creation is a good example of the actual situation of the chef’s practice. A minimalist, ingenious and peaceful creation which formally and gustatively reinvents historic flavours that are deeply rooted in Mediterranean culture. The dish is a creamy ball of cow cottage cheese exuberantly perfumed with fresh almond, pertinently melting and peculiar, that is lain onto a pool of extra virgin olive oil and enhanced with contrasts of fresh almond slices, honey hints, together with thyme and lavender flowers.

La Receta


            Virgin olive oil
            Lavender and thyme flowers
            Entire fresh almonds
For the mead: 15g/portion
            100 g honey
            100 g water
             0.6 g Xantana
For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion 
            1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
            6 bitter almonds
            5 leaves gelatin
            8 drops rennet
             For the cottage cheese:
            Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
            For the mead:
            Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.
             Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.


Virgin olive oil
Lavender and thyme flowers
Entire fresh almonds

For the mead: 15g/portion
100 g honey
100 g water
0.6 g Xantana

For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion
1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
6 bitter almonds
5 leaves gelatin
8 drops rennet

For the cottage cheese:
Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
For the mead:
Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.

Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.

Borrajas, Patatas Violetas y Aceite

Lillas Pastias
Cocinero: Carmelo Bosque
País: España
Localidad: 22002 Huesca
Dirección: Plaza de Navarra, 4

Para las borrajas:
•1 manojo de borraja
Escoger los tallos más largos y cocer en agua, refrescar con hielo para no perder el color.

Para la espuma de patata:

•500 g de patata azul cocida
•100 g. de nata
•50 g. de caldo
•aceite de oliva
Triturar la patata en la Thermomix e ir mezclando con los demás elementos, colar y verter en un sifón. Mantener en caliente.

Para el Aire de aceite:

•Aceite de oliva aniguala
•Lecitina de soja granulada
Mezclar el aceite con la lecitina y mantener a 60ºC.

Para el puré de ajos:

•100 g. de ajo pelado
Escaldar 3 veces los ajos en agua limpia, poner a cocer con la nata y triturar hasta obtener un puré lo más fino posible; poner a punto de sal.
Tocino ibérico frito
Flores de borraja
chips de ajo
Brotes de shisho morado


Calentar las borrajas en el microondas. En un plato hacer una lágrima con el puré de ajos, colocar las borrajas de forma voluminosa encima, depositar en el centro un poco de espuma de patata y terminar con el aire de aceite; decorar con la chip de ajo el tocino frito y las hierbas.

Tags: EspañaMarcos Sierra SahúnPinchos y TapasTaberna de Lillas Pastia

Almond Cottage Cheese, Wild Honey and Virgin Olive Oil

Cocinero: Kiko Moya
País: España
Localidad: 03824 Cocentaina (Alicante)
Dirección: Subida estación del norte, 205

Kiko Moya’s cuisine is about to make a new qualitative leap forward. To do so, the chef just needs to define a culinary personality –he is doing well, because his constructions have already their own stamp and differ from the rest for not drawing their inspiration from the concepts and techniques that are in the limelight. The day his proposals set trends, they will gain even more in value, because they really brim with nobility, erudition, originality and good taste, both palatal and aesthetic.
The following creation is a good example of the actual situation of the chef’s practice. A minimalist, ingenious and peaceful creation which formally and gustatively reinvents historic flavours that are deeply rooted in Mediterranean culture. The dish is a creamy ball of cow cottage cheese exuberantly perfumed with fresh almond, pertinently melting and peculiar, that is lain onto a pool of extra virgin olive oil and enhanced with contrasts of fresh almond slices, honey hints, together with thyme and lavender flowers.

La Receta


            Virgin olive oil
            Lavender and thyme flowers
            Entire fresh almonds
For the mead: 15g/portion
            100 g honey
            100 g water
             0.6 g Xantana
For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion 
            1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
            6 bitter almonds
            5 leaves gelatin
            8 drops rennet
             For the cottage cheese:
            Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
            For the mead:
            Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.
             Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.


Almond Cottage Cheese, Wild Honey and Virgin Olive Oil

Cocinero: Kiko Moya
País: España
Localidad: 03824 Cocentaina (Alicante)
Dirección: Subida estación del norte, 205

Kiko Moya’s cuisine is about to make a new qualitative leap forward. To do so, the chef just needs to define a culinary personality –he is doing well, because his constructions have already their own stamp and differ from the rest for not drawing their inspiration from the concepts and techniques that are in the limelight. The day his proposals set trends, they will gain even more in value, because they really brim with nobility, erudition, originality and good taste, both palatal and aesthetic.
The following creation is a good example of the actual situation of the chef’s practice. A minimalist, ingenious and peaceful creation which formally and gustatively reinvents historic flavours that are deeply rooted in Mediterranean culture. The dish is a creamy ball of cow cottage cheese exuberantly perfumed with fresh almond, pertinently melting and peculiar, that is lain onto a pool of extra virgin olive oil and enhanced with contrasts of fresh almond slices, honey hints, together with thyme and lavender flowers.

La Receta


            Virgin olive oil
            Lavender and thyme flowers
            Entire fresh almonds
For the mead: 15g/portion
            100 g honey
            100 g water
             0.6 g Xantana
For the almond cottage cheese: 40g/portion 
            1000 g raw Marcona almonds
2000 g milk
            6 bitter almonds
            5 leaves gelatin
            8 drops rennet
             For the cottage cheese:
            Crush the almonds together with the milk and let stand in the fridge for 24 hours. Blend the mixture until obtaining almond milk. Boil, remove from the heat, add the hydrated gelatin and then the drops of rennet. Wrap small packets into cling film. Cool down and let stand.
            For the mead:
            Mix the Xantana with the honey and dilute in the water.
             Put the mead on the bottom of the dish, cover with the olive oil and crown with cheese, flowers and fresh almonds.