Alvargonzalez fried egg

Cuoco: Oscar García
Nazionalita: Spain
Localita: 42150 Vinuesa (Soria)
Indirizzo: Carretera, 20
Oscar García is a sensible, reflective and “possibilist” chef who understands how to transmit a progressive gastronomic message while supporting it within a history context. Inspired by legendary recipes, he reproduces familiar flavors with inconformity and creativity. An example that confirms, even proves the style. An unusual, appeasing way to interpret the fried egg: the yolk, frozen, with a flan-like texture, is served at room temperature surrounded by a velvety potato puree crowned and embroidered with a few croutons with truffle. In short, one contemplates the abundance with reverence, appreciating the surprising sensations of flavor and texture, respecting the idiosyncrasy.
La Ricetta