Brocheta de Langostino

Brocheta de Langostino
La Barra de César Anca
Cuoco: César Anca
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 03001 Alicante
Indirizzo: c/ San Fernando, esquina c/ Ojeda
(+34) 965201580


1 langostino crudo
5 gr. de queso Brie
30 gr. de pasta kataifi
30 gr. de confitura de pétalos de rosa


Se limpia el langostino para quedarnos sólo con el cuerpo. Se atraviesa con la brocheta.
Se prensa la bola de queso Brie para, después, poder envolver el langostino. Se envuelve todo esto con la pasta kataifi bien estirada.
Terminamos el plato friendo la brocheta y se presenta en un plato especial con una base de confitura de pétalos de rosa.

Trufa Cremosa con Crujiente de Ceps y Crema de Huevo Frito

Trufa Cremosa con Crujiente de Ceps y Crema de Huevo Frito
Grumer Catering
Cuoco: Juan Carlos Benito
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 42001 Soria
Indirizzo: Venerable Carabantes, 4 - 1º K
(+34) 975211679


150 g. Crema de queso
15 g. Jugo de trufa
30 g. Aceite de oliva
1,5 g. Gelatina cola de pescado
C/s Sal
60 g. Puré de patatas
C/s Tinta de calamar
30 g. Arroz
20 g. Boletus edulis
1 Huevo.
C/s Aceite de oliva


Mezclamos, en un baño maría, el queso, jugo de trufa, aceite, sal y, cuando tenga algo de temperatura, añadimos la gelatina; mezclamos todo uniformemente y dejamos enfriar.
Triturar los boletus con abundante agua con sal y cocer el arroz en ella durante 35 min.
Estirar el arroz en una bandeja de horno formando porciones y dejar secar a 60 º C hasta que quede totalmente rígido y freír en aceite de oliva.
Mezclar el puré de patatas con la tinta de calamar y extenderla lo más finamente posible en un papel de horno, dejándolo secar a 60 º C hasta que quede totalmente seco. Una vez seco, trituramos.
Hacer en aceite de oliva un huevo frito y triturarlo con un poco de aceite hasta que emulsione.
Con ayuda de una manga realizamos bolas de la crema de queso, que rebozaremos con el polvo de patata negra. En un plato colocamos un poco de crema de huevo frito con una trufa y acompañamos con un trozo de crujiente de ceps.

Milhojas de cecina y patata con crema de pistacho verde y vinagreta de pulpo

Milhojas de cecina y patata con crema de pistacho verde y vinagreta de pulpo
Grumer Catering
Cuoco: Juan Carlos Benito
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 42001 Soria
Indirizzo: Venerable Carabantes, 4 - 1º K
(+34) 975211679


Aceite de semillas
Pulpo cocido
Boletus edulis
Vinagre balsámico


Cortar las patatas en láminas finas y reconstruirlas intercalando la cecina picada; envasar al vacío y cocinar a 100º C durante 30 minutos.
Cortar en cuadrados y rebozar por huevo, panco y freímos.
Con el huevo, aceite de semillas y unos pistachos realizamos una crema.
Pochar la chalota, reducir el vinagre, añadir tomate y dejarlo cocinar asta que el agua del tomate evapore; añadir el pulpo cocido y los boletus, todo troceados, retirar del fuego y añadir aceite de oliva.
Colocamos una base de vinagreta, encima el milhojas partido por la mitad y bañamos con un poco de crema de pistacho verde.

Lomito de Lechazo a la Vainilla con Merengue de Cerveza Negra y Cuscús de Coliflor Trufada

Lomito de Lechazo a la Vainilla con Merengue de Cerveza Negra y Cuscús de Colifl
Grumer Catering
Cuoco: Juan Carlos Benito
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 42001 Soria
Indirizzo: Venerable Carabantes, 4 - 1º K
(+34) 975211679


Lomo de lechazo
Vainilla en rama
Aceite de semillas
Cerveza negra
Clara en polvo
Jugo de cordero


Limpiar el lomo de toda la grasa exterior y envasarlo al vacío con un poco de aceite y una rama de vainilla durante 1 hora.
Mezclar la cerveza con la clara de huevo y montar un merengue.
Raspar la superficie de la coliflor y triturarla en la Thermomix, escaldarla en agua y dejarla secar.
Dorar el lomo de lechazo, dejándolo por el centro sonrosado; cortarlo en láminas finas.
Saltear la coliflor en una sartén antiadherente sin aceite y con la ralladura de trufa, colocarla en el centro del plato en forma de rectángulo, por encima el lomo de lechazo laminado y, en un lateral, el merengue de cerveza; terminamos con un cordón de jugo de lechazo, cortado con el aceite de vainilla, por encima del lomo.

Canelón de Calamar y Cebolla al Vermú con Alioli Negro y Arena de Gamba

Canelón de calamar y cebolla al vermú con alioli negro y arena de gamba
Grumer Catering
Cuoco: Juan Carlos Benito
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 42001 Soria
Indirizzo: Venerable Carabantes, 4 - 1º K
(+34) 975211679


Vermú blanco
Goma xantana
Clara de huevo
Tinta de calamar
Aceite de oliva
Aceite de gambas
Mato dextrina


Limpiar el calamar y triturarlo hasta conseguir una pasta homogénea y extender entre dos hojas de papel sanforizado hasta obtener unas láminas muy finas. Envasar al vacío y cocer durante 5 min. a 65º C para que la proteína coagule.
Cortar la cebolla en juliana y pocharla con un poco de aceite de oliva; cuando empiece a tomar color añadir el tomate troceado, el vermú y un poco de agua, dejar cocer y triturar. Pasar por un colador y darle una textura de gel con la goma xantana.
Triturar el ajo con la clara de huevo y la tinta de calamar, emulsionar con un poco de aceite de oliva. Mezclar la malto dextrina con el aceite de gambas hasta conseguir una textura de arena.
Colocar una tira de calamar y rellenarla con el gel de cebolla cerrándola en forma de canelón; en los laterales intercalamos unos puntos de alioli con un poco de arena de gambas.

Una Paella Alicantina Diferente

Una Paella Alicantina Diferente
El Suquet de Castaños 16
Cuoco: Natalia Moyá
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 03001 Alicante
Indirizzo: Castaños, 16
(+34) 965219137


Arroz bomba
Gamba roja
Salmorra y colorante
Ajo, zanahoria, cebolla, pimiento rojo y verde y Xantana


Elaboramos un arroz caldoso con el pollo, el rape y el calamar Una vez cocido, escurrir el arroz, triturar, enfriar y estirar en una bandeja.
Dejar secar y que se rice.
Trocearemos según el largo de la teja que queramos y las freiremos en abundante aceite.
Desmigamos el pollo que hemos usado y lo salteamos hasta que quede crujiente.
Hacemos una crema de marisco con las verduras y las cáscaras de gamba.
Espesamos, si es necesario, con Xantana.
Caramelizamos los ajetes con azúcar morena. Montamos la copa con la crema de marisco, pollo desmigado crujiente, ajetes, teja de arroz y gamba roja a la plancha.

Raw and peeled shrimps, sardine broth and breadcrumbs

La Ereta
Cuoco: Dani Frías
Nazionalita: España
Localita: 03001 Alicante.
Indirizzo: Parque de la Ereta
(+34) 965143250.

Dani Frías ’s constructions are synonymous with naturality, refinement, lightness as well as emotional and aesthetic art. Pertinently delicate, harmonious and sensitive, his imaginative and wise compositions reproduce well-known flavours that have been clearly renewed. Ingredients from Alicante and popular recipes are the components of his recipes, characterized by an unequivocal style: regional creative haute cuisine. This is the case of the raw and peeled shrimps from Santa Pola –superb, brimming with sweetness and delight– accompanied by oceanic cockles, onion segments, sprouts and toasted croutons, swimming all together into a translucent and exultant sardine broth. Conceptual and palatal purity seasoned with hints of talent.

La Ricetta


Ingredients for 10 servings:
80 shrimps
2 salted sardines
½ l water
10 g vegetal gelatin in powder
½ pan de Cristal (crunchy and porous bread)
3 spring onions
50 ml citrus infusion
Olive oil
4 arugula sprout
Soy lecithin
Remove the shrimps ‘ heads and peel.
Sauté the heads and peels, cover with water, cook for 15 minutes and strain with a weight in order to extract all the juice. Add 2-3 spoonfuls lecithin to the juice and mix. Set this mixture aside to make the air.
Infuse the sardines into the water, strain and add the vegetal gelatin in powder. Heat until boiling. Pour 15-20 g into a glass (depending on its size), let coagulate and cool down.
Make croutons with the Cristal bread
Cook the onion on the flame.
Make a gel with the citrus infusion and reduce (60 g/l).
Over the gelatin that will have previously coagulated in the dish, arrange 5 shrimps together with some onion segments, citrus gel and Cristal bread croutons. Top with a spoonful of air obtained with the use of a mixer or an aquarium oxygenator.



Pepe Vieira Camiño da Serpe

Xosé T. Cannas
Xosé T. Cannas
Nazionalita: Spain
Localita: 36994 Raxó (Pontevedra)
Indirizzo: Camiño da Serpe, s/n
(+34) 986741378
Chiusura:: Monday; Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, except in summer (only closed on Sunday night and Monday)
Prezzo: 55/90 €
Menu di degustazione: 53 y 73 €

  • Ostra con gin fizz
  • Ostra con gin fizz
  • Solo centollo
  • Solo centollo
  • Lascas de lubina sobre tosta de pan de trigo
  • Lascas de lubina sobre tosta de pan de trigo
  • Lomo de merluza de pincho rebozado
  • Lomo de merluza de pincho rebozado
  • Lamprea guisada en tinto Sousón con piñones garrapiñados y rúcola
  • Lamprea guisada en tinto Sousón con piñones garrapiñados y rúcola
  • Steak Tartar
  • Steak Tartar
  • Bola de cocido
  • Bola de cocido

From the very beginning, when they set up their small restaurant on Sanxenxo’s coast, the Cannas brothers, Xosé and Xoan, intended to become a milestone of Galician cuisine. And they made it, both at local and national level. In this eating house located in the mountain, overlooking the river –probably one of the most beautiful in Galicia–, the trend they follow is rather more reflexive than it used to be recently. This is logical, because with the time, Xosé has matured, and so have his culinary proposals, which turn to be more personal and effective, less showy and spectacular. Pepe’s quest is more based on evolutionary perfection than on experimental art. Splendor, solidity, kind revolution, nonconformist and possibilist evolution: this is what he is now busy with. The cook has understood that the only way to progress is to do it together with the guests.
This is why his appetizers and starters have a bit of everything: passion for local land, always reinvented, and avant-garde cosmopolitism, expressed with sensibility. Corn bread, creamy cod with minimized raisins and five proposals of Galician broth. The cook has got good taste, elegant flavours and harmonic contrasts; that is a fact. This exquisiteness is also applicable to the chromatism and to the essenciality of the articulations. Like the oyster, served without shell nor barbels, raw, crowned by a gin fizz foam that gives a citric touch without affecting the mollusc at all. The Bloody Mary made of tomatoes ripened on their branch proposed with prawn tartare and seasoned with the seafood’s coral was another joyful moment; a demonstration of fashion and composure. The chef hardly needs to have to look at himself in the mirror. To exemplify this, there is nothing like the Solo centollo (only spider crab): delightful cooked and shred meats that form an island surrounded by the depth of a broth made with the animal’s shell, served with a crunchy toast thrusted into the lobster; a spectacular oceanic soup. We had never tasted such a noble, immaculate, light and attractive toast: imagine an extremely thin layer of wheat bread seasoned with garlic and carrots, covered by some wonderful sea bass shavings, raw and chewy, garnished and refreshed with arugula, shoots and herbs... The only dish of the feast that might raise objections is the prawn omelette, served with peeled tails and entire heads decorating the scrambled eggs, cooked in two ways: too set up and raw on the top. The proposal was not especially good, was not very easy to eat (because of the heads) and the elements did not really match together. But this was not important, because clairvoyance and exquisiteness immediately showed up again with the hake filet coated with a subtle layer of egg and hints of garlic and parsley; iridescent meat lain on an utterly refined lime mayonnaise. A successful version of the hake coated with breadcrumbs. Historical memory is also expressed through two daring brushstrokes: lamprey cooked into Souson red wine with toasted pine kernels and arugula. It won’t be easy for you to find a better tartare steak, as natural as can be, creamy, served with the spicy touch of different mustards, old Gouda cheese and corn bread; irresistible. The stew is synonymous with proverbial audacity and technique: a surprising potato ball that contains meat, soaked in the broth. Can I have another one please? Joxé has definitely opted for the scientific way.
Wines deserve a separate chapter. They reflect Xoan Cannas knowledge, a man who is able to find marvellous bottles without getting influenced by their fame or the current fashion and to offer them at really affordable prices.


Pepe Vieira Camiño da Serpe

Xosé T. Cannas
Xosé T. Cannas
Nazionalita: Spain
Localita: 36994 Raxó (Pontevedra)
Indirizzo: Camiño da Serpe, s/n
(+34) 986741378
Chiusura:: Monday; Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, except in summer (only closed on Sunday night and Monday)
Prezzo: 55/90 €
Menu di degustazione: 53 y 73 €

  • Ostra con gin fizz
  • Ostra con gin fizz
  • Solo centollo
  • Solo centollo
  • Lascas de lubina sobre tosta de pan de trigo
  • Lascas de lubina sobre tosta de pan de trigo
  • Lomo de merluza de pincho rebozado
  • Lomo de merluza de pincho rebozado
  • Lamprea guisada en tinto Sousón con piñones garrapiñados y rúcola
  • Lamprea guisada en tinto Sousón con piñones garrapiñados y rúcola
  • Steak Tartar
  • Steak Tartar
  • Bola de cocido
  • Bola de cocido

From the very beginning, when they set up their small restaurant on Sanxenxo’s coast, the Cannas brothers, Xosé and Xoan, intended to become a milestone of Galician cuisine. And they made it, both at local and national level. In this eating house located in the mountain, overlooking the river –probably one of the most beautiful in Galicia–, the trend they follow is rather more reflexive than it used to be recently. This is logical, because with the time, Xosé has matured, and so have his culinary proposals, which turn to be more personal and effective, less showy and spectacular. Pepe’s quest is more based on evolutionary perfection than on experimental art. Splendor, solidity, kind revolution, nonconformist and possibilist evolution: this is what he is now busy with. The cook has understood that the only way to progress is to do it together with the guests.
This is why his appetizers and starters have a bit of everything: passion for local land, always reinvented, and avant-garde cosmopolitism, expressed with sensibility. Corn bread, creamy cod with minimized raisins and five proposals of Galician broth. The cook has got good taste, elegant flavours and harmonic contrasts; that is a fact. This exquisiteness is also applicable to the chromatism and to the essenciality of the articulations. Like the oyster, served without shell nor barbels, raw, crowned by a gin fizz foam that gives a citric touch without affecting the mollusc at all. The Bloody Mary made of tomatoes ripened on their branch proposed with prawn tartare and seasoned with the seafood’s coral was another joyful moment; a demonstration of fashion and composure. The chef hardly needs to have to look at himself in the mirror. To exemplify this, there is nothing like the Solo centollo (only spider crab): delightful cooked and shred meats that form an island surrounded by the depth of a broth made with the animal’s shell, served with a crunchy toast thrusted into the lobster; a spectacular oceanic soup. We had never tasted such a noble, immaculate, light and attractive toast: imagine an extremely thin layer of wheat bread seasoned with garlic and carrots, covered by some wonderful sea bass shavings, raw and chewy, garnished and refreshed with arugula, shoots and herbs... The only dish of the feast that might raise objections is the prawn omelette, served with peeled tails and entire heads decorating the scrambled eggs, cooked in two ways: too set up and raw on the top. The proposal was not especially good, was not very easy to eat (because of the heads) and the elements did not really match together. But this was not important, because clairvoyance and exquisiteness immediately showed up again with the hake filet coated with a subtle layer of egg and hints of garlic and parsley; iridescent meat lain on an utterly refined lime mayonnaise. A successful version of the hake coated with breadcrumbs. Historical memory is also expressed through two daring brushstrokes: lamprey cooked into Souson red wine with toasted pine kernels and arugula. It won’t be easy for you to find a better tartare steak, as natural as can be, creamy, served with the spicy touch of different mustards, old Gouda cheese and corn bread; irresistible. The stew is synonymous with proverbial audacity and technique: a surprising potato ball that contains meat, soaked in the broth. Can I have another one please? Joxé has definitely opted for the scientific way.
Wines deserve a separate chapter. They reflect Xoan Cannas knowledge, a man who is able to find marvellous bottles without getting influenced by their fame or the current fashion and to offer them at really affordable prices.



Pepe Vieira Camiño da Serpe

Xosé T. Cannas
Xosé T. Cannas
Nazionalita: Spain
Localita: 36994 Raxó (Pontevedra)
Indirizzo: Camiño da Serpe, s/n
(+34) 986741378
Chiusura:: Monday; Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, except in summer (only closed on Sunday night and Monday)
Prezzo: 55/90 €
Menu di degustazione: 53 y 73 €

  • Ostra con gin fizz
  • Ostra con gin fizz
  • Solo centollo
  • Solo centollo
  • Lascas de lubina sobre tosta de pan de trigo
  • Lascas de lubina sobre tosta de pan de trigo
  • Lomo de merluza de pincho rebozado
  • Lomo de merluza de pincho rebozado
  • Lamprea guisada en tinto Sousón con piñones garrapiñados y rúcola
  • Lamprea guisada en tinto Sousón con piñones garrapiñados y rúcola
  •  Steak Tartar
  • Steak Tartar
  • Bola de cocido
  • Bola de cocido

From the very beginning, when they set up their small restaurant on Sanxenxo’s coast, the Cannas brothers, Xosé and Xoan, intended to become a milestone of Galician cuisine. And they made it, both at local and national level. In this eating house located in the mountain, overlooking the river –probably one of the most beautiful in Galicia–, the trend they follow is rather more reflexive than it used to be recently. This is logical, because with the time, Xosé has matured, and so have his culinary proposals, which turn to be more personal and effective, less showy and spectacular. Pepe’s quest is more based on evolutionary perfection than on experimental art. Splendor, solidity, kind revolution, nonconformist and possibilist evolution: this is what he is now busy with. The cook has understood that the only way to progress is to do it together with the guests.
This is why his appetizers and starters have a bit of everything: passion for local land, always reinvented, and avant-garde cosmopolitism, expressed with sensibility. Corn bread, creamy cod with minimized raisins and five proposals of Galician broth. The cook has got good taste, elegant flavours and harmonic contrasts; that is a fact. This exquisiteness is also applicable to the chromatism and to the essenciality of the articulations. Like the oyster, served without shell nor barbels, raw, crowned by a gin fizz foam that gives a citric touch without affecting the mollusc at all. The Bloody Mary made of tomatoes ripened on their branch proposed with prawn tartare and seasoned with the seafood’s coral was another joyful moment; a demonstration of fashion and composure. The chef hardly needs to have to look at himself in the mirror. To exemplify this, there is nothing like the Solo centollo (only spider crab): delightful cooked and shred meats that form an island surrounded by the depth of a broth made with the animal’s shell, served with a crunchy toast thrusted into the lobster; a spectacular oceanic soup. We had never tasted such a noble, immaculate, light and attractive toast: imagine an extremely thin layer of wheat bread seasoned with garlic and carrots, covered by some wonderful sea bass shavings, raw and chewy, garnished and refreshed with arugula, shoots and herbs... The only dish of the feast that might raise objections is the prawn omelette, served with peeled tails and entire heads decorating the scrambled eggs, cooked in two ways: too set up and raw on the top. The proposal was not especially good, was not very easy to eat (because of the heads) and the elements did not really match together. But this was not important, because clairvoyance and exquisiteness immediately showed up again with the hake filet coated with a subtle layer of egg and hints of garlic and parsley; iridescent meat lain on an utterly refined lime mayonnaise. A successful version of the hake coated with breadcrumbs. Historical memory is also expressed through two daring brushstrokes: lamprey cooked into Souson red wine with toasted pine kernels and arugula. It won’t be easy for you to find a better tartare steak, as natural as can be, creamy, served with the spicy touch of different mustards, old Gouda cheese and corn bread; irresistible. The stew is synonymous with proverbial audacity and technique: a surprising potato ball that contains meat, soaked in the broth. Can I have another one please? Joxé has definitely opted for the scientific way.
Wines deserve a separate chapter. They reflect Xoan Cannas knowledge, a man who is able to find marvellous bottles without getting influenced by their fame or the current fashion and to offer them at really affordable prices.