
Pasta – Spaghetti – Benedetto Cavalieri

Benedetto Cavalieri

Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: 73024 Maglie (Lecce)
Indirizzo: Via Garibaldi
(+39) 0836484144
Prezzo: 4.20 € for a 500 g packet

Unique. It suffices to say that Massimiliano Alajmo (Le Calandre), the supreme specialist in this kind of pasta, uses this brand as the artifice of such consecrated dishes as his spaghetti with squid liver, oil and spicy pepper. It has two immense virtues. The first is the texture: very al dente, consistent, requiring you to chew, touch and feel… It is practically impossible to overcook them, barring some calamitous distraction occurring in the kitchen. The second is the taste: a noble flavor of cereals with pleasant sweet notes, enriching the identity, that preserve themselves immaculately, except when smothered with out-of-date sauces. This is spaghetti in which the pasta manifests itself in full sapid and tactile splendor.


Onderwater Cheese

Maatschap Onderwater

Nazionalita: Holland
Localita: 2411 NB Bodegraven NL
Indirizzo: Hoogendoornlaan 10
(+31) 172611842
Prezzo: 13,50 €

A concentrated, creamy, dense cheese that vaguely recalls the flavor of cooked, caramelized condensed milk. Indulgent and gourmand sensations prevail, intermingling with other more refreshing notes derived from a mild acidity. A noble product, clearly identifiable with the international references one typically thinks of with regard to Dutch cheese.
Made with cows’ milk. Aged for approximately one year.


Escargots Ducs de Bourgogne H.Maire

H. Maire et Fils

Nazionalita: France
Localita: 21130 Auxonne
Indirizzo: 5, rue Boileau
(+33) 0385311793
Prezzo: 9,3 €

Giant escargots, immense in size, sold completely clean without their shell. They have a polished texture - tender, chewable and sharp. Their natural flavor is preserved well, further strengthened by the accompanying broth, very aromatic, with parsley, garlic, black pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf and carrot, among others. Simply heat and dress to taste.


Colatura de Alici Delfino Battista

Delfino Battista S.R.L.

Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: Cetaria-Salermo (CS)
Indirizzo: C.so Umberto i, 58
(+39) 089261069
Prezzo: 10,60 € for 100 ml jar

One of the most characteristic flavors of southern Italy, emblematic of transalpine cuisine for its capability to add a magical, ancestral touch full of character to an infinity of dishes. This sauce reproduces the sensations of salted anchovies, or, better yet, a salting of anchovies, if you can see the difference therein, expressing that particular flavor – a flavor that must be moderated so as not to be excessive.


Oregano Anchovies A Vittorio Alimentari

I Magnifici del Mezzogiorno S.A.S.

Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: 87020 S. María del Cedro (CS)
Indirizzo: Via degli Scavi, 55
(+39) 09855303
Prezzo: 10 € for 300 g jar

Salted anchovies that are sold whole with the dorsal spine still attached, impregnated with olive oil and oregano. As a consequence, they must be cleaned first – an easy task – and dressed with a little more oil. The pieces are small and silvery, with their skin still intact. The texture is meaty, robust to chew. The flavor is typical of the salting process, which prevails over the flavor of the fish, as usual, with appreciable amounts of the oil and aromatic herb expressed in moderate and accurate percentages.
They can be eaten plain for an aperitif or used to dress other dishes: salads, pasta, etc.
They are sold in the Alajmo family store found in front of his restaurant “Le Calandre”, in Sarmeola di Rubano, next to Padua, in the region of Veneto.


Casa Matías Ewe Milk Cheese

Queijos Casa Matias

Nazionalita: Portugal
Localita: 6270-031 Carragosela - Seia
Indirizzo: Quinta do Chão da Vinha
(+351) 238902250
Prezzo: 36 € per kilo

The “Torta de Serra da Estrela” is the Portuguese counterpart to the similar cheese “tortas” found just across the border in Extremadura, Spain. It is made with milk from ewes of the Portuguese Bordaleira race that graze on cardoon flowers that the surrounding hills are covered with. This particular brand of cheese enjoys a much-deserved reputation, having won various international awards such as the Gold Medal in Verona for the Mountain Cheese Competition.
As is characteristic of this cheese, the first thing that calls your attention is its extraordinary creaminess, as dense as a liquid could be – a consistency it acquires when served at the perfect temperature and something that requires it be left at room temperature for a few hours before hand. Equally important is the resulting flavor, profound and unequivocally sheep’s milk – sour, concentrated, substantial, fatty and, apart from being lightly acidic, it expresses a minimal bitter tone. Bursting with character.



Óscar Velasco
Óscar Velasco
Nazionalita: Espagne
Localita: 28046 Madrid
Indirizzo: Paseo de la Castellana, 57. Hotel Hesperia.
(+34) 912108840
Chiusura:: Samedi midi, dimanche, jours fériés et le mois d’août.
Prezzo: 140/200 €
Menu di degustazione: 150 y 180 €

Commençons par les deux festins que nous avons savourés au cours des derniers mois. La quenelle de tourteau à la sauce à l’oignon et au céleri est une véritable ode à la naturalité et à l’exquisité rédigée en toute simplicité. La sépiole poêlée, lisse et immaculée, a plus de mérite : elle est proposée avec une huile de boudin noir émietté, de la pomme et une mousse de roquette ; une composition faite d’audace et de contrastes idylliquement résolus. Les tripes de morue, d’une saveur et d’une texture exceptionnelles, sont les meilleures que nous ayons jamais mangées ; elles sont servies en grands morceaux qui renforcent leurs qualités intrinsèques en compagnie d’un jardin de légumes avec lequel elles ont été cuites en cocotte. La langouste à l’huile de vanille avec haricots verts, poire et noisette s’avère anthologique. Et que dire du point de cuisson du Saint-Pierre, sublime, nettement marqué à la plancha pour rehausser son goût, ingénieusement assorti d’une purée de chou-fleur et d’une escabèche d’ananas et de menthe. Sans oublier le pigeonneau, flanqué d’un gâteau à la pomme de terre, au parmesan et au lard : quelle qualité ! Quelle jutosité ! La dernière agape fut introduite par deux apéritifs intéressants : une langoustine assortie d’éminents petits pois de Llavaneras entremêlés d’oignon, et des cébettes microscopiques extrêmement délicates accompagnées de caviar. Le cannelloni cristallin qui suivit, farci de truffe noire, d’oignon haché poché et de pignons, fut prodigieux : un ensemble parfait au sein duquel tous les éléments s’expriment dans toute leur netteté et leur exquisité. La gorge de porc, proposée avec des lentilles de La Armuña en ragoût, comme le veut la tradition, mais enrichie ici avec de la truffe, déborde de succulence et de caractère gélatineux. Bref, une mangeaille cultivée et distinguée dont l’ingrédient principal est la viande, préparée indépendamment des légumes, auxquels une petite touche de subtilité intellectuelle ne ferait pas de tort. Les poulpes, de la taille de l’ongle du petit doigt, poêlés avec précision et présentés en compagnie de minuscules fèves pelées et d’une quenelle aigre-douce de pomme sont d’une simplicité sublime ; un délice pur et dur. Et pour terminer, trois protagonistes clairement définis, que l’on peut, voire doit manger séparément : le médaillon de lotte servi sur un ragoût d’oreille de porc en présence de lamelles de moelle ; irréprochable. Et, surgelée, mais d’une qualité intrinsèque anthologique, bien grosse, d’une saveur sauvage, d’un point de cuisson et d’une jutosité exubérants : la bécasse, proposée avec une somptueuse mousse élaborée avec ses entrailles et un gâteau à la pomme de terre et au parmegiano-reggiano ; celui-là même qui accompagne le pigeonneau en été. Bref, une carte très, très, très,… Pour le reste, Abel Valverde dirige l’un des meilleurs services de salle d’Espagne.


Paco Torreblanca’s Chocolate Caviar

Caviar de Chocolate Torreblanca
Paco Torreblanca

Nazionalita: Spain
Localita: 03600 Elda (Alicante)
Indirizzo: Gran Avenida, 103
(+34) 965388224
Prezzo: 5 € for 125 g

Paco Torreblanca is the undisputed and inarguable master of patisserie in Spain. Trained in France, passionate about Italian patisserie, deeply knowledgeable on the indulgent patrimony of European pastries, a devotee of Japanese aesthetics… he is an erudite who manages concepts and techniques as you would expect from one of the world leaders in the profession. His bonbons are of a universal scale, the chocolate panettone and financier cakes as well… and what can be said of his innumerable tarts and pastries? He is a virtuoso and a creator. The artist transmits his genius through these candies, inspired by the idea that Ferran Adrià developed for the melon caviar but using completely different materials, he connects with tradition in his own way. They are small, crispy balls of cereals and nuts dipped in chocolate couverture. The crispy character, exceptionally crunchy, lets off an explosive impression, proceeding from the interior outwards, delivered by the cereal paste and nuts, with the creaminess derived from the couverture that encloses it. Both elements influence the flavor, though the chocolate prevails, with an exquisite, bitter taste that speaks to the treatment and selection employed in the preparation, using only the finest raw ingredients from the prestigious house of Cacao Barry. It is presented in the shape of caviar.


Green Onions in Modema Balsamic Vinegar Acetaia Bellei

Acetaia Bellei

Nazionalita: Italy
Localita: 41017 Casino di Ravarino (MO)
Indirizzo: Via Nouva, 55/ C
(+39) 059909111
Prezzo: 2 € for 290 g jar

Small Borettana onions that preserve their textural and sapid identity remarkably well through conservation in a mixture of Balsamic vinegar reduced with water, sugar and salt. They have a crisp, meaty, al dente consistency. The flavor of the vinegar prevails, expressing itself in a diminished manner, without aggression, bringing forth a mild sweet and sour sensation, balanced and pleasant, that is both refreshing and enticing.
They can be eaten plain or dressed with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil to serve as a starter or side dish, with meat, for example.


Smoked Salmon (Filet) Martiko


Nazionalita: Spain
Localita: 31780 Bera (Navarra)
Indirizzo: Pol. Zelain, s/n
(+34) 948625016
Prezzo: 23 € the kilo

This is the finest gourmet salmon that Martiko offers, sold in beautiful, filet cuts (500/600 grams each) taken from large, full filet pieces – 6-8 kilos – treasuring the body, oils and succulence of the fish. It can be cut according to personal taste, in thin, traditional slices or in pieces and cubes to be served as a dish, a technique that preserves the intrinsic qualities and gastronomic values more than the sliced approach. Consistent, meaty, juicy, and wildly flavorful… filling the mouth with pure salmon flavor, subtly perfumed with noble woods (oak and beech from the Black Forest), and smoked in a way that enriches the fish flavors without affecting its natural identity.