La Stúa de Michil
- Cremoso de gulash con filete de salvelino, pan crujiente, setas y guindilla confitada
- Silla de cordero en costra de masa madre con achicoria roja braseada y crosnes
A magic, unusual restaurant that reflects the clear vision and enormous personality of Michil Costa, author of the marvelous hotel complex that houses the finest ambience in the region. The decoration, the service… his mark has been left on everything. The cellar, which must be visited, is unique: an amazingly original spectacle of special effects.
The kitchen is run by Arturo Spicocchi, a chef with classical training, invigorated during his stints in such innovative restaurants as El Poblet and La Terraza del Casino. Intense flavors prevail; the sumptuousness, conviction and character are all part of the mountainous gastronomy. His dishes are charming, demonstrating a painstaking technique with a very gratifying result.
The cream of gulasch with scallop, mushrooms and dark, crispy bread is an impeccable formula, very flavorful, but slightly eclipsed by the quality of the seafood which was mediocre. The goat’s cheesecake could not be more delicate and ethereal, finished by a prepared mountain herb and grilled radicchio trevisano. The pancetta is impressive: succulent, supple, with a simple, pleasant garnish of different peppers. The pumpkin ravioli with ragu of veal cheeks and Parmesan chips is yet again another demonstration of effective, wise conviction. “How delicious”, exclaim time and time again the diners. Many other pasta preparations are offered, and are all done excellently, as well as the risotto; the one with chestnuts and black truffle, dominated by the sweet flavor of the chestnut, is something truly special. As is the pumpkin, ginger, chocolate and orange risotto with its confronting flavors, complex and stimulating. The meats are academic and polished in such a way that it renders it difficult to rank one higher than another: oxtail crepinette with a puree of Jerusalem artichoke, red cabbage, mushrooms etc., or the saddle of kid a la carrube with apple.
Among the classic dishes of the house is the lasagnette of foie gras with pumpkin puree and truffle sauce and the lamb with apple puree, celery root and cream of fresh cheese.
The dessert menu is ample. It is enough to note the sweet ricotta in two ways, with a balanced sweetness and refined acidity, and the mousse of chocolate and olive oil with lychee sorbet and sweet pesto.