Fagiolo Bianco Di Pigna Enrico Allavena

Enrico Allavena
Country: Italy
City: 18037 Pigna (Imperia)
Address: C.so De Sonnas, 36.
(+39) 03287051067enrico.moteto@libero.it
Price: Around 10 € for 500 g
White beans cultivated in Liguria, Imperia, and more specifically in Pigna, by this artisan producer who has won himself a solid reputation in all of Italy, where he markets his product. The beans are characterized by their distinct shape and color: round, ovoid, with a white marble-like, lustrous tone. The first virtue of these beans is the texture, it is almost as if it was lacking the skin altogether. Its second quality is consistency: smooth and creamy. And the final winning characteristic is the flavor: delicate, full-flavored and buttery. What’s more, they don’t require long to cook.
They are sold in different sized packages: 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg and 5 kg.
The label includes preparation directions.