Risotto Black

Risotto Negro de Sepia con Esfera de All i Oli
L´ Escaleta
Chef: Kiko Moya
Country: España
City: 03824 Cocentaina.
Address: Subida estación del norte, 205
(+34) 965592100.

This is the local version (Alicante) of black rice, a clear Italian vision, defined as risotto, which differs from the Spanish rice dishes made with cuttlefish and ink. A creamy proposal in which the cuttlefish’s taste and gelatinousness and the cod’s skins make the sauce even important as the cereal. Both express themselves jointly and separately through a delicious harmony that allows them to preserve all their respective identity. The garlic mayonnaise, blended with the structure, brings originality and chromatism. A different approach of rice inspired by the combination of two cultures that keep their own identity.

The Recipe


For the broth:
5 l water
1 kg cod skins
0.5 kg cuttlefish tentacles
1 leek
2 shallots
½ green pepper
1 fennel

For the fried sauce:
100 g green pepper
200 g red onion
200 g mashed tomatoes
20 g grinded garlic

For the garlic mayonnaise:
3 eggs
500 g seed oil
1 raw garlic clove
2 blanched garlic cloves
Lemon juice
Lemon and ginger peel
50 g Carnaroli rice (per serving)
6 saffron threads
50 g cuttlefish brunoise
20 g rice sauce
20 g squid ink and coral
4 caramelized lemon cubes

For the broth:
Put all the cold ingredients in a pot and let them come to a boil on a low flame for half an hour.

For the rice sauce:
In a bit of olive oil, lightly fry the grinded garlic and add the onion until it starts caramelizing. Finish with the peeled green pepper. It is important to work on a low flame for all the vegetables to be caramelized. Set aside.

For the garlic mayonnaise:
Blanch the two chopped garlic cloves. Place the eggs into the Thermomix, followed by the garlic cloves. Pour the oil progressively until whisking and obtaining a quite liquid mixture that will be strained and introduced into a siphon.

In an iron pan, lightly fry the sauce with the rice. Add the toasted saffron and the corresponding broth, and let cook for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and fold the ink and the cuttlefish. Grease and salt. During the mixing process, it is important the ink not to coagulate too fast because of the heat. To do so, let the rice cool slowly and grease. If necessary, let come to a slight boil before serving.


Place a ring of garlic mayonnaise in the centre of the dish and arrange the rice and the caramelized lemon cubes around.