Dripping of fish

It is necessary to use grandiose words when speaking of Gualtiero Marchesi. He is probably the most important chef the Italy has ever offered to international culinary history.
He is truly impassioned by the fine arts; architecture, sculpture and painting mark his work in a notable fashion. For him, the kitchen has been a canvas to express sharp, intellectual beauty onto: riso, gold and saffron; open ravioli; black squid in its ink; Diritti (straight) spaghetti ; Marchesi extravagance; beet risotto… and the list goes on. One of the most recent creations dates to 2005: “dripping di pesce”. A painting inspired by Jackson Pollock in which he restores and reinvents mayonnaise in honor of the dwarf calamari and coquina clams. It is an explosion of gastronomic color: liquid yellow mayonnaise, liquid green mayonnaise of chlorophyll, tomato sauce, black sauce of squid ink, calamari and coquina clams: traditional flavors, sauces with amazing body and an impacting artistic beauty.
The Recipe
- 200 g mayonnaise
- 50 g squid ink sauce
- 50 g tomato sauce
- 50 g shelled coquina clams
- 50 g baby squid
- 30 g chlorophyll
Distribute the mayonnaise between two bowls, leaving one just as it is and coloring the other with the chlorophyll.
On a square plate, spread the regular mayonnaise so that it completely covers the base and place the boiled baby squid and shelled coquina clams on top.
Dress the plate with the chlorophyll mayonnaise, squid ink sauce and tomato sauce.