
Agli Amici

Sopa de vino blanco con ñoquis de patata y erizos de mar
Emanuele Scarello
Country: Italy
City: 33100 Godia (junto a Udine)
Address: Via Liguria, 250
(+39) 0432565411
Closed: Sunday nights, Mondays, one week in January and two weeks in July
Price: 60/90 €
Tasting menu:: 58 €

Emanuele Scarello is a chef who expresses the wonders of Italian culture and sentiment. He draws his inspiration from traditional elements and recipes to then develop them into an eminently creative cuisine. For example, “la busera di gamberi rossi…oggi” gives way to splendid raw red prawns served next to a pepper and sun-dried tomato gelatin, a yellow pepper ice cream, a piece of crispy polenta and a slice of crispy onion. It is an exuberant demonstration of traditional flavors refitted to a modern aesthetic, with a common denominator of exquisiteness.