San Marco

Taglierini hechos a mano con guiso a la piamontesa
Mariuccia Ferrero
Country: Italy
City: 14053 Canelli (Asti)
Address: Via Alba, 136
(+39) 0141823544
Closed: Tuesday evenings, Wednesdays and from 7/20 to 8/12
Price: 70/100 €
Tasting menu::

A restaurant, owned by Mariuccia and Pier Carlo Ferrero, traditional and rustic in style, evident in regional dishes as well as in academic preparations. In both cases what stands out is abundance, copiousness, baroque-ism…in aesthetics as well as flavor. Theoretically and practically classic recipes that express succulence and substance, providing basic pleasure. It is precisely the primary flavors, in many cases of exceptional ingredients, and the historical, permanent flavors, that steal the heart of the diner seated at the table of this bourgeois Piedmontese establishment.