
Filete de salmonete sobre endivia caramelizada y frutos secos del bosque
Giancarlo Perbellini
Country: Italy
City: 37050 Isola Rizza (Verona)
Address: Via Muselle, 130
(+39) 457135352
Closed: Sunday nights, Mondays and Tuesdays
Price: 120 €
Tasting menu:: 60/110/120 €

Art runs through Giancarlo Perbellini’s veins; not in the literal sense of the term, but rather that the Perbellini family boasts a long tradition in the field of artful patisserie in Verona, with traditional local specialties such as pandoro and the colombe pasquali.

There are those who say this family imprint is seen in many of his dishes, which, within their complexity, can oftentimes be characterized by a certain “sweet” nuance. It might be true, perhaps, but only in part.