Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Dórica

Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Dórica

Country: España
City: 2315 Valdepeñas de Jaén
Address: Carretera de Jaén, Km. 2
(+34) 953310070
Price: Sobre 6 € la botella de 750 ml

   Aceite verde amarillento con ligeros reflejos dorados. En nariz tiene un frutado medio de aceituna verde. Buena complejidad aromática de herbáceos y frutas verdes como piel de plátano y manzana verde, ligeros toques maduros que recuerdan las frutas del bosque como la zarzamora o
los arándanos. Limpio y fragante. En boca destacan los tonos verdes, siendo elegante, poco agresivo, predominando ligeramente el picante sobre
el amargo. Gran estructura y armonía.




Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Oro de Cánava Selección Cosecha Temprana

S.C.A. Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios

Country: España
City: 23530 Jimena (Jaén)
Address: Ctra. Mancha Real-Cazorla. Km 16.800.
(+34) 953357437
Price: Sobre 8 € la botella de 500ml

  Los frutos, de la variedad picual, que dan origen a este gran aceite proceden del Parque Natural de Sierra Mágina, aportando la altitud y el microclima unas características claramente diferenciadoras.
Impresiona por su intensidad, en verdad penetrante, con fragancias de aceituna verde, haciendo gala de una enorme complejidad vegetal entremezclada con frutas frescas, frutos secos y especias: manzana, hierbabuena, tomatera, piel de plátano, almendra y guindilla. En boca vuelve a mostrarse vivo, limpio, fragante, frutoso, con fino amargor y progresivo picante, un tanto ardiente, que motiva al paladar. Estructurado y persistente. 



Salty Products Stew: Vegetables, Anchovies and Pork Jowl with Idiazábal Cheese Balls

 Salty Products Stew: Vegetables, Anchovies and Pork Jowl with Idiazábal Cheese
Chef: Eneko Atxa
Country: Spain
City: 48195 Larrabetzu (Vizcaya).
Address: Barrio Legina s/n

Eneko Atxa’s style is clearly defined. On the one hand, he updates and reinvents traditional recipes –like in this case. On the other hand, he uses avant-garde techniques to reinforce natural and chromatic aspects. One of them is spherification.
The chef proposes numerous dishes with historical memory that boast about redefined academic sauces. Apart from preserving traditional exquisiteness and gelatinousity, they show off unprecedented refinement, harmony and slender density. A good example of those stocks Eneko is so attached to and everybody is so fond of is this traditional stew made of pig’s trotters and pork fat, served with vegetables and chickpeas. Once polished up, it is soaked with low grade meat as well as genius and contrasts that fill the palate together with pork jowl, asparagus and anchovies; almost nothing. Some cheese balls are added to give some volume and evanescence to this greedy recipe.

The Recipe

For 16 Servings

Cheese spheres
500 g cream
170 g Idiazábal cheese
1.7 g xanthan gum
2 g Calcic

Boil the cream and add the cheese cut into dices. Grind and texturize with xanthan and Calcic, salt and remove the air with the help of a vacuum machine. Introduce into a dispenser and set aside in a bain-marie.

Alginate coating
7.5 g de Alginate
1000 g water
Cheese cream (previous preparation)

Mix both ingredients properly and remove the remaining air with the help of a vacuum machine. Make spheres with a 2.5 ml measuring spoon introducing the cheese cream into the alginate mixture. Cook for 2 minutes, strain and set aside into a container with hot water.


Pig’s trotters broth
10 pig’s trotters
1 medium-size onion
1 leek
2 tomatoes
1 carrot
1 kg chickpeas
250 g white pork fat

Put all the ingredients except the chickpeas into a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 3 hours. After that time, add the chickpeas and cook for 2 more hours. Strain through a conical strainer and a Superbag and reduce until obtaining a thick and gelatinous consistency.

Marinated pork jowl
1000 g pork jowl
1500 ml sunflower oil

Salt the jowl and cover with sunflower oil. Marinate without boiling for one and a half day until tender. Allow to cool in the same oil, strain, remove the skin and cut into 0.5 cm dices.

Salty stew
120 g washed shallots
400 g minced jowl
440 g green asparagus
250 g pig’s trotters sauce

Fry the shallot brunoise lightly with very few olive oil. Once translucent, add the green asparagus, finely cut in a half-moon shape, and cook for 1 minute. Introduce the minced jowl, heat and add the pig’s trotters sauce. Mix and salt (strain in case the jowl releases much fat).
Finishing and assembly
Place the stew into a deep plate and cover with 3 cheese spheres intermingled with 3 pieces of anchovies.






Salty Products Stew: Vegetables, Anchovies and Pork Jowl with Idiazábal Cheese Balls

Chef: Eneko Atxa
Country: Spain
City: 48195 Larrabetzu (Vizcaya).
Address: Barrio Legina s/n

Eneko Atxa’s style is clearly defined. On the one hand, he updates and reinvents traditional recipes –like in this case. On the other hand, he uses avant-garde techniques to reinforce natural and chromatic aspects. One of them is spherification.
The chef proposes numerous dishes with historical memory that boast about redefined academic sauces. Apart from preserving traditional exquisiteness and gelatinousity, they show off unprecedented refinement, harmony and slender density. A good example of those stocks Eneko is so attached to and everybody is so fond of is this traditional stew made of pig’s trotters and pork fat, served with vegetables and chickpeas. Once polished up, it is soaked with low grade meat as well as genius and contrasts that fill the palate together with pork jowl, asparagus and anchovies; almost nothing. Some cheese balls are added to give some volume and evanescence to this greedy recipe.

The Recipe

For 16 Servings

Cheese spheres
500 g cream
170 g Idiazábal cheese
1.7 g xanthan gum
2 g Calcic

Boil the cream and add the cheese cut into dices. Grind and texturize with xanthan and Calcic, salt and remove the air with the help of a vacuum machine. Introduce into a dispenser and set aside in a bain-marie.

Alginate coating
7.5 g de Alginate
1000 g water
Cheese cream (previous preparation)

Mix both ingredients properly and remove the remaining air with the help of a vacuum machine. Make spheres with a 2.5 ml measuring spoon introducing the cheese cream into the alginate mixture. Cook for 2 minutes, strain and set aside into a container with hot water.


Pig’s trotters broth
10 pig’s trotters
1 medium-size onion
1 leek
2 tomatoes
1 carrot
1 kg chickpeas
250 g white pork fat

Put all the ingredients except the chickpeas into a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 3 hours. After that time, add the chickpeas and cook for 2 more hours. Strain through a conical strainer and a Superbag and reduce until obtaining a thick and gelatinous consistency.

Marinated pork jowl
1000 g pork jowl
1500 ml sunflower oil

Salt the jowl and cover with sunflower oil. Marinate without boiling for one and a half day until tender. Allow to cool in the same oil, strain, remove the skin and cut into 0.5 cm dices.

Salty stew
120 g washed shallots
400 g minced jowl
440 g green asparagus
250 g pig’s trotters sauce

Fry the shallot brunoise lightly with very few olive oil. Once translucent, add the green asparagus, finely cut in a half-moon shape, and cook for 1 minute. Introduce the minced jowl, heat and add the pig’s trotters sauce. Mix and salt (strain in case the jowl releases much fat).
Finishing and assembly
Place the stew into a deep plate and cover with 3 cheese spheres intermingled with 3 pieces of anchovies.






Salty Products Stew: Vegetables, Anchovies and Pork Jowl with Idiazábal Cheese Balls

Chef: Eneko Atxa
Country: Spain
City: 48195 Larrabetzu (Vizcaya).
Address: Barrio Legina s/n

Eneko Atxa’s style is clearly defined. On the one hand, he updates and reinvents traditional recipes –like in this case. On the other hand, he uses avant-garde techniques to reinforce natural and chromatic aspects. One of them is spherification.
The chef proposes numerous dishes with historical memory that boast about redefined academic sauces. Apart from preserving traditional exquisiteness and gelatinousity, they show off unprecedented refinement, harmony and slender density. A good example of those stocks Eneko is so attached to and everybody is so fond of is this traditional stew made of pig’s trotters and pork fat, served with vegetables and chickpeas. Once polished up, it is soaked with low grade meat as well as genius and contrasts that fill the palate together with pork jowl, asparagus and anchovies; almost nothing. Some cheese balls are added to give some volume and evanescence to this greedy recipe.

The Recipe

Para 16 porciones

Esferas de queso
500 g de nata
170 g de queso Idiazábal
1,7 g de goma xantana
2 g de Calcic

Hervir la nata y añadir el queso cortado en dados. Moler y texturizar con xantano y cálcica, sal y remover el aire con la ayuda de una máquina de vacío. Introducir en un dispensador y dejar de lado en un baño maría.

Recubrimiento de alginato
7,5 g de alginato de
1000 g de agua
Crema de quesos (preparación previa)

Mezcla ambos ingredientes correctamente y eliminar el aire restante con la ayuda de una máquina de vacío. Hacer esferas con 2,5 ml de medición cuchara introducir el queso crema en la mezcla de alginato. Cocine por 2 minutos, colar y dejar de lado en un recipiente con agua caliente.


Manitas de cerdo caldo
manitas de cerdo 10
1 mediana cebolla
1 puerro
2 tomates
1 zanahoria
1 kg de garbanzos
250 g de grasa de cerdo blanco

Poner todos los ingredientes excepto los garbanzos en una cacerola, cubrir con agua y cocer durante 3 horas. Después de ese tiempo, añadir los garbanzos y cocine durante 2 horas más. Colar con un colador cónico y un Superbag y reducir hasta obtener una consistencia espesa y gelatinosa.

Papada de cerdo marinado
papada de cerdo 1000 g
1500 ml de aceite de girasol

de Salt la papada y la cubierta con aceite de girasol. Marinar sin hervir durante un día y medio hasta que estén tiernos. Dejar enfriar en el mismo aceite, tensión, quitar la piel y cortar en dados de 0,5 cm.

Salty guisado
120 g lavan chalotes
picados 400 g papada
440 g de espárragos verdes
manitas de salsa 250 g de cerdo

Freír la brunoise chalota ligeramente con aceite de oliva muy pocos. Una vez transparente, añadir los espárragos verdes, finamente cortado en forma de media luna, y cocine por 1 minuto. Introducir la papada, el calor picada y añadir la salsa de manitas de cerdo. Mezclar y sal (deformación en caso de que los comunicados de papada cantidad de grasa).
Acabado y montaje
Coloque el cocido en un plato hondo y cubrir con 3 esferas de queso mezclados con 3 piezas de anchoas.






Green Salad

Green Salad
El Celler de Can Roca
Chef: Joan Roca
Country: Spain
City: 17007 Girona
Address: Can Sunyer, 48

Roca’s brother's cuisine is synonymous with permanent inspiration, generally based on evolutionary creativity. After Jordi materialized his Green Chromatism last year –an anthological work that won the Dish of the Year award (see in this section), this time, Joan transfers the same cooking line from desserts to salty dishes with another original, light and refreshing formula: the very green –both conceptually and chromatically– green salad. They also created an orange version, the orange salad, predominantly based on sweet sensations. In the green one, acidity, bitterness and the liveliness of the vegetable garden express themselves in a more exuberant way, with stronger and brighter contrasts, faithful to the silkiness and harmony that distinguish the house.

The Recipe


•Green tomato
•Baby cucumber
•Lime jelly
•Avocado cream
•Olive ice cream
•Chartreuse candies
•Sauce of cucumber skin

Green tomato seeds
1 green tomato

Cut the tomato into halves and carefully remove all the seeds. Cut them in three parts and set aside.

Baby cucumber
1 baby cucumber

Wash the skin carefully and slice with a mandolin. Cover and set aside.

Lime jelly
20 g sugar
75 g water
20 g lime juice
1,2 g agar-agar

Boil water and sugar until sugar grains melt. Allow to cool, add the agar agar, boil again and remove from the heat. Add the lime juice, mix and transfer to a mould to harden.
Once cold, grind the whole until obtaining a soft jelly.

Avocado cream
140 g ripe avocado
14 g lime juice

Blend the avocado pulp, mix with the lime juice and salt. Introduce into a pastry bag and keep in the fridge.

Green olive ice cream
375 g Manzanilla green olives
145 g olive brine
25 g dextrose
2 g stabilizer for creams
2 g salt
37 g edible glycerin
Grind the olives and their brine until obtaining a very fine mixture without lumps. Strain through a thin conical strainer and mix the obtained juice with the dextrose. Heat until 40°C while stirring, add the remaining ingredients, whip and pasteurize at 85°C. Cool down and put in PacoJet containers. Freeze and process into the PacoJet just before serving.

Chartreuse candies
20 g water
60 g sugar
12 g green Chartreuse

Mix water with sugar and heat until 109°C. Remove from the heat, let cool down and add the Chartreuse. Set aside.
Prepare a sheet of cornflour and dehydrate for a few hours at 80°C. Press, smooth down and make little holes that will be filled with the syrup/Chartreuse mixture.
Sprinkle the surface carefully with a bit of dehydrated cornflour and let for about 24 hours at 40°C.
After that time, remove from the cornflour, clean with a paintbrush and set aside.

Cucumber skin jelly
330 g cucumber
0,4 g xanthan gum

Remove the cucumber skin leaving about 1 cm pulp. Blend and keep the juice. Salt and grind together with the xanthan gum.
Remove the air that has appeared while grinding with the help of a vacuum-machine. Set de jelly aside.

Finishing and assembly
Extra virgin olive oil
16 soft arugula sprouts
16 soft watercress sprouts
16 scarlet pimpernel leaves

Draw 3 dots of avocado purée and 3 dots of lime jelly on the plate. Place some fine slices of baby cucumber and a Chartreuse candy on top of the avocado dots. Put 2 seeds of Kumato tomato in the centre of the dish and surround with the arugula and watercress sprouts and the pimpernel leaves. Finish with the cucumber skin juice, a quenelle of Manzanilla olive ice cream and a few drops of olive oil.


Green Salad

Ensalada Verde
El Celler de Can Roca
Chef: Joan Roca
Country: Spain
City: 17007 Girona
Address: Can Sunyer, 48

Roca’s brother's cuisine is synonymous with permanent inspiration, generally based on evolutionary creativity. After Jordi materialized his Green Chromatism last year –an anthological work that won the Dish of the Year award (see in this section), this time, Joan transfers the same cooking line from desserts to salty dishes with another original, light and refreshing formula: the very green –both conceptually and chromatically– green salad. They also created an orange version, the orange salad, predominantly based on sweet sensations. In the green one, acidity, bitterness and the liveliness of the vegetable garden express themselves in a more exuberant way, with stronger and brighter contrasts, faithful to the silkiness and harmony that distinguish the house.

The Recipe


•Green tomato
•Baby cucumber
•Lime jelly
•Avocado cream
•Olive ice cream
•Chartreuse candies
•Sauce of cucumber skin

Green tomato seeds
1 green tomato

Cut the tomato into halves and carefully remove all the seeds. Cut them in three parts and set aside.

Baby cucumber
1 baby cucumber

Wash the skin carefully and slice with a mandolin. Cover and set aside.

Lime jelly
20 g sugar
75 g water
20 g lime juice
1,2 g agar-agar

Boil water and sugar until sugar grains melt. Allow to cool, add the agar agar, boil again and remove from the heat. Add the lime juice, mix and transfer to a mould to harden.
Once cold, grind the whole until obtaining a soft jelly.

Avocado cream
140 g ripe avocado
14 g lime juice

Blend the avocado pulp, mix with the lime juice and salt. Introduce into a pastry bag and keep in the fridge.

Green olive ice cream
375 g Manzanilla green olives
145 g olive brine
25 g dextrose
2 g stabilizer for creams
2 g salt
37 g edible glycerin
Grind the olives and their brine until obtaining a very fine mixture without lumps. Strain through a thin conical strainer and mix the obtained juice with the dextrose. Heat until 40°C while stirring, add the remaining ingredients, whip and pasteurize at 85°C. Cool down and put in PacoJet containers. Freeze and process into the PacoJet just before serving.

Chartreuse candies
20 g water
60 g sugar
12 g green Chartreuse

Mix water with sugar and heat until 109°C. Remove from the heat, let cool down and add the Chartreuse. Set aside.
Prepare a sheet of cornflour and dehydrate for a few hours at 80°C. Press, smooth down and make little holes that will be filled with the syrup/Chartreuse mixture.
Sprinkle the surface carefully with a bit of dehydrated cornflour and let for about 24 hours at 40°C.
After that time, remove from the cornflour, clean with a paintbrush and set aside.

Cucumber skin jelly
330 g cucumber
0,4 g xanthan gum

Remove the cucumber skin leaving about 1 cm pulp. Blend and keep the juice. Salt and grind together with the xanthan gum.
Remove the air that has appeared while grinding with the help of a vacuum-machine. Set de jelly aside.

Finishing and assembly
Extra virgin olive oil
16 soft arugula sprouts
16 soft watercress sprouts
16 scarlet pimpernel leaves

Draw 3 dots of avocado purée and 3 dots of lime jelly on the plate. Place some fine slices of baby cucumber and a Chartreuse candy on top of the avocado dots. Put 2 seeds of Kumato tomato in the centre of the dish and surround with the arugula and watercress sprouts and the pimpernel leaves. Finish with the cucumber skin juice, a quenelle of Manzanilla olive ice cream and a few drops of olive oil.


Green Salad

Ensalada Verde
El Celler de Can Roca
Chef: Joan Roca
Country: Spain
City: 17007 Girona
Address: Can Sunyer, 48

Roca’s brother's cuisine is synonymous with permanent inspiration, generally based on evolutionary creativity. After Jordi materialized his Green Chromatism last year –an anthological work that won the Dish of the Year award (see in this section), this time, Joan transfers the same cooking line from desserts to salty dishes with another original, light and refreshing formula: the very green –both conceptually and chromatically– green salad. They also created an orange version, the orange salad, predominantly based on sweet sensations. In the green one, acidity, bitterness and the liveliness of the vegetable garden express themselves in a more exuberant way, with stronger and brighter contrasts, faithful to the silkiness and harmony that distinguish the house.

The Recipe


•Green tomato
•Baby cucumber
•Lime jelly
•Avocado cream
•Olive ice cream
•Chartreuse candies
•Sauce of cucumber skin

Green tomato seeds
1 green tomato

Cut the tomato into halves and carefully remove all the seeds. Cut them in three parts and set aside.

Baby cucumber
1 baby cucumber

Wash the skin carefully and slice with a mandolin. Cover and set aside.

Lime jelly
20 g sugar
75 g water
20 g lime juice
1,2 g agar-agar

Boil water and sugar until sugar grains melt. Allow to cool, add the agar agar, boil again and remove from the heat. Add the lime juice, mix and transfer to a mould to harden.
Once cold, grind the whole until obtaining a soft jelly.

Avocado cream
140 g ripe avocado
14 g lime juice

Blend the avocado pulp, mix with the lime juice and salt. Introduce into a pastry bag and keep in the fridge.

Green olive ice cream
375 g Manzanilla green olives
145 g olive brine
25 g dextrose
2 g stabilizer for creams
2 g salt
37 g edible glycerin
Grind the olives and their brine until obtaining a very fine mixture without lumps. Strain through a thin conical strainer and mix the obtained juice with the dextrose. Heat until 40°C while stirring, add the remaining ingredients, whip and pasteurize at 85°C. Cool down and put in PacoJet containers. Freeze and process into the PacoJet just before serving.

Chartreuse candies
20 g water
60 g sugar
12 g green Chartreuse

Mix water with sugar and heat until 109°C. Remove from the heat, let cool down and add the Chartreuse. Set aside.
Prepare a sheet of cornflour and dehydrate for a few hours at 80°C. Press, smooth down and make little holes that will be filled with the syrup/Chartreuse mixture.
Sprinkle the surface carefully with a bit of dehydrated cornflour and let for about 24 hours at 40°C.
After that time, remove from the cornflour, clean with a paintbrush and set aside.

Cucumber skin jelly
330 g cucumber
0,4 g xanthan gum

Remove the cucumber skin leaving about 1 cm pulp. Blend and keep the juice. Salt and grind together with the xanthan gum.
Remove the air that has appeared while grinding with the help of a vacuum-machine. Set de jelly aside.

Finishing and assembly
Extra virgin olive oil
16 soft arugula sprouts
16 soft watercress sprouts
16 scarlet pimpernel leaves

Draw 3 dots of avocado purée and 3 dots of lime jelly on the plate. Place some fine slices of baby cucumber and a Chartreuse candy on top of the avocado dots. Put 2 seeds of Kumato tomato in the centre of the dish and surround with the arugula and watercress sprouts and the pimpernel leaves. Finish with the cucumber skin juice, a quenelle of Manzanilla olive ice cream and a few drops of olive oil.


Ensalada Verde

Ensalada Verde
El Celler de Can Roca
Chef: Joan Roca
Country: España
City: 17007 Girona
Address: Can Sunyer, 48

La cocina de los Roca vive en estado de inspiración permanente. En muchos casos, por lo general, practicando una creatividad evolutiva. Si el año pasado Jordi plasmó una obra antológica, también Plato del Año (Ver en esa sección), cromatismo verde. En esta ocasión Joan traslada aquella línea de cocina de postres al salado, con una fórmula igual de original, liviana, refrescante…la muy verde, conceptual y cromáticamente hablando, ensalada verde. También han ideado una versión naranja, la ensalada naranja, si bien en esta predominan más las sensaciones dulces. En la verde la acidez, el amargor, la viveza de la huerta se manifiestan de forma más exuberante y con contrastes mayores y vivos, siempre dentro de la sedosidad y armonía que distingue a la casa.

The Recipe


• Tomate verde
• Mini pepino
• Gel de lima
• Crema de aguacate
• Helado de olivas
• Candys de Chartreuse
• Salsa de piel de pepino

Semillas de tomate verde
1 u de tomate verde

Cortar el tomate por la mitad y retirar cuidadosamente el conjunto de semillas. Cortarlas en tres partes y reservarlas.

Mini Pepino
1 u de mini pepino

Lavar muy bien la piel y laminar con mandolina. Reservar tapado.

Gel de lima
20 g de azúcar
75 g de agua
20 g de zumo de lima
1,2 g de agar agar

Colocar el agua y el azúcar a hervir hasta que los granos de azúcar se disuelvan. Dejar entibiar y agregar el agar agar, volver a hervir y retirar del fuego. Agregar el zumo de lima, mezclar la preparación y colocar en un molde para que solidifique.
Una vez frío triturar la preparación para obtener un gel sedoso.

Crema de aguacate
140 g de aguacate maduro
14 g de zumo de lima

Triturar la pulpa del aguacate, mezclarla con el zumo de lima y poner apunto de sal. Colocar en una manga y reservar en frío.

Helado de olivas verdes
375 g de olivas verdes variedad Manzanilla
145 g de salmuera de olivas
25 g de dextrosa
2 g de estabilizante cremas
2 g de sal
37 g de glicerina alimentaria
Triturar las olivas con su salmuera hasta que quede bien fina y sin grumos. Pasar por un chino fino y mezclar el zumo resultante con la dextrosa. Calentar hasta 40 ºC removiendo y despues agregar el resto de ingredientes, mover con varillas y pasteurizar a 85 ºC. Enfriar y colocar en un recipiente para PacoJet. Congelar y turbinar en le momento de servir.

Candis de chartreuse
20 g de agua
60 g de azúcar
12 g de Chartreusse verde

Mezclar el agua con el azúcar y subir hasta 109 ºC, retirar del fuego, dejar que baje un poco la temperatura y agregar el chartreuse. Reservar.
Preparar una placa con maicena y dejar secar a 80 ºC por unas horas. Presionarla, alisarla y hacer pequeños orificios que se rellenaran con la mezcla de almíbar y chartreuse.
Espolvorear suavemente la superficie con un poco de maicena seca y dejar 24 horas a 40 ºC aproximadamente.
Una vez pasadas las horas, retirarlos de la maicena, limpiarlos con un pincel y reservarlos.

Gel de piel de pepino
330 g de pepino
0,4 g de xantana

Retirar la piel de pepino procurando dejar 1 cm de pulpa aproximadamente. Pasar por la licuadora y recuperar el zumo obtenido. Poner punto de sal y triturar con la xantana.
Retirar el aire que se produjo al triturar utilizando la màquina de vacío y reservar el gel.

Acabado y montaje del plato
Aceite de oliva extra virgen
16 unidades de brotes tiernos de rúcula
16 unidades de brotes tiernos de berro
16 hojas de pimpinela

Sobre el plato hacemos 3 puntos con el puré de aguacate y tres puntos con el gel de lima. Sobre los puntos de aguacate colocamos las láminas finas de mini pepino y un candy de Chartreusse para cada uno. En el centro del plato ponemos 2 semillas de tomate kumato y repartimos alrededor los brotes de rúcola, berro y pimpinella. Acabamos con el jugo de piel de pepino, una quenelle de helado de aceituna Manzanilla y unas gotas de aceite de oliva.


Crunchy Cow Tail Raviolis, Sweet Corn Bread and Vegetable Broth

Raviolis Crujientes de Rabo de Vaca y Pan de Maíz con Caldo de Legumbres
Chef: Eneko Atxa
Country: España
City: 48195 Larrabetzu (Vizcaya
Address: Barrio Legina s/n

Eneko Atxa’s style is clearly defined. On the one hand, he updates and reinvents traditional recipes –like in this case. On the other hand, he uses avant-garde techniques to reinforce natural and chromatic aspects. The most brilliant of them is the dry ice: apart from creating mist and nebula in the dish and at the table, the chef has been able to get the most of many aromas (iodine, herbs flowers and an infinity of other ingredients) that captivate and fully satisfy the olfactory organ.
The chef proposes numerous dishes with historical memory that boast about redefined academic sauces. Apart from preserving traditional exquisiteness and gelatinousity, they show off unprecedented refinement, harmony and slender density. This original vision of the classical oxtail is a good example of those stocks Eneko is so attached to. A traditional deboned ragout converted into a terrine, cut into dices that are decorated with some melting and crunchy raviolis made with pork fat slices and sweet corn bread that are lain over another similar stock prepared with chickpeas, pumpkin, pig’s trotters and shoots that refresh both the eyes and the palate. Clairvoyant and unanimous gastronomic revival.

The Recipe

4 servings

Cow tail
1 kg cow tail
1 onion
1 carrot
1 leek
1 tomato
10 g flour
100 ml red wine
Meat stock

Salt and coat the tail with flour. Fry. Use the remaining oil to fry the vegetables lightly. Once tender, mash the vegetables together with a generous splash of meat broth.
Put the fried tail into a pot with the wine, reduce for a couple of minutes and add the vegetable sauce. Cover and cook.
Allow to cool, debone and introduce into a terrine mould together with the sauce.

10 g pork fat
Deboned tail cut into dices
Sliced sweet corn bread
Make the shape of a cross with the pig fat, wrap some dices and cover with the sweet corn bread (previously cut into very thin –almost transparent– slices with the slicer). Set aside.

Vegetable broth
200 g chickpeas (soaked into water for 12 hours)
20 g pumpkin
½ pig’s trotter

Cook all the ingredients in a pot, strain and reduce to half. Strain again and set the broth aside.

Finishing and assembly
Toast the ravioli on both sides for 2 minutes in a frying pan. Pour the vegetable broth into the plate, add two or three ravioli and finish with some sprouts.