
Tano Passami l'Olio

Gaetano Simonato
Gaetano Simonato
Country: Italia
City: 20143 Milán
Address: Via. Villoresi 16
(+39) 028394139
Closed: Domingos
Price: 70/90 €
Tasting menu:: 78/90 €

  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret
  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret de pato a la naranja
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárr
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárragos
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachof
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachofa y piña
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque

 Milanés de nacimiento (su madre es oriunda del Friuli y su padre es siciliano), Gaetano Simonato es un cocinero autodidacta. Su cocina, instintiva, impredecible, nunca repetitiva ni retórica, no ha tardado en salirse de los esquemas. Sin parecerse ni querer emular a nadie, sigue su andadura, alejado de las modas y de las tendencias. Sus propuestas se basan en el conocimiento y la selección minuciosa de las materias primas de temporada, así como en las cocciones, siempre precisas. Los platos se presentan de manera sencilla, pulida. El resultado es muy refinado y ligero. Gaetano da mucho protagonismo al aceite de oliva extra virgen. Por su gran conocimiento de los mejores productores italianos, siempre resulta un placer escucharle hablar sobre uno u otro cultivo o variedad. Cuenta con una selección impresionante: todas las botellas están expuestas en un mueble en la entrada del restaurante. Una de las peculiaridades del local es que cada uno de sus platos va aderezado con unas gotas de aceite extra virgen distinto, dependiendo del plato que el comensal deguste. El plato, generalmente construido de manera sobria y minimalista, es salseado en la mesa por el chef, quien vierte el aceite en crudo: una salsa realmente natural que varía según sea de Garda o de Salento. En realidad, su cocina puede tener un grado de ejecución más complejo, como veremos más adelante. En cualquier caso, la impresión que se quiere dar al comensal siempre se rige por la linealidad y la simplicidad, por la pureza del gusto por la materia prima de calidad y por la espontaneidad del gesto: ¡ésta es la virtud de los grandes cocineros!
Salmonete y rape sobre crema de judías blancas, brócolis y memorables cubitos de acelgas rellenos de manzana, pera, patata y alcachofa. El nivel técnico del chef también resalta con los huevos de codorniz (marinados y caramelizados) sobre mousse de pato y su foie, huevos de pato deshidratados, pechuga de pato a la naranja cocido a baja temperatura y salsa Citronette de naranja.
Raviolis rellenos con reducción de pintada, ragú (al lado), espárragos y puré de apio-nabo: ¡exquisito! Un plato refinado para el paladar y el estómago; una elaboración inteligente y reflexionada. El chef “descompone” los ingredientes de los raviolis con salsa de carne dando el justo protagonismo a cada elemento. El jugo/fondo oscuro (en realidad un consomé de una bondad excepcional) contenido en la pasta no se mezcla con el resto para poder saborear su pureza. Asimismo, el relleno de carne único (que suele mezclarse con verduras, queso, huevos, etc.) permanece desnudo, pulido, recto, crudo, auténtico, perfecto.
Exquisito la pechuga de pato cocida a baja temperatura, lacada con miel y cítricos, servida con un milhojas de patatas, alcachofas y piña.
En el apartado de los postres, la crema catalana cubierta con frutas del bosque es realmente memorable. Bajo la capa de azúcar caramelizado aparece una crema de… arroz. Un resultado sorprendente. Una consistencia cremosa pero ligeramente granulosa a la vez, parecida a la textura de la pulpa de una pera Williams muy madura. Un postre ligero, fresco, afrutado, sin grasa, innovador, no retórico.
En definitiva, la cocina de Tano Simonato es un paso obligado que sorprenderá a los gourmets más refinados.

Vitoria: MarmitaCo

Ganador del VII Campeonato a la Mejor Barra de Pinchos y Tapas - Trofeo Cruzcampo

En las inmediaciones de la estación de autobuses de Vitoria se encuentra este  gastrobar y restaurante calificado con notable (http://www.lomejordelagastronomia.com/restaurantes/marmitaco). Un establecimiento premiado por otras instituciones por ser uno de los negocios más innovadores de la ciudad. La casa ofrece productos de temporada que se elaboran con un pie en la tradición y el otro en la cocina de innovación, se buscan sabores de siempre en presentaciones muy atractivas que se renuevan cada estación, aunque en carta se mantengan de forma perenne los pinchos más solicitados por la clientela, como la exquisita piruleta de foie con crujiente de tomate liofilizado o  la espectacular floración (mejor pintxo de vanguardia de España en 2009).
Al frente del negocio se encuentran Josean Merino y Estitxu Pérez, un encantador matrimonio de locos por los pinchos, lo que se constata en una barra que exhibe delicias de la gastronomía de mostrador como las gelatinosas croquetas de callos de bacalao con pil pil de hongos, las sustancionsas albóndigas de rabo de buey, las contundentes croquetas de pato y queso de cabra, o las más delicadas navajas, chipirones, entre otros pinchos muy recomendables, como los langostinos empanados, risottos de setas al parmiggiano-reggiano, el pastel de morcilla de beasain, o sus planchaditos: con jamón asado o con panceta de bellota.
Por otra parte, la carta de vinos, variadísima y a precios muy competitivos (hay copas por debajo de 1€), es un resumen del mundo que propone sugerencias de viñedos de todos los países.
El local, de estilo minimalista y con colores muy alegres, es tan acogedor que dispone hasta de un club de amigos de los pinchos. Es el Club MarmitaCo, que organiza catas, cursos y actividades de cocina, entre otros eventos gastronómicos relacionados con el mundo del vino, del pan, del chocolate, showcookings para grupos, etc.
City: 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Address: Avda. Judizmendi, 4, bajo
(+34) 945120593
  Ver perfil
Closed: Abierto viernes, sábado y domingo.
Price: 12/25 €

Pastel de Morcilla de Beasain

Nerua, El Cinco Estrellas del Guggemheim

Un nuevo y rompedor local, minimalista y artístico, con una atractiva vista sobre la cara del Guggenheim que mira al Nervión. Un restaurante de 5 estrellas; a ver si por fin la Michelín concede una a una cocina que no alcanza a comprender. El parking, hasta ahora era un problema dejar el coche, también puede ayudar a que luzca el sol por Antequera.
Estamos, lo repetimos por enésima vez, ante un GENIO. Eso es por encima de otras consideraciones Josean Martínez Alija. Su cocina se diferencia sustancialmente de todos los estilos y referencias al uso. Dos temas sobresalen. En primer lugar, el minimalismo, esencialidad en las construcciones que ha cultivado desde hace ya muchos años, pese a su juventud (33), siempre fue un niño prodigio. Y en segundo término, la pasión por las verduras, que se trasluce en platos verdes, exultantes de naturaleza y naturalidad, que en último los ultimos ejercicios tienen como novedad movitación el desarrollo de un producto, el que fuera, sobre el que se plasman diferentes sabores y texturas, derivadas de múltiples tratamientos técnicos. Claro que luego están otras muchas cualidades, entre las que nos permitimos destacar tres: el talento natural enriquecido con una erudición asombrosa que se plasma en sabores inmaculados, el aspecto dietético de sus platos y la capacidad de asombrar no solo al paladar sino también a la vista; con disposiciones tan sencillas como estéticas. Hay mucho más, humildad y sentimiento, coherencia y felicidad.
Por primera vez la carta acumula la obra de los últimos años y tiende a humanizarse, con propuestas menos rupturistas. Asombrosos y exquisitos los tomatitos rellenos de jugo de albahaca, alguno levemente ahumado, nadando en un consomé de alcaparras. Siembre presentes las berenjenas, como las célebres hebras asadas con regaliz sobre un yogur de aceite de olivos milenarios o en raíz carnosa a la brasa con pan de hogaza empapado en fondo marino y vino tinto. Otra fórmula que usted encontrará en Grandes Platos de esta web: los inconmensurables guisantitos lagrima tibios con yema de huevo encebollada a la vainilla. Un cuarto que también esta: casarecce, ciertamente tiesos, impregnados de un jugo gelatinoso de erizos, eucalipto y guindilla; una manera revolucionaria de ver la pasta en la que esta sabe a pasta y la salsa condensada permanece fuera de ella. Un quinto que a su vez puede ver en Grandes Platos: taco de bacalao asado bajo la llama, servido con una sopa rústica de pan sopako con matices ácidos y picantes. Y un sexto que si no esta es por dejadez nuestra, pues fue la primera obra maestra del artista, eso sí, ahora ligeramente reformado: foie gras asado en parrilla con zanahoria y makil goxo; uno de los mejorcitos hígados grasos que se pueda comer en el mundo.
Josean Martínez Alija nos ha prometido que entraran y saldrán, según estacionalidad, otros 10/10, como el foie gras vegetal (aguacate); las endibias rojas y blancas, crudas, cocidas a baja temperatura y confitadas aliñadas con nuez y cítricos y las anchoas con hojas de pimientos y alga de tierra; entre otros.
Últimas aportaciones muy coherentes con la mentalidad del chef. La infusión de parmesano de 30 meses cuajada con velo de trufa negra, pan crocante y sisho verde representa refinar y livianizar con lucidez una crema fría de queso trufada. Las alcachofitas cocidas con estragón, sus pétalos crujientes y hebras de cerdo ibérico no tienen absolutamente nada que ver las alcachofas con jamón aunque puedan parecer una lejana inspiración en ellas; limpieza y sorpresa como es norma. Las kokotxas de merluza, colosales de calidad y punto, se magnifican con una infusión de perejil que supera con creces la salsa verde, contando con unas anecdóticas láminas de nabo. Las nécoras sobre pan embebido de jugo de nécoras es otro testimonio de posibilismo, de acercar la alta cocina a toda la ciudadanía; igual que sucede con el lomo bajo de vaca tostado con pera asada lacada con soja, ciertamente honorabilísimo y tratado con una técnica estelar.
Y siempre rutilantes y preciosistas postres, como las frescas con caseína batida, crujiente de violetas y helado de coco.
Ni que decir tiene que el Museo subvenciona el festín, ya que por 70 € no se puede tomar un menú degustación superior. El sobresaliente requerirá de más platos.



René Redzepi
René Redzepi
Country: Denmark
City: 1401 Kobenhavn
Address: Strandgade, 93 DK
(+45) 32963297
Closed: Sundays, Mondays at midday and from 7/13 to 8/3
Price: 200 / 300 €
Tasting menu:: 120 / 200 €

  • Nordic Coconut
  • Blackcurrant Berry and Roses
  • Fresh Milk Curd and Blueberry Preserves
  • Chestnuts and Trout Roe
  • Langoustine
  • Aebleskyver and Greens
  • Flatbread and Truffle
  • Squid and Fernnel
  • Potato and Caviar
  • Lobster and Nasturtium
  • Wild Duck Pear and Kale

 In 2008, before becoming as famous as nowadays, René Redzepi deserved the lomejordelagastronomia.com International Award, an honor that has been bestowed on Ducasse, Robuchon, Guérard and Adrià first, and then on Berasategui, Veyrat, Grant Achatz, Roca and Dacosta, among others. The man has now become part of History.
We visit this kitchen that has broken the moulds on a yearly basis. We have just had lunch there and are delighted to see that René is still true to his utterly personal style, to his extremely creative Nordic naturalism that has blazed a trail in the North European countries and that is renewed every year by the artist. His boundless imagination and his philosophy are really unique in the culinary planet. We are before the most daring cuisine in the current world; the one that has distinguished itself most from others authors, theories, fashions and influences. Nor better nor worse than Roca’s or Dacosta’s; it’s just very different and superior in that its inspiration has fewer references.
The 20 dishes we tasted reflect the maturity of a man who is now 37 and the self-confidence of a chef whose restaurant is full every single day of gourmets who are hungry for unpredictable sensations. For dishes that all confirm the criteria and techniques of René’s work and that are impregnated with some more reflexive fantasy and based on brilliant products. It suffices to have a look at the photos to see the profusion of raw material and the intelligence displayed to manage this real ART. We are before a GENIUS who is at his highest peak.
The “Nordic brains” is inspired by the native exoticism of the South. A whole radish, together with its leaves and roots, is used as a plate that welcomes some exultant broth which, swallowed through some “bamboo straws”, acquires a taste of infused cabbage, mushrooms and quince oil. From then on, the guests give themselves body and soul to an unprecedented exhibition of talent, which constantly surpasses any human or divine frontier, as reflected by the black sarsaparilla, blackberry and rose pollen bonbons. What a fruitiness! What a floral touch! What a delicacy! What a construction!
We have a date with a never-seen-before experience. In our 33 years gastronomic career throughout the world, we had never been served such a vivid, immaculate and cruel bite: a gigantic crayfish lain on wonderful sculptural ice mountain, with its shell on its head and the last two centimetres of its tail. All the rest was just pure and vivid meat. So vivid, that the animal’s little pincers were still moving! The guests, terrified, with the help of a knife, had to end up with the crustacean’s suffering. The attendees of the gastronomic feast could not stand the situation. To shorten the last breath of the crayfish, we cut the body next to the head. On the opposite side –the one that had a two-centimetre shell–, we took the body and put it in eruption. We gave three cannibalistic bites to the most vivid, natural and rawest crayfish ever –without any seasoning nor cooking. Nobody dared to suck the animal’s head, as we knew it could feel our teeth. It is clear that this is not an ordinary restaurant and that it is not aimed at ordinary gourmets.
We went on killing top quality animals. Here goes a 300-year-old clam –as they swear and perjure–, served raw, without moving, simply seasoned with chopped seaweeds in order to reinforce its oceanic touch. Naturalist naturalism together with compositions transformed with pure flavours: an exciting canapé made of monkfish liver shavings, slightly smoked, lain over extremely thin crunchy sheets of caramelized milk. Following the same philosophy, we were served a spectacular proposal: two utterly fragile rectangles of duck consommé were sheltering some very iodized seafood. It’s hard to believe that so much splendour and so much inventiveness can exist into a single dish: raw chestnuts and nuts served with trout roe and fermented pumpkin juice.
The fact that dairy products are part of the local and personal culture is expressed here and there, like in the extremely refined composition of creamy cottage cheese, covered with some blueberry sauce and seasoned with pine oil. And the outstanding proposals go on and on, such as the squid, in raw dices, served with a fennel stalk, cut like pieces of asparagus, swimming into a consommé seasoned with celery vinegar. Lobster: a big tail, slightly warmed, covered with some spiced dough made with the heated head, and crowned with some watercress leaves. Some compositions could not be any more essential. To take a short break, what about some beet with plums, seeds and flowers? To make sure that the goodness and the purity of the Nordic delights are duly honoured, the chef proposes a wonderful tartlet of Swedish black truffle … As well as roasted potatoes, pertinently brilliant, utterly creamy and buttery, served with caviar and … seaweed oil. Or the masterfully roasted wild duck, really red, tender and tasty, with quince, pear purée and a vegetable garden garnished in perfect harmony.
The Michelin guide denied René Redzepi the three stars, just like it did before with Michel Bras and Ferran Adrià. The three of them got the three stars late, once their link to the best culinary history got undeniable. Who knows why?
The restaurant, located along the river, in an ancient salt warehouse, is also simple and charming, such as the service, by the cooks themselves. The absence of tablecloth is totally natural, here. The personality of the place is amazing. A great range of juices is offered to go with some dishes as an alternative to wine: sorrel and apple, celery, yellow pine, apple and pineapple, elder flower, etc.



René Redzepi
René Redzepi
Country: Dinamarca
City: 1401 Kobenhavn
Address: Strandgade, 93 DK
(+45) 32963297
Closed: Sundays, Mondays at midday and from 7/13 to 8/3
Price: 200 / 300 €
Tasting menu:: 120 / 200 €

  • Nordic Coconut
  • Blackurrand Berru and Roses
  • Fresh Milk Curd and Blueberry Preserves
  • Chestnuts and Trout Roe
  • Crayfish
  • Aebleskiver and Greens
  • Flatbread and Truffle
  • Squid and Fennel
  • Potato and Caviar
  • Lobster and Nasturtium
  • Wilk Duck Pear ant Kale

 In 2008, before becoming as famous as nowadays, René Redzepi deserved the lomejordelagastronomia.com International Award, an honor that has been bestowed on Ducasse, Robuchon, Guérard and Adrià first, and then on Berasategui, Veyrat, Grant Achatz, Roca and Dacosta, among others. The man has now become part of History.
We visit this kitchen that has broken the moulds on a yearly basis. We have just had lunch there and are delighted to see that René is still true to his utterly personal style, to his extremely creative Nordic naturalism that has blazed a trail in the North European countries and that is renewed every year by the artist. His boundless imagination and his philosophy are really unique in the culinary planet. We are before the most daring cuisine in the current world; the one that has distinguished itself most from others authors, theories, fashions and influences. Nor better nor worse than Roca’s or Dacosta’s; it’s just very different and superior in that its inspiration has fewer references.
The 20 dishes we tasted reflect the maturity of a man who is now 37 and the self-confidence of a chef whose restaurant is full every single day of gourmets who are hungry for unpredictable sensations. For dishes that all confirm the criteria and techniques of René’s work and that are impregnated with some more reflexive fantasy and based on brilliant products. It suffices to have a look at the photos to see the profusion of raw material and the intelligence displayed to manage this real ART. We are before a GENIUS who is at his highest peak.
The “Nordic brains” is inspired by the native exoticism of the South. A whole radish, together with its leaves and roots, is used as a plate that welcomes some exultant broth which, swallowed through some “bamboo straws”, acquires a taste of infused cabbage, mushrooms and quince oil. From then on, the guests give themselves body and soul to an unprecedented exhibition of talent, which constantly surpasses any human or divine frontier, as reflected by the black sarsaparilla, blackberry and rose pollen bonbons. What a fruitiness! What a floral touch! What a delicacy! What a construction!
We have a date with a never-seen-before experience. In our 33 years gastronomic career throughout the world, we had never been served such a vivid, immaculate and cruel bite: a gigantic crayfish lain on wonderful sculptural ice mountain, with its shell on its head and the last two centimetres of its tail. All the rest was just pure and vivid meat. So vivid, that the animal’s little pincers were still moving! The guests, terrified, with the help of a knife, had to end up with the crustacean’s suffering. The attendees of the gastronomic feast could not stand the situation. To shorten the last breath of the crayfish, we cut the body next to the head. On the opposite side –the one that had a two-centimetre shell–, we took the body and put it in eruption. We gave three cannibalistic bites to the most vivid, natural and rawest crayfish ever –without any seasoning nor cooking. Nobody dared to suck the animal’s head, as we knew it could feel our teeth. It is clear that this is not an ordinary restaurant and that it is not aimed at ordinary gourmets.
We went on killing top quality animals. Here goes a 300-year-old clam –as they swear and perjure–, served raw, without moving, simply seasoned with chopped seaweeds in order to reinforce its oceanic touch. Naturalist naturalism together with compositions transformed with pure flavours: an exciting canapé made of monkfish liver shavings, slightly smoked, lain over extremely thin crunchy sheets of caramelized milk. Following the same philosophy, we were served a spectacular proposal: two utterly fragile rectangles of duck consommé were sheltering some very iodized seafood. It’s hard to believe that so much splendour and so much inventiveness can exist into a single dish: raw chestnuts and nuts served with trout roe and fermented pumpkin juice.
The fact that dairy products are part of the local and personal culture is expressed here and there, like in the extremely refined composition of creamy cottage cheese, covered with some blueberry sauce and seasoned with pine oil. And the outstanding proposals go on and on, such as the squid, in raw dices, served with a fennel stalk, cut like pieces of asparagus, swimming into a consommé seasoned with celery vinegar. Lobster: a big tail, slightly warmed, covered with some spiced dough made with the heated head, and crowned with some watercress leaves. Some compositions could not be any more essential. To take a short break, what about some beet with plums, seeds and flowers? To make sure that the goodness and the purity of the Nordic delights are duly honoured, the chef proposes a wonderful tartlet of Swedish black truffle … As well as roasted potatoes, pertinently brilliant, utterly creamy and buttery, served with caviar and … seaweed oil. Or the masterfully roasted wild duck, really red, tender and tasty, with quince, pear purée and a vegetable garden garnished in perfect harmony.
The Michelin guide denied René Redzepi the three stars, just like it did before with Michel Bras and Ferran Adrià. The three of them got the three stars late, once their link to the best culinary history got undeniable. Who knows why?
The restaurant, located along the river, in an ancient salt warehouse, is also simple and charming, such as the service, by the cooks themselves. The absence of tablecloth is totally natural, here. The personality of the place is amazing. A great range of juices is offered to go with some dishes as an alternative to wine: sorrel and apple, celery, yellow pine, apple and pineapple, elder flower, etc.




René Redzepi
René Redzepi
Country: Denmark
City: 1401 Kobenhavn
Address: Strandgade, 93 DK
(+45) 32963297
Closed: Sundays, Mondays at midday and from 7/13 to 8/3
Price: 200 / 300 €
Tasting menu:: 120 / 200 €

  • Nordic Coconut
  • Blackcurrant Berry and Roses
  • Fresh Milk Curd and Blueberry Preserves
  • Chestnuts and Trout Roe
  • Crayfish
  • AEbleskiber and Greens
  • Flatbread and Truffle
  • Squid and Fennel
  • Potato and Caviar
  • Lobster and Nasturtium
  • Wild Duck Pear and Kale

       In 2008, before becoming as famous as nowadays, René Redzepi deserved the lomejordelagastronomia.com International Award, an honor that has been bestowed on Ducasse, Robuchon, Guérard and Adrià first, and then on Berasategui, Veyrat, Grant Achatz, Roca and Dacosta, among others. The man has now become part of History.
     We visit this kitchen that has broken the moulds on a yearly basis. We have just had lunch there and are delighted to see that René is still true to his utterly personal style, to his extremely creative Nordic naturalism that has blazed a trail in the North European countries and that is renewed every year by the artist. His boundless imagination and his philosophy are really unique in the culinary planet. We are before the most daring cuisine in the current world; the one that has distinguished itself most from others authors, theories, fashions and influences. Nor better nor worse than Roca’s or Dacosta’s; it’s just very different and superior in that its inspiration has fewer references.
      The 20 dishes we tasted reflect the maturity of a man who is now 37 and the self-confidence of a chef whose restaurant is full every single day of gourmets who are hungry for unpredictable sensations. For dishes that all confirm the criteria and techniques of René’s work and that are impregnated with some more reflexive fantasy and based on brilliant products. It suffices to have a look at the photos to see the profusion of raw material and the intelligence displayed to manage this real ART. We are before a GENIUS who is at his highest peak.
     The “Nordic brains” is inspired by the native exoticism of the South. A whole radish, together with its leaves and roots, is used as a plate that welcomes some exultant broth which, swallowed through some “bamboo straws”, acquires a taste of infused cabbage, mushrooms and quince oil. From then on, the guests give themselves body and soul to an unprecedented exhibition of talent, which constantly surpasses any human or divine frontier, as reflected by the black sarsaparilla, blackberry and rose pollen bonbons. What a fruitiness! What a floral touch! What a delicacy! What a construction!
We have a date with a never-seen-before experience. In our 33 years gastronomic career throughout the world, we had never been served such a vivid, immaculate and cruel bite: a gigantic crayfish lain on wonderful sculptural ice mountain, with its shell on its head and the last two centimetres of its tail. All the rest was just pure and vivid meat. So vivid, that the animal’s little pincers were still moving! The guests, terrified, with the help of a knife, had to end up with the crustacean’s suffering. The attendees of the gastronomic feast could not stand the situation. To shorten the last breath of the crayfish, we cut the body next to the head. On the opposite side –the one that had a two-centimetre shell–, we took the body and put it in eruption. We gave three cannibalistic bites to the most vivid, natural and rawest crayfish ever –without any seasoning nor cooking. Nobody dared to suck the animal’s head, as we knew it could feel our teeth. It is clear that this is not an ordinary restaurant and that it is not aimed at ordinary gourmets.
    We went on killing top quality animals. Here goes a 300-year-old clam –as they swear and perjure–, served raw, without moving, simply seasoned with chopped seaweeds in order to reinforce its oceanic touch. Naturalist naturalism together with compositions transformed with pure flavours: an exciting canapé made of monkfish liver shavings, slightly smoked, lain over extremely thin crunchy sheets of caramelized milk. Following the same philosophy, we were served a spectacular proposal: two utterly fragile rectangles of duck consommé were sheltering some very iodized seafood. It’s hard to believe that so much splendour and so much inventiveness can exist into a single dish: raw chestnuts and nuts served with trout roe and fermented pumpkin juice.
    The fact that dairy products are part of the local and personal culture is expressed here and there, like in the extremely refined composition of creamy cottage cheese, covered with some blueberry sauce and seasoned with pine oil. And the outstanding proposals go on and on, such as the squid, in raw dices, served with a fennel stalk, cut like pieces of asparagus, swimming into a consommé seasoned with celery vinegar. Lobster: a big tail, slightly warmed, covered with some spiced dough made with the heated head, and crowned with some watercress leaves. Some compositions could not be any more essential. To take a short break, what about some beet with plums, seeds and flowers? To make sure that the goodness and the purity of the Nordic delights are duly honoured, the chef proposes a wonderful tartlet of Swedish black truffle … As well as roasted potatoes, pertinently brilliant, utterly creamy and buttery, served with caviar and … seaweed oil. Or the masterfully roasted wild duck, really red, tender and tasty, with quince, pear purée and a vegetable garden garnished in perfect harmony.
The Michelin guide denied René Redzepi the three stars, just like it did before with Michel Bras and Ferran Adrià. The three of them got the three stars late, once their link to the best culinary history got undeniable. Who knows why?
    The restaurant, located along the river, in an ancient salt warehouse, is also simple and charming, such as the service, by the cooks themselves. The absence of tablecloth is totally natural, here. The personality of the place is amazing. A great range of juices is offered to go with some dishes as an alternative to wine: sorrel and apple, celery, yellow pine, apple and pineapple, elder flower, etc.

Rafael García Santos: "Futuro de la Hostelería y Caminos a Recorrer"

Roberto Brisciani Entrevista a Rafael García Santos en "Lo mejor de la Gastronomia"