
Locanda Canevari

Daniele Lunghi
Daniele Lunghi
Country: Italia
City: 15059 Volpedo (AL)
Address: Via De Antoni, 32
(+39) 13180589
Closed: Mardi et mercredi midi
Price: 65 €
Tasting menu:: 60/75 €

  • Tártar de vacuno Fassone condimentado con pimienta negra del molino
  • Tártar de vacuno Fassone condimentado con pimienta negra del molino
  • Ostra sobre crema de ricotta de vaca con gotas de fruta de la pasión y pimienta
  • Ostra sobre crema de ricotta de vaca con gotas de fruta de la pasión y pimienta negra en polvo
  • Lasaña de pasta de huevo con berenjenas cocidas al horno y patatas ahumadas, con
  • Lasaña de pasta de huevo con berenjenas cocidas al horno y patatas ahumadas, con salsa de yogur y aceitunas deshidratadas
  • Pechuga sobre guisantes frescos con un toque de curry y un caldo delicado de pol
  • Pechuga sobre guisantes frescos con un toque de curry y un caldo delicado de pollo y foie gras
  • Viento del Sur
  • Viento del Sur

 After three seasons leading the kitchen of this elegant farmhouse (with wonderful rooms), Daniele Lunghi has reached a very high level of maturity: the change of 2011 regarding elegance and maturity of his flavours has really been noticeable. Native of “Low” Lombardy (he comes from Pavese’s plain, at the border of Emilia region), Daniele is an intelligent and trained cook who venerates raw materials. He has been defining his culinary style on fantasy –never rhetorical–, innovation, precision, refinement and clairvoyance.
These qualities appear in the first starter: Fassone veal tartare seasoned with freshly ground pepper (a perfect combination) and served over herb stock with 36-month-old Parmesan and cold-crystallized apricot. The fruit is vacuum-packed with apricot vinegar which, because of the lack of oxygen, “crystallized” the fruit through reverse osmosis. A magnificent result whose acid touch makes it taste like turnip or salsify. The oyster over cow ricotta cheese with some drops of passion fruit and black pepper powder is really exquisite. The oyster, “lactic” by definition, has got the same creaminess as the ricotta whey, slightly vacuum-cooked. The pasta is great: egg lasagne with baked aubergines and smoked potatoes served in layers with yoghurt sauce and dehydrated olives. Splendid consistencies, limited and precise flavours, clear ideas. After the meat section, we had the pleasure to discover and feel the chef’s culture and knowledge about pork and poultry meat: pig head (black pig from Parma, over 280 kg, “otherwise, it may not be killed”) marinated in cooked grape juice, vacuum-cooked, roasted and finally aromatized with thyme, garlic and juniper; a unique product with a strong personality. The following proposal was a fatted chicken, served in two ways: vacuum-cooked breast branded on the part of the skin and laid over fresh peas, cooked and slightly mashed with a hint of curry and a delicate chicken stock and foie gras. This cooking technique allows to obtain the same refinement as the famous fatted chicken from Bresse: the meat is cooked on its own, without being mixed with the other ingredients. As we mentioned before, Daniele is very liberal with the products: the animals come from Mr Pagiusco’s small poultry farm in Alessandria, who buys the chicks in Bresse and breeds them in Piedmont. The second version is the chicken leg, vacuum-cooked with wine and boletus aromas and served with Parmentier Ratte potatoes: impeccable!
And finally, the desserts: apricot freshly picked off the tree, cold-crystallized and served with roughly crushed fresh almonds over edible earth made of bitter chocolate and coffee. We finished with “South wind”: muscovado sugar crunch, pineapple in syrup with rosemary, olive oil foam with lemon and lavender, and capers powder.
Elegance, good taste, personality, technical and historical training… Daniele became conscious of his own means and of the territory he works in. Lunghi is not a young hope from the Piedmont any more; he has become a strong and growing reality. A very promising man whose evolution is worth following!


Locanda Canevari

Daniele Lunghi
Daniele Lunghi
Country: Italia
City: 15059 Volpedo (AL)
Address: Via De Antoni, 32
(+39) 13180589
Closed: Martedì e Mercoledì a pranzo
Price: 65 €
Tasting menu:: 60/75 €

  • Tártar de vacuno Fassone condimentado con pimienta negra del molino
  • Tártar de vacuno Fassone condimentado con pimienta negra del molino
  • Ostra sobre crema de ricotta de vaca con gotas de fruta de la pasión y pimienta
  • Ostra sobre crema de ricotta de vaca con gotas de fruta de la pasión y pimienta negra en polvo
  • Lasaña de pasta de huevo con berenjenas cocidas al horno y patatas ahumadas, con
  • Lasaña de pasta de huevo con berenjenas cocidas al horno y patatas ahumadas, con salsa de yogur y aceitunas deshidratadas
  • Pechuga sobre guisantes frescos con un toque de curry y un caldo delicado de pol
  • Pechuga sobre guisantes frescos con un toque de curry y un caldo delicado de pollo y foie gras
  • Viento del Sur
  • Viento del Sur

 After three seasons leading the kitchen of this elegant farmhouse (with wonderful rooms), Daniele Lunghi has reached a very high level of maturity: the change of 2011 regarding elegance and maturity of his flavours has really been noticeable. Native of “Low” Lombardy (he comes from Pavese’s plain, at the border of Emilia region), Daniele is an intelligent and trained cook who venerates raw materials. He has been defining his culinary style on fantasy –never rhetorical–, innovation, precision, refinement and clairvoyance.
These qualities appear in the first starter: Fassone veal tartare seasoned with freshly ground pepper (a perfect combination) and served over herb stock with 36-month-old Parmesan and cold-crystallized apricot. The fruit is vacuum-packed with apricot vinegar which, because of the lack of oxygen, “crystallized” the fruit through reverse osmosis. A magnificent result whose acid touch makes it taste like turnip or salsify. The oyster over cow ricotta cheese with some drops of passion fruit and black pepper powder is really exquisite. The oyster, “lactic” by definition, has got the same creaminess as the ricotta whey, slightly vacuum-cooked. The pasta is great: egg lasagne with baked aubergines and smoked potatoes served in layers with yoghurt sauce and dehydrated olives. Splendid consistencies, limited and precise flavours, clear ideas. After the meat section, we had the pleasure to discover and feel the chef’s culture and knowledge about pork and poultry meat: pig head (black pig from Parma, over 280 kg, “otherwise, it may not be killed”) marinated in cooked grape juice, vacuum-cooked, roasted and finally aromatized with thyme, garlic and juniper; a unique product with a strong personality. The following proposal was a fatted chicken, served in two ways: vacuum-cooked breast branded on the part of the skin and laid over fresh peas, cooked and slightly mashed with a hint of curry and a delicate chicken stock and foie gras. This cooking technique allows to obtain the same refinement as the famous fatted chicken from Bresse: the meat is cooked on its own, without being mixed with the other ingredients. As we mentioned before, Daniele is very liberal with the products: the animals come from Mr Pagiusco’s small poultry farm in Alessandria, who buys the chicks in Bresse and breeds them in Piedmont. The second version is the chicken leg, vacuum-cooked with wine and boletus aromas and served with Parmentier Ratte potatoes: impeccable!
And finally, the desserts: apricot freshly picked off the tree, cold-crystallized and served with roughly crushed fresh almonds over edible earth made of bitter chocolate and coffee. We finished with “South wind”: muscovado sugar crunch, pineapple in syrup with rosemary, olive oil foam with lemon and lavender, and capers powder.
Elegance, good taste, personality, technical and historical training… Daniele became conscious of his own means and of the territory he works in. Lunghi is not a young hope from the Piedmont any more; he has become a strong and growing reality. A very promising man whose evolution is worth following!


Locanda Canevari

Daniele Lunghi
Daniele Lunghi
Country: Italia
City: 15059 Volpedo (AL)
Address: Via De Antoni, 32
(+39) 13180589
Closed: Martes y miércoles mediodía
Price: 65 €
Tasting menu:: 60/75 €

  • Tártar de vacuno Fassone condimentado con pimienta negra del molino
  • Tártar de vacuno Fassone condimentado con pimienta negra del molino
  • Ostra sobre crema de ricotta de vaca con gotas de fruta de la pasión y pimienta
  • Ostra sobre crema de ricotta de vaca con gotas de fruta de la pasión y pimienta negra en polvo
  • Lasaña de pasta de huevo con berenjenas cocidas al horno y patatas ahumadas, con
  • Lasaña de pasta de huevo con berenjenas cocidas al horno y patatas ahumadas, con salsa de yogur y aceitunas deshidratadas
  • Pechuga sobre guisantes frescos con un toque de curry y un caldo delicado de pol
  • Pechuga sobre guisantes frescos con un toque de curry y un caldo delicado de pollo y foie gras
  • Viento del Sur
  • Viento del Sur

 Tras tres temporadas al mando de los fogones de este elegante caserío (con magníficas habitaciones), Daniele Lunghi ha alcanzado un nivel de madurez muy alto: el cambio experimentado en el 2011 en cuanto a elegancia y pureza de sabores ha sido realmente notorio. Originario de “Baja” Lombardía (viene de la llanura del Pavese, en la frontera con la región de Emilia), Daniele es un cocinero inteligente y preparado, gran venerador del producto. Su estilo culinario se ha ido definiendo en el tiempo a través de la fantasía, nunca retórica, de la innovación, de la precisión, del refinamiento y de la clarividencia.
Esta virtudes se aprecian en el primer entrante: tártar de vacuno Fassone condimentado con pimienta negra del molino (una combinación óptima) sobre caldo de hierbas con parmesano de 36 meses y albaricoque confitado en frío. La fruta se envasa al vacío con vinagre de albaricoque que, con la falta de oxígeno, “confita” el albaricoque por osmosis inversa; un resultado espléndido que, con el punto de acidez, se parece más bien a una verdura como el nabo o el salsifí. Exquisita la ostra sobre crema de ricotta de vaca con gotas de fruta de la pasión y pimienta negra en polvo. La ostra, “lactosa” por definición, tiene la misma cremosidad que el suero de la ricotta delicadamente cocido al vacío. Grande la pasta, una lasaña de pasta de huevo con berenjenas cocidas al horno y patatas ahumadas dispuestas en capas con salsa de yogur y aceitunas deshidratadas al lado. Texturas hermosas, sabores reducidos y precisos, ideas claras. Después de las carnes, tuvimos el placer de descubrir e impregnarnos de la cultura y de los conocimientos del chef en materia de carne porcina y avícola: cabeza de cerdo (negro de Parma, de más de 280 kg, “si no, no se puede matar”) marinada en mosto cocido, cocida al vacío y asada, y luego aromatizado con tomillo, ajo y enebro; un producto único con mucha personalidad. A continuación llegó la pularda, en dos servicios: la pechuga cocida al vacío y luego marcada por la parte de la piel y depositada sobre guisantes frescos cocidos y apenas aplastados con un toque de curry y un caldo delicado de pollo y foie gras. Este modo de cocción permite lograr plenamente el refinamiento de la famosa pularda de Bresse, con la carne cocida sola, sin mezclarse con los demás ingredientes. Como dijimos anteriormente, Daniele no transige con ningún detalle: las aves provienen del pequeño criadero del señor Pagiusco, de Alessandria, quien compra los polluelos en Bresse y los cría en el Piamonte. La segunda versión es el muslo, cocido al vacío con vino, aromas de setas (boletus edulis), servido con su Parmentier de patatas Ratte: ¡impecable!
Finalmente llegaron los postres: albaricoque recién cogido del árbol, confitado en frío y servido con almendras frescas trituradas groseramente sobre una tierra comestible de chocolate amargo y café. Concluimos con “Viento del Sur”: un crujiente de azúcar moscovado, piña en almíbar con romero, espuma de aceite de oliva con limón y lavanda, y alcaparras en polvo.
Elegancia, buen gusto, personalidad, preparación técnica y histórica adecuada. Daniele ha tomado consciencia de sus propios medios y del territorio en el que trabaja. Lunghi ya no es una de las jóvenes promesas del Piamonte; podemos aseverar que se ha convertido en una realidad sólida en auge. ¡Un hombre a seguir del cual, sin ninguna duda, esperamos mucho en el futuro!


Dulcis Vitis

Bruno Cingolani
Bruno Cingolani
Country: Italia
City: 12051 Alba
Address: Via Rattazzi 7
(+39) 173364633
Closed: Sempre aperto
Price: 50/80 €

  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna,
  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna, romero, tomillo y aceite de oliva
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de p
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de patata
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín

 Nel centro storico di Alba, in questo caldo ed accogliente locale, opera da alcuni anni Bruno Cingolani. Chef cinquantenne originario di Senigallia (regione Marche), Bruno arriva ragazzo in Piemonte nella brigata delle cucine dell'Hasta hotel di Asti, poco dopo seguito dal concittadino e coetaneo Mauro Uliassi. Bruno pero', si fermera' in Piemonte. Date le origini (Senigallia ha dato i natali anche ad un altro grande cuoco: Moreno Cedroni), anche Bruno e' uno chef di razza. La sua cucina e' il frutto dell'esperienza e del buon gusto marchigiano (cultura della pasta, del mare, campagna, bosco: cacciagione) fuso con sensazioni piemontesi (Francia: rigore, tecnica; cultura delle carni bovine, latte alpino, grandi vini e tartufo). Questo e' un cuoco erudito, conosce molto bene sia le tecniche classiche che la materia prima: un vero professionista. Un piacere quindi per l'appassionato discutere di cucina e di prodotto con Bruno, si impara sempre qualcosa. Cosa c' e' di meglio? Nulla! Bisogna assolutamente passare a tavola.
Semplici ma appaganti gli appetizers: uovo di quaglia poche' su insalate e tartufo nero grattugiato e delicatissima ricotta d'alpeggio, pomodorino confit con gocce di olio d'oliva. Ottimi i gamberi rossi di San Remo su insalatine di campo, ma superlativa la maionese che li accompagna (fatta con uovo di oca ed olio extravergine, chiamata Niscia in omaggio ad un famoso cuoco marchigiano). Di seguito terra/mare: capasanta scottata allo spumante su delicata crema di fagioli bianchi di Pigna, rosmarino, timo ed olio d'oliva: sapori piu' rustici, gioco di consistenze, rassicurante oltre che buono. Savoir faire, semplicità, pulizia, cotture perfette, questo si nota nella seppiolina dell'Adriatico al tegame su radicchio trevigiano saltato con piccolo croccante di patata. Che piacere poi il piatto di pasta fresca! Un inno alla primavera della Langa, ravioli di ricotta Seirass d'alpeggio (prodotto eccezionale: che finezza!) appena conditi con burro (stesso discorso della ricotta), poco parmigiano stravecchio, e campagna: fiori di zucchina, asparagi, pomodorini e mini zucchine. Ricordiamo da una precedente visita il profumo delle tagliatelle con spugnole e tartufo nero, un piatto di rara bonta'. Piatti di resistenza: tournedos di filetto di carne Fassone su patate grattugiate saltate e tartufo nero: grande prodotto e finezza nella cottura abbinate alle fragranze ed agli umori del bosco. Oppure un soave medaglione di capretto da latte della Valle Bormida con sfoglia di patate e zucchine: ineccepibile.
Gourmand il dessert: mille foglie di pate feuilletee con crema inglese alla vaniglia e frutti di bosco.
In definitiva, venite sicuri al Dulcis Vitis: mangerete una grande cucina realizzata con prodotti eccezionali e conoscerete un cuoco veramente colto. Sicuramente il miglior ristorante di cucina classica di Alba città.


Dulcis Vitis

Bruno Cingolani
Bruno Cingolani
Country: Italia
City: 12051 Alba
Address: Via Rattazzi 7
(+39) 173364633
Closed: Toujours ouvert
Price: 50/80 €

  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna,
  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna, romero, tomillo y aceite de oliva
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de p
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de patata
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín

 Bruno Cingolani has been working in this warm and welcoming place located in the historic downtown of Alba for a while now. This man of about fifty, from Senigallia (Le Marche region), arrived at the cooking team of Hasta Hotel, in Asti (Piedmont) a bit later than his fellow citizen Mauro Uliassi (same age). Bruno stayed in Piedmont, though. Despite his origin (Senigallia is also the home town of another great cook: Moreno Cedroni), Bruno is also a classical cook. His cuisine is the fruits of the experience and good taste from Le Marche Region, that is culture of pasta, sea, country and wood (game), mixed with the sensitivity from Piedmont (French rigor and technique, culture of bovine meat, Alpine milk, great wines and truffle). Bruno is an erudite cook who masters both classical techniques and raw materials: a real professional. Talking about cooking and products with Bruno is always a pleasure; he always teaches you something new. Is there anything better? Nothing. So let’s sit at the table.
The appetizers were simple but generous: quail egg and grated black truffle with extremely delicate Alpine ricotta cheese, candied tomato and some olive oil drops. The red prawns from San Remo over country salad accompanied with a magnificent mayonnaise made with goose egg and virgin olive oil, called “Niscia” in honour of a famous local cook, were perfect. They were followed by a “sea and earth” dish: scallop cooked in sparkling wine laid on a delicate Pigna white beans cream, rosemary, thyme and olive oil: rustic flavours, wise and tasteful texture game. Savoir-faire, simplicity, sharpness and perfect doneness are reflected in the stewed cuttlefish from the Adriatic with salted Treviso radicchio and small potato chip. A real delight after the fresh pasta! An hymn to spring in Langa: ravioli of Alpine Seirass ricotta (an exceptional product, what a refinement!) slightly seasoned with butter (as refined as the ricotta), a bit of cured Parmesan and countryside: flowers of courgette, asparagus, tomato and baby courgette. From a previous visit, we remembered the fragrances of the tagliatelle with morels and black truffle, outstandingly good. We then received the main courses: Fassone veal steak over sautéed grated potatoes and black truffle; great product and delicate doneness seasoned with perfumes and trends from the wood. The tender suckling kid medallion from the Bormida Valley with potato and courgette millefeuille was impeccable.
And to finish with, a greedy dessert: millefeuille with vanilla and wild berries custard.
In short, Dulcis Vitis is a very solid restaurant where you can taste a great cuisine based on exceptional products and made by a really erudite cook. This is probably one of the best restaurants of classical cuisine in Alba.


Dulcis Vitis

Bruno Cingolani
Bruno Cingolani
Country: Italia
City: 12051 Alba
Address: Via Rattazzi 7
(+39) 173364633
Price: 50/80 €

  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna,
  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna, romero, tomillo y aceite de oliva
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de p
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de patata
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín

 Bruno Cingolani has been working in this warm and welcoming place located in the historic downtown of Alba for a while now. This man of about fifty, from Senigallia (Le Marche region), arrived at the cooking team of Hasta Hotel, in Asti (Piedmont) a bit later than his fellow citizen Mauro Uliassi (same age). Bruno stayed in Piedmont, though. Despite his origin (Senigallia is also the home town of another great cook: Moreno Cedroni), Bruno is also a classical cook. His cuisine is the fruits of the experience and good taste from Le Marche Region, that is culture of pasta, sea, country and wood (game), mixed with the sensitivity from Piedmont (French rigor and technique, culture of bovine meat, Alpine milk, great wines and truffle). Bruno is an erudite cook who masters both classical techniques and raw materials: a real professional. Talking about cooking and products with Bruno is always a pleasure; he always teaches you something new. Is there anything better? Nothing. So let’s sit at the table.
The appetizers were simple but generous: quail egg and grated black truffle with extremely delicate Alpine ricotta cheese, candied tomato and some olive oil drops. The red prawns from San Remo over country salad accompanied with a magnificent mayonnaise made with goose egg and virgin olive oil, called “Niscia” in honour of a famous local cook, were perfect. They were followed by a “sea and earth” dish: scallop cooked in sparkling wine laid on a delicate Pigna white beans cream, rosemary, thyme and olive oil: rustic flavours, wise and tasteful texture game. Savoir-faire, simplicity, sharpness and perfect doneness are reflected in the stewed cuttlefish from the Adriatic with salted Treviso radicchio and small potato chip. A real delight after the fresh pasta! An hymn to spring in Langa: ravioli of Alpine Seirass ricotta (an exceptional product, what a refinement!) slightly seasoned with butter (as refined as the ricotta), a bit of cured Parmesan and countryside: flowers of courgette, asparagus, tomato and baby courgette. From a previous visit, we remembered the fragrances of the tagliatelle with morels and black truffle, outstandingly good. We then received the main courses: Fassone veal steak over sautéed grated potatoes and black truffle; great product and delicate doneness seasoned with perfumes and trends from the wood. The tender suckling kid medallion from the Bormida Valley with potato and courgette millefeuille was impeccable.
And to finish with, a greedy dessert: millefeuille with vanilla and wild berries custard.
In short, Dulcis Vitis is a very solid restaurant where you can taste a great cuisine based on exceptional products and made by a really erudite cook. This is probably one of the best restaurants of classical cuisine in Alba.


Dulcis Vitis

Bruno Cingolani
Bruno Cingolani
Country: Italia
City: 12051 Alba
Address: Via Rattazzi 7
(+39) 173364633
Closed: Siempre abierto
Price: 50/80 €

  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna,
  • Vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna, romero, tomillo y aceite de oliva
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de p
  • Sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de patata
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes con verduras del huerto
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín
  • Medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín

 Bruno Cingolani ya lleva unos años trabajando en este local cálido y acogedor del centro histórico de Alba. Este cincuentón oriundo de Senigallia (región de Las Marcas) llegó de joven al Piamonte en la brigada del Hasta Hotel, en Asti, un poco después que su conciudadano Mauro Uliassi, de la misma edad. Sin embargo, Bruno se quedó en el Piamonte. Desde sus orígenes (Senigallia también es la tierra natal de otro gran cocinero: Moreno Cedroni), Bruno también es un chef de raza. Su cocina es fruto de la experiencia y del buen gusto de la región de Las Marcas, o sea de la cultura de la pasta, del mar, del campo y del bosque (caza), mezclado con sensibilidades del Piamonte (el rigor y la técnica de Francia, la cultura de la carne bovina, la leche alpina, los grandes vinos y la trufa). Bruno es un cocinero erudito que domina tanto las técnicas clásicas como las materias primas: un auténtico profesional. Hablar de cocina y de productos con Bruno siempre resulta un placer; siempre te enseña alguna cosa. ¿Hay algo mejor? Nada. Pues, ¡pasemos a la mesa!

Sencillos pero generosos, los aperitivos: huevo de codorniz y trufa negra rallada con delicadísima ricota alpina, tomate confitado y gotas de aceite de oliva. Óptimas, las gambas rojas de San Remo sobre ensaladilla de campo acompañada de una mayonesa superlativa hecha con huevo de oca y aceite de oliva virgen, llamada Niscia en homenaje a un famoso cocinero local. A continuación, un mar y tierra: vieira cocida en vino espumante sobre delicada crema de judías blancas de Pigna, romero, tomillo y aceite de oliva: sabores rústicos, juego de texturas pertinente y sabroso. Savoir-faire, sencillez, nitidez y cocciones perfectas se reflejan en la cazuela de sepiola del Adriático con achicoria de Treviso salteada y pequeño crujiente de patata. ¡Todo un placer después del plato de pasta fresca! Un himno a la primavera de la Langa: ravioli de ricotta Seirass de los Alpes (producto excepcional: ¡qué finura!) apenas condimentado con mantequilla (igual de refinada que la ricotta), un poco de parmesano curado y campo: flores de calabacín, espárragos, tomate y mini calabacines. De una visita anterior, recordamos la fragancia de las tagliatelle con colmenillas y trufa negra, un plato de una bondad excepcional. Luego llegaron los platos de resistencia: filete de ternera Fassone sobre patatas ralladas salteadas y trufa negra; grande producto y punto de cocción delicado aderezado con perfumes y tendencias del bosque. Impecable el suave medallón de cabrito lechal del Valle Bormida con hojaldre de patatas y calabacín.
Y para acabar, un postre goloso: milhojas de hojaldre con crema inglesa de vainilla y frutos del bosque.
En definitiva, Dulcis Vitis es un valor seguro donde degustar una gran cocina basada en productos excepcionales y elaborada por un cocinero realmente culto. Seguramente uno de los mejores restaurantes de cocina clásica de la ciudad de Alba.


Povero Diavolo

Giorgio Parini
Giorgio Parini
Country: Italia
City: 47825 Torriana (Rímini)
Address: Via Roma, 30
(+39) 0541675060
Closed: Mercoledì, dal 15 al 30 marzo e dal 15 al 30 settembre.
Price: 75/120 €
Tasting menu:: 58/90 €

  • Tartar de sepia en agua de hierbas con costron de pan
  • Tartar de sepia en agua de hierbas con costron de pan
  • Ñoquis verdes, de ortigas y espinacas selváticas, con sopa de navajas y té y gel
  • Ñoquis verdes, de ortigas y espinacas selváticas, con sopa de navajas y té y gel de jazmín
  • Tagliolini de ciprés con almejas
  • Tagliolini de ciprés con almejas
  • Riso en bianco
  • Riso en bianco
  • Riñon de cordero con láminas de nabo laminadas en vermut y una salsa de Angélica
  • Riñon de cordero con láminas de nabo laminadas en vermut y una salsa de Angélica
  • Cebolleta a la planca con malta, frutos rojos y flores
  • Cebolleta a la planca con malta, frutos rojos y flores

A quindici minuti da Rimini, in una piccola, bella e alta località rurale, da cui si domina una panoramica paradisiaca che giunge sino al mare, si trova questo semplice e incantevole ristorante immerso in un importante processo di trasformazione. Il proprietario, Fausto Fratti, tutto un personaggio che gode della natura e della buona vita, che si dichiara un ossessionato per il grande prodotto, si è sempre caratterizzato per contrattare grandi chef. L’ultimo, qualche anno fa, Giorgio Parini, proveniente da Le Calandre, che è andato via via crescendo mentre la casa si trasformava in una delle migliori d’Italia. Pertanto, la notizia, l’avvenimento... la tavola è apparecchiata e s’impone una visita. Ci aspetta una cucina artistica, traboccante di personalità e d’ingegno, con un futuro splendido e ancora più brillante.
Non appena giunti si deve chiedere per il proprietario e tirare l’amo: “Che c’è nella dispensa e nella cantina che ci possa sorprendere?” Immediatamente dice con piacere: “Il miglior salame del mondo”. Sissignori, merita un eccellente. Anche altri insaccati fanno venire l’acquolina in bocca, e non è niente male il formaggio di pecora, nobile nella sua rusticità. E per lubrificare il gargarozzo? Immediatamente scatta: “Nessun problema”. Fausto c’invita a visitare la cantina mentre disserta dottamente su champagne e vini rossi.
Sul piatto, la tartara di seppia in acqua di erbe, con queste e un crostino rustico di pane fuori dal liquido riflette alla perfezione le caratteristiche culinarie: naturalezza e purezza, mentale e sapida, basate su un prodotto eccezionale e freschissimo, presentate con sommo talento. Un qualcosa di apparentemente semplice e immacolato trasmette grandi vibrazioni emozionali e gustative. I mitili, crudi e tiepidi, con una salsa al pepe verde, frammista con borragine e spinaci e un’emulsione con limone disidratato è un’altra dimostrazione di come si addolciscono e armonizzano contrasti a priori forti. Gli gnocchi verdi, alle ortiche e agli spinaci selvatici, che nuotano in una minestra di cannolicchi e tè con gel di gelsomino ci ha rubato veramente il cuore; la squisitezza di fragranze magicamente stemperate. Essenzialità e chiaroveggenza in tre elementi con due sapori: tagliolini di cipresso alle vongole; bosco e mare con il filo conduttore della pasta, semplicemente perfetta. Sulla stessa linea, un riso minimalista e GENIALE: il riso in bianco, un risotto cotto in acqua di pomodoro , con il netto sapore di questo: il succo di 7 pomodori per una porzione. Che purezza! Che freschezza! Che audacia! E se la definizione e lo stile non fossero chiari: rene rosaceo d’agnello con sottili fettine di rapa marinate in vermut e una salsa spugnosa di angelica. A guisa di una preziosista insalata: cipollina dolce alla piastra con malto, frutta rossa e fiori. Altre prelibatezze: petto di piccione, magistralmente trattato e concepito; barbabietola, polvere di ciliege, crema di pistacchio, un fondo di formaggio... l’intemerata.
E come prima ci siamo abbuffati con gli aperitivi: tortino di ricotta, pomodoro e origano; un pasticcio di cioccolato con crema di cipolla; una crema di uovo con cioccolato e menta e un babà salato con fegato di piccione; abbiamo dovuto lasciare, tra lacrime di allegria, i dessert per una migliore occasione. Poche volte ci hanno dato un bacio in bocca con tanta sensibilità. La lingua è rimasta affascinata da tanta raffinatissima fantasia, da tanto fantastico raffinamento. Sesso con amore e persino con romanticismo.


Povero Diavolo

Giorgio Parini
Giorgio Parini
Country: Italia
City: 47825 Torriana (Rímini)
Address: Via Roma, 30
(+39) 0541675060
Closed: Wednesdays, 15/30 March y 15/30 September
Price: 75/120 €
Tasting menu:: 58/90 €

  • Tartar de sepia en agua de hierbas con costron de pan
  • Tartar de sepia en agua de hierbas con costron de pan
  • Ñoquis verdes, de ortigas y espinacas selváticas, con sopa de navajas y té y gel
  • Ñoquis verdes, de ortigas y espinacas selváticas, con sopa de navajas y té y gel de jazmín
  • Tagliolini de ciprés con almejas
  • Tagliolini de ciprés con almejas
  • Riso en bianco
  • Riso en bianco
  • Riñon de cordero con láminas de nabo laminadas en vermut y una salsa de Angélica
  • Riñon de cordero con láminas de nabo laminadas en vermut y una salsa de Angélica
  • Cebolleta a la planca con malta, frutos rojos y flores
  • Cebolleta a la planca con malta, frutos rojos y flores

Fifteen minutes from Rimini, in a small, beautiful and high rural location with a paradisiacal panorama that reaches the sea, is this simple and charming restaurant immersed in an important transformation phase. The owner, Fausto Fratti, a real character who enjoys nature and the good life, who declares himself obese from the great product, has always hired great chefs. The last one, Giorgio Parini, who arrived a long time ago from Le Calandre, has been growing together with this restaurant, which has become one of the best in Italy. Therefore, with the news, the event…the table is served and demands a visit. Artistic cuisine brimming with personality and genius, with a magnificent and brilliant future: this is what you can expect here.
Upon arrival, you must ask for the owner and throw him this bait: “what is in the storage rooms and in the restaurant that could surprise us?“. He immediately speaks his mind: “The best salami in the world”. Indeed, it is outstanding. Other cured meats also inspire gluttony, and a sheep’s milk cheese is not half bad, noble in its rusticity. And to pour into the wine skin? He jumps immediately: “No problem”. Fausto invites you to visit the cellar while he waxes knowledgably about champagnes and red wines.
The cuttlefish tartare in herbs infusion served with the latter and rustic toasted bread apart marvellously reflects the culinary spirit of the house: mental and sapid nature and purity based on exceptional and utterly fresh products seasoned with extreme talent. Apparently simple and immaculate elements transmit great emotional and palatal vibrations. The mussels, served raw and warm with a green pepper sauce mixed with borage and spinach, together with a dehydrated lemon emulsion, is another demonstration of how the chef softens and harmonizes a priori strong contrasts. The green gnocchi, made of wild nettles and spinach, proposed onto a razor-shell soup and tea with jasmine gel, ended up stealing our heart; exquisite and magically tempered fragrances. Essence and clairvoyance are found in three elements with two flavours: cypress tagliolini with clams; wood and sea connected by perfect pasta. The same philosophy governs the minimalist and simply BRILLIANT risotto: white rice cooked in tomato water with clear taste of the latter (the juice of 7 tomatoes per portion). What a purity! What a freshness! What a nerve! To make things even clearer, here is another example of definition and style: pinkish lamb kidney with thin slices of turnip marinated in vermouth and spongy angelica sauce. And what can we say about the wonderful salad made of spring onion grilled with malt, red soft fruit and flowers. And for more exquisiteness, try the pigeon breast, magnificently designed and treated, with beet, sherry powder, pistachio cream, cheese stock, … Glorious!
As we happily stuffed ourselves with the appetizers (ricotta, tomato and oregano tartlet; chocolate cake with onion cream; egg cream with chocolate and mint; and salted baba with pigeon liver), we had to leave the desserts for another visit. This is one of the few times we were kissed on the mouth with such a sensitivity. Our tongue was really charmed by this utterly refined fantasy. Sex with love –and with romanticism, if I may say so.


Povero Diavolo

Giorgio Parini
Giorgio Parini
Country: Italia
City: 47825 Torriana (Rímini)
Address: Via Roma, 30
(+39) 0541675060
Closed: Wednesdays, 15/30 March y 15/30 September
Price: 75/120 €
Tasting menu:: 58/90 €

  • Tartar de sepia en agua de hierbas con costron de pan
  • Tartar de sepia en agua de hierbas con costron de pan
  • Ñoquis verdes, de ortigas y espinacas selváticas, con sopa de navajas y té y gel
  • Ñoquis verdes, de ortigas y espinacas selváticas, con sopa de navajas y té y gel de jazmín
  • Tagliolini de ciprés con almejas
  • Tagliolini de ciprés con almejas
  • Riso en bianco
  • Riso en bianco
  • Riñon de cordero con láminas de nabo laminadas en vermut y una salsa de Angélica
  • Riñon de cordero con láminas de nabo laminadas en vermut y una salsa de Angélica
  • Cebolleta a la planca con malta, frutos rojos y flores
  • Cebolleta a la planca con malta, frutos rojos y flores

Fifteen minutes from Rimini, in a small, beautiful and high rural location with a paradisiacal panorama that reaches the sea, is this simple and charming restaurant immersed in an important transformation phase. The owner, Fausto Fratti, a real character who enjoys nature and the good life, who declares himself obese from the great product, has always hired great chefs. The last one, Giorgio Parini, who arrived a long time ago from Le Calandre, has been growing together with this restaurant, which has become one of the best in Italy. Therefore, with the news, the event…the table is served and demands a visit. Artistic cuisine brimming with personality and genius, with a magnificent and brilliant future: this is what you can expect here.
Upon arrival, you must ask for the owner and throw him this bait: “what is in the storage rooms and in the restaurant that could surprise us?“. He immediately speaks his mind: “The best salami in the world”. Indeed, it is outstanding. Other cured meats also inspire gluttony, and a sheep’s milk cheese is not half bad, noble in its rusticity. And to pour into the wine skin? He jumps immediately: “No problem”. Fausto invites you to visit the cellar while he waxes knowledgably about champagnes and red wines.
The cuttlefish tartare in herbs infusion served with the latter and rustic toasted bread apart marvellously reflects the culinary spirit of the house: mental and sapid nature and purity based on exceptional and utterly fresh products seasoned with extreme talent. Apparently simple and immaculate elements transmit great emotional and palatal vibrations. The mussels, served raw and warm with a green pepper sauce mixed with borage and spinach, together with a dehydrated lemon emulsion, is another demonstration of how the chef softens and harmonizes a priori strong contrasts. The green gnocchi, made of wild nettles and spinach, proposed onto a razor-shell soup and tea with jasmine gel, ended up stealing our heart; exquisite and magically tempered fragrances. Essence and clairvoyance are found in three elements with two flavours: cypress tagliolini with clams; wood and sea connected by perfect pasta. The same philosophy governs the minimalist and simply BRILLIANT risotto: white rice cooked in tomato water with clear taste of the latter (the juice of 7 tomatoes per portion). What a purity! What a freshness! What a nerve! To make things even clearer, here is another example of definition and style: pinkish lamb kidney with thin slices of turnip marinated in vermouth and spongy angelica sauce. And what can we say about the wonderful salad made of spring onion grilled with malt, red soft fruit and flowers. And for more exquisiteness, try the pigeon breast, magnificently designed and treated, with beet, sherry powder, pistachio cream, cheese stock, … Glorious!
As we happily stuffed ourselves with the appetizers (ricotta, tomato and oregano tartlet; chocolate cake with onion cream; egg cream with chocolate and mint; and salted baba with pigeon liver), we had to leave the desserts for another visit. This is one of the few times we were kissed on the mouth with such a sensitivity. Our tongue was really charmed by this utterly refined fantasy. Sex with love –and with romanticism, if I may say so.