Ilario Vinciguerra

Ilario Vinciguerra
Ilario Vinciguerra
Country: Italia
City: 21013 Gallarate-Varese (Malpensa)
Address: Via Roma, 1
(+39) 0331791597
Closed: Domenica sera e lunedì
Price: 50/100 €
Tasting menu:: 35 / 80 / 90 €

  • Tortello rellenos de Crema de Cabra con Caviar y Jugo de Zanahorias Asadas
  • Ostras con Granizado de Pepino, Crema Äcida y Jamón de Lombardia
  • La Isla Que No Lo Es
  • Espaguetis con Gambas Rojas
  • Caprese 2012
  • Expresión de la Minestrone
  • Arroz, ajo, perejil y guindilla
  • Arroz, ajo, perejil y guindilla
  • Bacalao con Aceite, Albahaca y Verduras Agridulces
  • Oro de Nápoles

  Ilario Vinciguerra, vincitore del V Premio Internazionale di Ricette con Olio Extravergine d'Oliva “Jaén, paraíso interior”, è uno chef con vocazione e doti. Anche se risiede nel nord ed è sposato con una piemontese, Marika, con cui lavora spalla a spalla, esprime con veemenza il sentimento della cucina del sud Italia (è oriundo di Napoli, città che ama appassionatamente). Nei suoi piatti, sempre pieni di talento e di riflessione, Ilario combina temperamento e raffinatezza. Sapori intensi con purezza sapida. Meraviglia verificare questo difficile equilibrio che plasma una volta e un'altra indipendentemente dai molti o pochi ingredienti con cui giochi nel piatto. Succulenza e dovizia, sempre, sempre illustri, e venerazione per la memoria storica, in particolar modo per un ingrediente, l’onnipresente pomodoro, che tratta come nessuno al mondo. Passionale, intuitivo…questo è il Vinciguerra che ci piace, più di quando disegna composizioni farcite di deliri intellettuali e artistici, che sono molto buoni, che hanno il loro merito, ma che non riflettono l’essenza dello chef, il suo talento naturale.
Nel 2011, la nuova ubicazione del ristorante ha supposto un salto qualitativo incredibile nella carriera di Ilario, sia per l’ambiente, signorile, un vero palazzo, che per i concetti, con una strabiliante maturità intellettuale, che si manifesta sia nel modo di concepire e di articolare i piatti, che nei sapori, sempre eleganti e armonici. Ci troviamo davanti a una cucina vellutata con molto disegno, tanto che, salvo i dessert, tutti i piatti sono proposte nuove. Che sia chiaro: Vinciguerra si è già convertito in uno dei migliori chef d’Italia, per questo si merita l’eccellente.
Primo colpo di fulmine: ciliege ripiene di foie gras con pennellate del suo succo. Perché l’animo non decada, una capasanta appena manipolata, semicruda, immacolata, con pochi e semplici tocchi, sotto forma di verdure, che danno una veste traslucida e futurista alle seducenti carni del frutto di mare. Che delicatezza! Che tenerezza! Che autenticità! L’ostrica con granita di cetriolo, crema acida e croccante di prosciutto della Lombardia è un doppio salto mortale con la freschezza del mare e dell’orto come star. Una marachella da bambino impetuoso al più puro stile Ferran Adrià: “L’Isola Che Non lo È”. Un gioco a forma di zucchero filato, che per tonalità e per qualche sapore ci ricorda una pizza, veramente molto fantastica, poiché le nuvole di zucchero sono ornate con olio, pomodoro, erbe, arachidi, aceto, ecc. Gloriosi anche gli spaghetti artigianali con un tocco di colatura di alici e di scarola leggermente affumicata, al dente, puri, che sanno di pasta, di squisita pasta, impregnati, questo sì, di carattere, che danno, come di costume, enorme soddisfazione. Si deve ripetere sino alla nausea: la pasta raggiunge in questa casa momenti epici; è il caso dei ghiotti ravioli di maiale. Affascinanti, sublimi, imprescindibili i tortelli, con un cuore di crema di latte di capra, coronati da caviale su un succo di carota arrostita. Spettacolare la versione dell’insalata caprese: pomodori reidratati con spuma di mozzarella e insalata di erbe.

Geniale, per il punto di cottura del riso, per i contrappunti sapidi e per le tecniche di condimento, il risotto con spuma d’aglio, olio al prezzemolo e polvere di peperoncino rosso piccante; non ci si può distinguere di più reinventando sapori ancestrali. Ilario domina il baccalà, forse per i frequenti viaggi in Spagna. Seleziona il prodotto e lo tratta con eleganza, esaltandone i toni cangianti, con tutto ciò che comporta a livello di sapore e di struttura. In questa occasione esce profumato di olio al basilico e con un giardino moderno, in cui tutte le verdure fanno sfoggio delle loro virtù, e con sapori agrodolci. Tra i piatti di carne, si può titubare tra ordinare guance di vitello con melanzane e cioccolato fondente, oppure il maialino, croccante e burroso, con scaloppa di fegato d’oca e limone. Non c’è dubbio che in questa casa si sazia un goloso. E l’imprescindibile Oro di Napoli: una specie di tuorlo d’uovo dorato con il sapore di una delicata ed eterea pastiera napoletana; come anche merita l’eccellente il sofficissimo babà.



Ilario Vinciguerra

Ilario Vinciguerra
Ilario Vinciguerra
Country: Italia
City: 21013 Gallarate-Varese (Malpensa)
Address: Via Roma, 1
(+39) 0331791597
Closed: Sunday nights and Mondays
Price: 50/100 €
Tasting menu:: 35 / 80 / 90 €

  • Tortelli de Crema de cabra con Caviar y Jugo de Zanahorias Asada
  • Ostra con Granizado de Pepino
  • La Isla Que No LoEs
  • Espaguetis con Gambas Rojas
  • Caprese 2012
  • Expresión de la Minestrone
  • Arroz, ajo, perejil y guindilla
  • Arroz, ajo, perejil y guindilla
  • Bacalao con Aceite, Albahaca y Verduras Agridulces
  • Oro de Napoles

Ilario Vinciguerra, winner of the V International Award for Extra Virgin Olive Oil Recipes “Jaén, paraíso interior”, is a chef with both professional dedication and natural gifts. Though he resides in northern Italy and his wife, Marika (with whom he works side by side), is from the Piedmont region, a southern Italian feeling is expressed with passion in his cuisine thanks to his Neapolitan origins (he is really fond of Naples). His constructions, always filled with talent and reflection, combine temperament with refinement–intense flavours with sapid purity. It is astonishing to see how well he maintains that difficult equilibrium, captured time and again in his dishes, independent of the quantity of ingredients that he uses in any given formula. The exquisiteness and generosity are always distinguished here. The historical memory is always venerated, especially through a specific ingredient: the tomato, omnipresent, which is treated as nowhere else in the world. 

With the new location of the restaurant, 2011 has represented an incredible leap forward in Ilario’s career regarding both atmosphere –this place is a real palace– and concepts. His amazing intellectual maturity is expressed in the way he conceives and builds his dishes as well as in the flavours he offers, always elegant and harmonious. This is a velvety, very elaborated cuisine. Except the desserts, all are new proposals. Let’s say it clearly: Vinciguerra has become one of the very best chefs in Italy. This is why he definitely deserves this 9/10. An outstanding mark he might improve over the next few months.
First flash: cherries stuffed with foie gras and a hint of their juice. To keep up with the same spirit, the cook proposes some poached green asparagus wrapped into belly pork and pine branches baked for three minutes and served with sweet honey zabaglione: intense wood perfumes with subtle and kind counterpoints. Mediterranean is expressed in all its intensity: charcoaled aubergine with roasted tomato, dried fruit, mullet roe and basil. More proximity and more historic memory impeccably executed: this is what we find in the rehydrated tomatoes with crunchy fried anchovies and seaweeds. The sweet and creamy egg noodles cooked in onion consommé, seasoned with saffron and pepper and enhanced with the salty touch of a slice of dehydrated ham is a perfect dish. And what can we say about the glorious handmade spaghetti with anchovy juice and slightly smoked endive: al dente, pure, with the genuine taste of pasta and a personality that is synonymous with great pleasure, like all the rest. Let’s repeat it over and over again: pasta reaches really high peaks, here. The tortelli stuffed with tomato, swimming into a juice of smoked Provola cheese and basil, taste like the warmth of the South –they certainly do! The risotto with garlic foam, parsley oil and hot pepper powder is really brilliant regarding doneness, sapid counterpoints and seasoning techniques; an extremely amazing way to reinvent ancestral flavours. The snails, impressive, immaculate and juicy, laid on black venere rice water and served with a spoonful of chocolate and julienned tomato are another silky and original proposal. The Norway lobster with caviar and liquorice reduction proves once again that raw materials used by Ilario are always the best in the market, that doneness is always impeccable and that nuances are commonly soft. The raw crayfish with anchovy cream, tomato sorbet and sprouts is expressed in its most natural way; exquisite! And as dessert, don’t miss the Gold of Naples, a kind of golden yolk that tastes like a delicate and ethereal pastiera napolitana. The rum baba, utter spongy, also deserves an excellent mark. 



Malling & Schmidt

Thorsten Schmidt
Thorsten Schmidt
Country: Dinamarca
City: 8240 Risskov
Address: Grenåvej 127
(+45) 86177088
Closed: Sundays and Mondays
Price: 80/150 €
Tasting menu:: 47, 93 133 €

  • Yogur de eneldo y mantequilla de escaramujo
  • Yogur de eneldo y mantequilla de escaramujo
  • Patatas con caviar
  • Patatas con caviar
  • Cigala cruda con prensado de sus caparazones y pepino con grosellas silvestres
  • Cigala cruda con prensado de sus caparazones y pepino con grosellas silvestres
  • Patatas nuevas con yema de huevo ahumada, paja deshidratada y queso
  • Patatas nuevas con yema de huevo ahumada, paja deshidratada y queso
  • Tartar de ciervo a las especies con vinagre de frutos del bosque y fondo de jaba
  • Tartar de ciervo a las especies con vinagre de frutos del bosque y fondo de jabalí
  • Hierbas y su clorofila con helado de trigo
  • Hierbas y su clorofila con helado de trigo

  Thorsten Schmidt is a young brain in tune with naturalist Scandinavian cuisine, which is so fashionable these days. His vegetable garden offers 184 varieties he transfers to his dishes, which are distinguished from the others thanks to the green spirit and the unknown flavours they radiate. His utterly reflective constructions are always elegant and harmonic. This perfectionist looks at the landscapes with erudition and imagination; never with audacity. Everything is impeccable. Take the appetizers, for example. The dill yogurt is the best “sour double cream” we remember tasting. The rosehip butter changes the story of butter without altering its texture, giving it an orange tonality and a refreshing touch due to the acidity of the fruit. The small roasted potatoes filled with caviar are synonymous with rigor and top quality product.
The raw crayfish, apparently entire, but actually cut into four or five pieces before being reconstructed, is fabulous. An utterly vivid exquisiteness. It is served together with an emulsion of compacted shells and cucumbers, pieces of the vegetable, wild redcurrants or gooseberries. The top is garnished with extreme talent and vegetal colour: Scandinavian watercress, seaweeds, herbs, flowers, … that embellish and give some fantasy to His Majesty the crayfish.
Thorsten Schmidt raises the flag of humility and rustic style. He demonstrates an innate gift for the latter, which is really velvety and silky. His exquisite taste and balance also show up through the new season’s small potatoes cooked with smoked egg yolk and served on dehydrated straw with Svendbo cheese shavings, spices and others complements. A peasant dish transformed into an extremely erudite delight.
Surprise is present is all the work of this wise chef. Deer tartar, garnished with a cutlet, imitating the latter, seasoned with a pleasant and aromatic mix of local spices made in front of the guest, magnified with two traditional sauces that have been reinvented: wild pig stock and wild berries vinegar; terrific! A new and raw version of the classical game cuisine.
The passion for green fields also reaches the desserts: in a mortar, the guest grinds a bunch of aromatic herbs, takes out the chlorophyll and uses the whole to add a refreshing hint to a creamy and neat wheat ice cream. Taste the latter first, you will be gratefully surprised! This obsession for green wood leads to other intense experiences, such as the oak ice cream served with its shavings, which make wood invade both nose and mouth.
The young Thorsten Schmidt is destined for getting a 9/10. A mark he is already able to reach, actually.


Malling & Schmidt

Thorsten Schmidt
Thorsten Schmidt
Country: Dinamarca
City: 8240 Risskov
Address: Grenåvej 127
(+45) 86177088
Closed: Sundays and Mondays
Price: 80/150 €
Tasting menu:: 47, 93 133 €

  • Yogur de eneldo y mantequilla de escaramujo
  • Yogur de eneldo y mantequilla de escaramujo
  • Patatas con caviar
  • Patatas con caviar
  • Cigala cruda con prensado de sus caparazones y pepino con grosellas silvestres
  • Cigala cruda con prensado de sus caparazones y pepino con grosellas silvestres
  • Patatas nuevas con yema de huevo ahumada, paja deshidratada y queso
  • Patatas nuevas con yema de huevo ahumada, paja deshidratada y queso
  • Tartar de ciervo a las especies con vinagre de frutos del bosque y fondo de jaba
  • Tartar de ciervo a las especies con vinagre de frutos del bosque y fondo de jabalí
  • Hierbas y su clorofila con helado de trigo
  • Hierbas y su clorofila con helado de trigo

  Thorsten Schmidt is a young brain in tune with naturalist Scandinavian cuisine, which is so fashionable these days. His vegetable garden offers 184 varieties he transfers to his dishes, which are distinguished from the others thanks to the green spirit and the unknown flavours they radiate. His utterly reflective constructions are always elegant and harmonic. This perfectionist looks at the landscapes with erudition and imagination; never with audacity. Everything is impeccable. Take the appetizers, for example. The dill yogurt is the best “sour double cream” we remember tasting. The rosehip butter changes the story of butter without altering its texture, giving it an orange tonality and a refreshing touch due to the acidity of the fruit. The small roasted potatoes filled with caviar are synonymous with rigor and top quality product.
The raw crayfish, apparently entire, but actually cut into four or five pieces before being reconstructed, is fabulous. An utterly vivid exquisiteness. It is served together with an emulsion of compacted shells and cucumbers, pieces of the vegetable, wild redcurrants or gooseberries. The top is garnished with extreme talent and vegetal colour: Scandinavian watercress, seaweeds, herbs, flowers, … that embellish and give some fantasy to His Majesty the crayfish.
Thorsten Schmidt raises the flag of humility and rustic style. He demonstrates an innate gift for the latter, which is really velvety and silky. His exquisite taste and balance also show up through the new season’s small potatoes cooked with smoked egg yolk and served on dehydrated straw with Svendbo cheese shavings, spices and others complements. A peasant dish transformed into an extremely erudite delight.
Surprise is present is all the work of this wise chef. Deer tartar, garnished with a cutlet, imitating the latter, seasoned with a pleasant and aromatic mix of local spices made in front of the guest, magnified with two traditional sauces that have been reinvented: wild pig stock and wild berries vinegar; terrific! A new and raw version of the classical game cuisine.
The passion for green fields also reaches the desserts: in a mortar, the guest grinds a bunch of aromatic herbs, takes out the chlorophyll and uses the whole to add a refreshing hint to a creamy and neat wheat ice cream. Taste the latter first, you will be gratefully surprised! This obsession for green wood leads to other intense experiences, such as the oak ice cream served with its shavings, which make wood invade both nose and mouth.
The young Thorsten Schmidt is destined for getting a 9/10. A mark he is already able to reach, actually.


Malling & Schmidt

Thorsten Schmidt
Thorsten Schmidt
Country: Dinamarca
City: 8240 Risskov
Address: Grenåvej 127
(+45) 86177088
Closed: Sundays and Mondays
Price: 80/150 €
Tasting menu:: 47, 93 133 €

  • Yogur de eneldo y mantequilla de escaramujo
  • Yogur de eneldo y mantequilla de escaramujo
  • Patatas con caviar
  • Patatas con caviar
  • Cigala cruda con prensado de sus caparazones y pepino con grosellas silvestres
  • Cigala cruda con prensado de sus caparazones y pepino con grosellas silvestres
  • Patatas nuevas con yema de huevo ahumada, paja deshidratada y queso
  • Patatas nuevas con yema de huevo ahumada, paja deshidratada y queso
  • Tartar de ciervo a las especies con vinagre de frutos del bosque y fondo de jaba
  • Tartar de ciervo a las especies con vinagre de frutos del bosque y fondo de jabalí
  • Hierbas y su clorofila con helado de trigo
  • Hierbas y su clorofila con helado de trigo

  Thorsten Schmidt is a young brain in tune with naturalist Scandinavian cuisine, which is so fashionable these days. His vegetable garden offers 184 varieties he transfers to his dishes, which are distinguished from the others thanks to the green spirit and the unknown flavours they radiate. His utterly reflective constructions are always elegant and harmonic. This perfectionist looks at the landscapes with erudition and imagination; never with audacity. Everything is impeccable. Take the appetizers, for example. The dill yogurt is the best “sour double cream” we remember tasting. The rosehip butter changes the story of butter without altering its texture, giving it an orange tonality and a refreshing touch due to the acidity of the fruit. The small roasted potatoes filled with caviar are synonymous with rigor and top quality product.
The raw crayfish, apparently entire, but actually cut into four or five pieces before being reconstructed, is fabulous. An utterly vivid exquisiteness. It is served together with an emulsion of compacted shells and cucumbers, pieces of the vegetable, wild redcurrants or gooseberries. The top is garnished with extreme talent and vegetal colour: Scandinavian watercress, seaweeds, herbs, flowers, … that embellish and give some fantasy to His Majesty the crayfish.
Thorsten Schmidt raises the flag of humility and rustic style. He demonstrates an innate gift for the latter, which is really velvety and silky. His exquisite taste and balance also show up through the new season’s small potatoes cooked with smoked egg yolk and served on dehydrated straw with Svendbo cheese shavings, spices and others complements. A peasant dish transformed into an extremely erudite delight.
Surprise is present is all the work of this wise chef. Deer tartar, garnished with a cutlet, imitating the latter, seasoned with a pleasant and aromatic mix of local spices made in front of the guest, magnified with two traditional sauces that have been reinvented: wild pig stock and wild berries vinegar; terrific! A new and raw version of the classical game cuisine.
The passion for green fields also reaches the desserts: in a mortar, the guest grinds a bunch of aromatic herbs, takes out the chlorophyll and uses the whole to add a refreshing hint to a creamy and neat wheat ice cream. Taste the latter first, you will be gratefully surprised! This obsession for green wood leads to other intense experiences, such as the oak ice cream served with its shavings, which make wood invade both nose and mouth.
The young Thorsten Schmidt is destined for getting a 9/10. A mark he is already able to reach, actually.


Arroz de Rape y Alcachofas

  • Arroz de Rape y Alcachofas
  • Arroz de Rape y Alcachofas

Este es un arroz, de la variedad bomba, que entusiasma por sus méritos culinarios. El punto de cocción que se aplica al cereal y a los tropiezos es, ni más ni menos, que el exacto. Consecuentemente, cada ingrediente puede identificarse de manera diferenciada en esta paella. Los elementos principales, el grano y el fondo, están perfectamente equilibrados, sin que ninguno reste protagonismo sápido al otro, dentro de lo muy sustanciosos que son ambos.
El resto de ingredientes, al cocinarse con el mismo mimo, contribuyen por su sabor y textura a la sabrosa armonía del conjunto: la jugosidad del rape, la tersura de la sepia y las gambas, o las crujientes alcachofas, que le aportan, junto a un levísimo socarrat, un elegante toque de amargor.


1 cola de rape
4 alcachofas
100 gr. de arroz bomba D.O Valencia
10 gr. ajo picado
20 gr tomate concasse
10gr de pimentón
c.s hebras de azafrán
1 l de fumet de rape
c.s perejil picado
1dl de aceite de oliva suave


Haremos un fumet tradicional con la cabeza del rape y sus espinas, reforzándolo con unas galeras.
Limpiar las alcachofas y dejarlas en agua con limón.
Cortar la cola de rape en dados.
A la hora de hacer el arroz empezar rehogando el ajo picado, añadir el rape, las alcachofas, y rehogar bien todos los ingredientes a fuego medio.
Añadir el pimentón y el tomate.
Dejar sofreir y añadir el arroz removiéndolo bien con el sofrito para que impregne el grano todo el sabor.
Mojar con el fumet, rectificar de sal, poner las hebras de azafrán y dejar 12 min.
Una vez esté secando el arroz espolvorear con el perejil picado sobre el arroz.



José Manuel Miguel
Restaurant: Restaurante Submarino L'Oceanografic
Country: España
City: 46013 Valencia
Address: Avenida de la Autopista de El Saler 1-3-5-7
Closed: La noche del 24
Price: Se sirve en el menú del día y en carta cuesta 19€

José Manuel Miguel


Restaurante Submarino L'Oceanogràfic

José Manuel Miguel
Country: España
City: 46013 Valencia
Address: Avenida de la Autopista de El Saler 1-3-5-7
Closed: noche del 24 de diciembre
Price: 60/100 €
Tasting menu:: 65 €

  • Bloody Mary con ostra
  • Bloody Mary con ostra
  • Caviar con capuchino de coliflor y velo de jamón ibérico
  • Caviar con capuchino de coliflor y velo de jamón ibérico
  • Callos a la marinera
  • Callos "a la marinera"
  • Huevo a baja temperatura con sopa de cebolla, trufa y colmenillas
  • Huevo a baja temperatura con sopa de cebolla, trufa y colmenillas
  • Arroz de alcachofas y rape
  • Arroz rape, sepia, gambas y alcachofas
  • Dentón salvaje con escamas de patata
  • Dentón salvaje con escamas de patata
  • Pichón de Bresse
  • Pichón de Bresse
  • Chiboust de galletas María
  • Chiboust de galletas María
El Restaurante Submarino del Museo Oceanográfico de Valencia homenajea al sumergible del Capitán Nemo: aquel Nautilus, equipado, al igual que este, de un comedor con vistas a la llanura submarina. De este modo, aquí las paredes son peceras tan altas que llegan hasta el techo. Al otro lado del cristal, va y viene aleteante la fauna marina. Un escenario de las 20 mil leguas de viaje submarino.
Al frente de los fogones se encuentra José Manuel Miguel. Su cocina es elaborada y moderna, si bien muy asequible, pues la mayoría de las propuestas tienen altas hechura aun proyectando sabores conocidos. Es el caso de la ostra Bloody Mary. Gallega y de tamaño intermedio, el realce era el adecuado con una expresión también media. Otra propuesta que habla bien a las claras de los medios con que se trabaja y de las pretensiones de las construcciones: capuchino de coliflor con velo de jamón ibérico, todo ello como soporte de una quenelle de caviar Nacari, que lucía sobremanera por sí mismo. Ya lo hemos dicho y volvemos a hacer hincapié en ello: sabores históricos con composiciones que buscan sorprender. Es el caso de los callos de bacalao a la marinera, en realidad a la madrileña, a una madrileña sorprendente, muy sorprendente: una rodaja de morcilla de chipirones en su tinta, unas láminas de mojama, incluso garbanzos y una clóchina; esta última muy buena, ya que estaba en su punto exacto de cocción. La gustosidad plena toma nombre de huevo a baja temperatura con sopa de cebolla, trufa y colmenillas; un consomé concentrado, francamente gourmand, tomaba el paladar, volviendo a trasladarle sabores tradicionales vetidos de actualidad. Copiosidad e inmaculabilidad en el arroz con gambas, sepia, rape y alcachofas, pese a la diversidad de los elementos todos preservaban su identidad, así como el arroz, sabroso y con gusto propio, también el punto de cocción era muy atinado, no al dente pero casi. Un pescado de primerísima con una cocción convencional llamada a satisfacer a todos los paladares: lomo de dentón con escamas de patata y distintos atrezzos. Carnes también solemnes, como el pichón de Bresse, rechoncho y rosáceo, que hablaba por sí sólo.
Postres talentosos y marchosos, es el caso del mojito, que nos pareció un cóctel que incita a la bebienda refrescando el paladar. Más gulesco el Chiboust de galletas María, curiosa inspiración en la humilde torrija; para que nadie se quede con hambre.
En definitiva, una cocina con vocación universal que se encuentra en su salsa con los visitantes de la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias.


Tano Passami l'Olio

Gaetano Simonato
Gaetano Simonato
Country: Italia
City: 20143 Milán
Address: Via. Villoresi 16
(+39) 028394139
Closed: Dimanche
Price: 70/90 €
Tasting menu:: 78/90 €

  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret
  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret de pato a la naranja
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárr
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárragos
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachof
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachofa y piña
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque

Milanais de naissance (sa mère est de Frioul et son père est sicilien), Gaetano Simonato est un chef autodidacte. Sa cuisine, instinctive, imprévisible, nullement répétitive ni rhétorique, n’a guère tardé à sortir du lot. Sans vouloir imiter ni copier personne, il poursuit son bonhomme de chemin à l’écart des modes et des tendances du moment. Ses propositions reposent sur la maîtrise et la sélection minutieuse des matières premières saisonnières ainsi que sur les modes et temps cuissons, toujours très précis. Les plats, présentés de manière simple et soigneuse, s’avèrent très raffinés et légers. Gaetano accorde une grande importance à l’huile d’olive vierge extra. Ecouter ce grand connaisseur des meilleurs producteurs italiens parler d’une culture ou d’une variété spécifique est toujours un véritable délice. Il propose d’ailleurs une sélection d’huiles impressionnante, comme l’attestent toutes les bouteilles qu’arbore le meuble situé dans le hall du restaurant. Ici, tous les plats sont assaisonnés à table avec quelques gouttes d’huile d’olive vierge, qui varie selon le mets que le convive a sous les yeux. Les plats, généralement construits de manière sobre et minimaliste, sont saucés à table par le chef, qui verse délicatement l’huile à cru : une sauce vraiment naturelle qui varie selon qu’elle provient de Garde ou de Salento. Comme nous le verrons plus tard, sa cuisine peut cependant refléter un degré d’exécution plus complexe. Quoi qu’il en soit, l'impression que Gaetano veut donner au convive est toujours guidée par la linéarité et la simplicité, par la pureté du goût pour la matière première de qualité, et par la spontanéité du geste : telle est la vertu des grands cuisiniers !
Rouget et lotte sur crème de haricots blancs, brocolis et dés de bettes farcis de pomme, poire, pomme de terre et artichaut. Le niveau technique du chef se manifeste également à travers les œufs de caille (marinés et caramélisés) déposés sur une mousse de canard et de son foie, œufs de cane déshydratés, blanc de canard à l’orange cuit à basse température et sauce Citronette à l’orange.
Et que dire des raviolis farcis à la réduction de pintade assortis de ragoût, asperges et purée de céleri-rave : délicieux ! Un plat raffiné aussi bien pour le palais que pour l’estomac, fruit d’une élaboration intelligente et longuement mûrie. Le chef « décompose » les ingrédients des raviolis au jus de viande et leur donne à chacun le juste rôle qu’ils doivent jouer. Le jus/fond sombre (un consommé d’une saveur exceptionnelle) contenu dans les pâtes n’est pas mélangé avec le reste en vue de pouvoir le savourer dans toute sa pureté. De même, la farce de viande (d’un seul type d’animal), généralement mélangée avec des légumes, du fromage, des œufs, etc., reste vierge, pure, fidèle, crue, authentique, parfaite.
Le blanc de canard cuit à basse température puis laqué avec du miel et des agrumes, servi avec un millefeuille aux pommes de terre, artichauts et ananas, est franchement exquis.
Côté desserts, la crème catalane nappée de fruits des bois est réellement mémorable. Sous la couche de sucre caramélisé se cache une crème de … riz. Surprenant ! Une consistance à la fois crémeuse et légèrement granuleuse, semblable à la texture de la pulpe d’une poire Williams bien mûre. Un dessert léger, frais, fruité, sans graisse, innovant, pondéré.
Bref, la cuisine de Tano Simonato est un passage obligé qui ne manquera pas de surprendre tous les fins gourmets qui se respectent.


Tano Passami l'Olio

Gaetano Simonato
Gaetano Simonato
Country: Italia
City: 20143 Milán
Address: Via. Villoresi 16
(+39) 028394139
Closed: Domenica
Price: 70/90 €
Tasting menu:: 78/90 €

  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret
  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret de pato a la naranja
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárr
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárragos
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachof
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachofa y piña
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque

Milanese di nascita (mamma friulana, padre siciliano) Gaetano Simonato e' uno chef autodidatta. La sua cucina ci ha colpito subito per essere fuori dagli schemi, istintiva, imprevedibile, mai noiosa e retorica. Non assomiglia e non cerca di emulare nessuno, rimanendo sulla sua strada, lontano da mode e tendenze. Alla base ci sono la conoscenza e la scelta di ottima materia prima di stagione abbinata a cotture, in cucina, sempre azzeccate. I piatti sono presentati in maniera semplice, pulita e minimalista. Il risultato e' di grande finezza e leggerezza. Viene dato ampio spazio all'olio d'oliva extravergine: Tano e' un vero conoscitore delle migliori produzioni italiane, un piacere sentirlo raccontare di questo o di quest'altro cultivar. La scelta e' impressionante: tutte le bottiglie sono raccolte in un mobile all'entrata del ristorante. Una delle peculiarita' del locale e' che ogni piatto viene rifinito al tavolo con alcune gocce di olio extravergine a seconda della portata che si sta degustando. Essendo in genere il piatto costruito in maniera sobria e minimalista, lo chef "salsa" il piatto al tavolo con l'olio versato a crudo: una salsa veramente naturale che cambia di volta in volta a seconda che si usi un olio del Garda o del Salento. In realta' la sua cucina puo' anche essere di esecuzione tecnica piuttosto complessa, come vedremo di seguito, ma l'impressione del commensale e' sempre orientata alla linearita' ed alla semplicità, alla pulizia del gusto della materia prima ed alla spontaneità del gesto: questa e' una virtù dei grandi cuochi!
Triglia e rana pescatrice su vellutata di fagioli cannellini, broccolo ed un memorabile cubo di coste ripieno di mela, pera, patata e carciofo. Sale il livello tecnico con le uova di quaglia (marinate ed in seguito caramellate) su mousse di anatra con il suo foie, botarga di uova di anatra (uovo essicato), petto d'anatra all'arancia, cotto a bassa temperatura e citronette all'arancia.
Ravioli ripieni di ristretto di faraona, ragu' (a lato), asparagi e purea di sedano rapa: ottimo! Oltre ad essere un piatto fine per il palato e per lo stomaco, e' una preparazione intelligente e non casuale. Lo chef "scompone" gli ingredienti dei ravioli al sugo d'arrosto dando giusto protagonismo ad ogni elemento. Il sugo/fondo bruno (in realta' un consommé di rara bontà) racchiuso nella pasta non si mescola al resto, se ne gusta la sua purezza. Allo stesso modo, il ripieno di sola carne (che di solito e' mescolato a verdure, formaggio, uova, ecc.) rimane nudo, pulito, diretto, crudo, vero, perfetto.
Squisito il petto d'anatra cotto a bassa temperatura laccato al miele ed agli agrumi servito con un millefoglie di patate carciofi ed ananas.
Indimenticabile tra i dolci la catalana con sopra frutti di bosco! Sotto lo strato di zucchero caramellato, la crema di.....riso. Il risultato e' sorprendente, la consistenza e' cremosa ma allo stesso tempo leggermente granulosa, simile alla consistenza della polpa di pera williams molto matura. Leggero, fresco, fruttato, non grasso, innovativo, non retorico.
In definitiva, la cucina di Tano Simonato e' da provare e sorprendera' i gourmets più esperti.


Tano Passami l'Olio

Gaetano Simonato
Gaetano Simonato
Country: Italia
City: 20143 Milán
Address: Via. Villoresi 16
(+39) 028394139
Closed: Sundays
Price: 70/90 €
Tasting menu:: 78/90 €

  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret
  • Yemas de huevo de codorniz con mousse de foie de pato, huevas de mújol y magret de pato a la naranja
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárr
  • Raviolis rellenos de pequeñas pintadas, su salsa de carne, puré de apio y espárragos
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachof
  • Pechuga de pato laqueado con miel y cítricos con patatas Mille Feuille, alcachofa y piña
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque
  • Crema catalana de arroz con leche y frutas del bosque

Milanese by birth (his mother comes from Friuli and his father is Sicilian), Gaetano Simonato is a self-taught cook. His cuisine, instinctive, unpredictable, never repetitive nor rhetorical, hasn’t taken a long time to stand out. He doesn’t want to imitate nor copy anyone; he just wants to get peacefully along with his work, far from fashions and trends. His proposals are based on deep knowledge and meticulous selection of seasonal raw materials as well as on precise cooking methods and times. His dishes, presented in a simple and polished way, rime with refinement and lightness. Gaetano has a weakness for extra virgin olive oil. Listening to this expert –who knows all about the best Italian producers– talking about olive farming and varieties is always a real pleasure. As testifies the range of bottles displayed in the furniture you find at the entrance of the restaurant, he offers a really impressive selection of this gorgeous liquid. One of the peculiarities of the house is that all the dishes are seasoned in front of the diner with a few drops of a specific olive oil, according to the ingredients served. The constructions, generally sober and minimalist, are sauced at the table by the chef, who delicately pours the raw oil: a really natural sauce that varies depending on where it is made, whether Garda or Salento. Gaetano’s cuisine can also show a higher degree of complexity, as we’ll see further on. The impression the cook wants to give is governed by linearity and simplicity, by the purity of the raw materials and by spontaneity: this is the real virtue of the great chefs!
Red mullet and monkfish on white beans and broccoli cream with memorable chard dices filled with apple, pear, potato and artichoke. The chef’s technical level is also reflected by the quail eggs (marinated and caramelized) lain on duck mousse and foie, dehydrated quail eggs, duck breast à l’orange cooked at low temperature, and orange Citronette sauce.
Raviolis filled with guinea fowl reduction, stew (next by), asparagus and celeriac puree: delicious! A refined dish both for palate and stomach. A clever and reflexive proposal. The chef “splits up” the ingredients of the raviolis served with meat sauce and gives the right intensity to each of them. The dark stock (an exceptionally delicious consommé) of the pasta is not mixed with the rest in order to savour its purity. The meat filling (usually mixed with vegetables, cheese, eggs, etc.) remains virgin, neat, true, raw, genuine, perfect.
The duck breast cooked at low temperature, lacquered with honey and citrus fruit, served with a potato, artichoke and pineapple millefeuille, is a real exquisiteness.
In the dessert section, the Catalan cream covered with wild berries is frankly unforgettable. The layer of caramelized sugar hides a surprising … rice cream, whose creamy and slightly grainy texture is similar the one of a very mature Williams pear. A light, fresh, fruity, fat-free, innovative and balanced dessert.
In short, Tano Simonato’s place is a must that inevitably surprises any refined gourmet.