Semi-Tinned And Entire Duck Foie Gras Martiko


Pays: Spain
Localité: 31780-Bera-Vera de Bidasoa (Navarra).
Adresse: Pol. Zalain, s/n.
(+34) 948625016
Prix à la carte: 63 € per kilo

Martiko, a symbol of Spanish duck conserves, markets its top quality products – whole and semi-tinned – three different ways: the terrine, weighing one kilo, is vacuum packed and presented in an attractive cardboard box; at 500 grams they arrive oval-shaped in bags; and the smallest amount available, 190 grams, is sold in crystal jars. Once opened, remove the yellow film and cut the pieces of magnificent whole livers (covered lightly in their own fat) into slices. The meat exudes a beautiful, creamy, rose-colored tone. The veins are practically non-existent. Its delicate flavor is astonishing both in its refinement and balance, resulting in a subtly sweet undertone. The texture is sublime, melting in the mouth as if it were a slice of butter… in other words, a true delicacy.

It can be conserved up to three months if refrigerated between 0 and 5º C.



Rosara Shellfish Cream

Conservas Artesanas Rosara, S.L.

Pays: Spain
Localité: 31261 Andosilla (Navarra)
Adresse: Pol. Ind. 3.
(+34) 902304010
Prix à la carte: 4.75 and 4.60 € for a 370 g jar or 425 g can

This product is wonderfully resolute and thoroughly meets one’s expectations. Evident flavors of shellfish (25% Norway lobster, 15% lobster, devil crab and prawns) and vegetables appear in a consummate balance of flavor. It isn’t too strong or overly extracted which is so often the case, something that creates an astringent, “sandy” character. On the contrary, it is noble and elegant, refined, with nothing standing out in particular apart from the pure identity that one awaits from a shellfish soup.

It may be enjoyed simply by warming it up gently for two minutes, or can be used as a base, illustrated by the addition of clams, prawns, monkfish, potatoes, noodles… to season a soup or vermicelli dish or even a dry or soupy rice. In short, it offers great versatility, either as a dish unto itself, used to enrich others, or as a base for various recipes.


Essenza D´Oliva Alex Nember

Essenza D´Oliva Alex Nember
Fattoria Ilparadiso

Pays: Italy
Localité: 25080 Raffa di Puegnago su Garda (Bs)
Adresse: Via Paradiso, 10
(+39) 036562152
Prix à la carte: 60 € for 25 cl bottles

The person who conceived this oil – Alex Nember – proves that he has an illuminated mind and a privileged palate. Beyond that, he is a progressive, brilliant man that doesn’t let anything get past him. At unprecedented latitude in the western area of Lake Garda, in northern Italy, he has planted 42 hectares of the frantoio variety, olives that he uses to produce an oil of universal esteem.

Both the bouquet and the palate forcefully call attention to its refinement, elegance, balance and harmony. Green aromas of herbs and meadows abound… a latticework of so many things. Its complexity is confirmed on the palate. Even a certain citric sensation appears with hints of lemon, as well as a trace of sweetness, with a bitterness that is barely noticeable, very nuanced, insinuating a slight spice in the finish that gently warms the mouth without ever culminating in an abrupt peak. It evolves, builds and rises up to the final flavorful explosion: an interminable finish that rolls over the palate without ever relenting to demonstrate its round, velvet nature at all times.
It is one of the finest in the world.


Iberian Pork Head By Frial


Pays: Spain
Localité: 28760 Madrid
Adresse: Pol. Ind. Tres Cantos. Avda. de los Artesanos, 32.
(+34) 918034142
Prix à la carte: 11 € per kilo

The star product of a company that has distinguished itself by preserving the artisan quality of cold cuts through industrialization. The limited volume of production, low-temperature preparation and the quality of the raw product are the determining factors here. This “boar’s head”, as it was traditionally known, differentiates itself first by its use of Iberian pork, affording it its distinct flavor, as well as by the nobility of the cuts in the selection – cheeks and tongue – that appear seasoned with green specks of pistachio and a rosy, fatty, uniform character that is very attractive. These elements are immaculately reflected on the palate; tender, juicy and flavorful, infused with a light aftertaste of spice and pepper that aromatizes the product and gives it character without altering its essential nature.

It may be served as an antipasto, cold and thinly sliced, or heated in the oven up to 80º C at a thickness of 1 cm, or even served as a dish with some sort of garnish to accompany it.


Tierra Estella Beans In Brine By Rosara

Conservas Artesanas Rosara, S.L.

Pays: Spain
Localité: 31261 Andosilla (Navarra)
Adresse: Pol. Ind. 3.
(+34) 902304010
Prix à la carte: 5 € for 720 g jar

Such extraordinary quality of beans! What’s more, after preparation they remain whole with only a few that are minimally broken. The skins are unnoticeable, both in appearance and taste; they are excellent in this sense. The texture is desirable, buttery, creamy, and comes apart without the slightest bit of resistance. On the palate, they stand out for their refinement and flavor, delicate and delicious. The brine is very natural, perfectly thickened and slightly gelatinous. In short, raw product in its maximum splendor and preparation, ready to be enjoyed.

They can be eaten as they are presented, in salads, or warmed up; just boil them gently for 1-2 minutes without the need for other accompaniments, served as a side or garnish, prepared with flavorful independence.


Pasta – Spaghetti A Matassa – Cav. Giuseppe Cocco

Cav. Giuseppe Cocco

Pays: Italy
Localité: 66015 - Fara San Martino (CH)
Adresse: Zona artigianale, 15
(+39) 0872984121
Prix à la carte: € the 500 g package

A legendary company that honors its prestige and ample range of products with this offer. We selected this one out of many as it is prepared in an artisan fashion at low temperature with hard grain semolina, then finished with 4% bran and 2% cruschello. The consistency stands out as much as the flavor. When prepared al dente (7-8 minutes), it maintains a precise, uniform tenderness throughout. Furthermore, the result is an extraordinarily refined pasta within the characteristic flavor of the hard grain semolina. This pasta would seem practically impossible to improve.


Régis Marcon “Homemade” Lentil Preserves

Regis Marcon

Pays: France
Localité: 43290 Saint Bonnet-le-Froid
Adresse: Le Village
(+33) 0471599372
Prix à la carte: 5 € the 210 g jar

You have to see it to believe it. Régis Marcon of the “Auberge et Clos des Cimes” comes out of this deadly triple jump triumphantly. He maintains the identity of the lentil perfectly, while converting it into a fine sweet infused with magical touches of vanilla, ginger and citrus - a testimony to the abilities of this marvelous chef. Very interesting, with wild notes of chestnut and clove that stand out.

Comprised of 59% green lentils of Puy, 40% cane sugar and 1% of vanilla, ginger and citrus.


Peperoncini Ripieni Castagno

C-Emme Food SRL

Pays: Italy
Localité: 10024 Moncalieri (TO)
Adresse: Via Privata Chiuso, 12
(+39) 0116403836
Prix à la carte: 14 € the 270 g jar

Typical Italian exquisiteness consisting of small peppers, truly dwarfs, filled with anchovies and capers, infused with extra virgin olive oil and wine vinegar, creating a supple vinaigrette in which the first ingredient predominates, demonstrating unctuousness and flavor. The peppers are thin and refined, and the skin is not bothersome at all. They warm the mouth, but not excessively, contributing to the succulent, refined sensation that they offer. Beautiful and bite-size. They can be served alone as an hors d’oeuvre or as accompaniments in salads or garnish.

They are also sold in 1500 g jars.


Seafood Glaze More Than Gourmet

More Than Gourmet Europe B.V.

Pays: Netherland
Localité: 1251 LV Laren, N-H
Adresse: Molenaar 19
(+31) 0355310053
Prix à la carte: 31,90 € for 450 g

This company produces an infinity of concentrates, among which the finest are the essence of mushroom and the seafood glaze. It requires the reduction – 20 times, in fact – of a base of classic shellfish with lobster, shrimp, crab and fish. Converted into a glaze, it is then used by incorporating water first; the instructions recommend 10 times the amount of liquid to the volume of concentrate, depending on the intensity of flavor desired. After heating it up, it turns into a lovely consommé with an abundant, resolved taste, an attractive translucence and a truly pure flavor.

From there it can be served alone, accompanied by shellfish and vegetables, as a stock for rice or as a base for sauces.

It is marketed, aside from the quantity noted above (450 g), in small packets of 45 g or in large containers of 4.5 and 24 kg for restaurants.


Il Canto - Hotel Certosa de Maggiano

Paolo Lopriore
Paolo Lopriore
Pays: Italie
Localité: 53100 Siena
Adresse: Strada di Certosa, 82
(+39) 0577288180
Jours de fermeture: Midday Tuesday and Wednesday, from 01/11 to 31/03. Middays and Tuesday all day, from 01/04 to 31/10
Prix à la carte: 100 / 150 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 90 / 120 €

  • Caracoles al verde
  • Caracoles al verde
  • Coctel de gambas rojas
  • Coctel de gambas rojas
  • Pan de campaña, tomate y puré de berenjena quemada
  • Pan de campaña, tomate y puré de berenjena quemada
  • Raviolis de romero en caldo de garbanzos con callos de bacalao y lechuga de mar
  • Raviolis de romero en caldo de garbanzos con callos de bacalao y lechuga de mar
  • Risotto con alcaparras, piñones tostados y aceite de oliva
  • Graso y magro de cerdo con col negra
  • Riñón de ternera asado con fresas, ruibardo y té de rosas
  • Riñón de ternera asado con fresas, ruibardo y té de rosas

Anna Claudia Grossi and Paolo Lopriore make an idyllic professional team. Each of them deserves the other. Anna, who is the owner, along with her family, takes care of the palace. Hotel Certosa di Maggiano is a paradisiacal monastery built in 1314 situated in the countryside near Siena, and an utter oasis of fine living. Otherwise she focuses on the disciplined, even stubbornly blind faith she places in the on-sight artist, Paolo, urging him to develop the most avant-garde cuisine in all of Italy. 

This is what Lopriore, a disciple of Gualtiero Marchesi, dedicates himself to – creation, creation, creation. In all honesty, Lopriore is one of the few true geniuses in the world to live behind the rings. And we say live, because on top of imagining the gastronomic unimaginable, he is an artisan that puts himself into each and every dish he composes and who manages to combine fantasy and virtuosity. There are dishes that the guest will not be able to discern whether they are human or divine. The project is so earthshaking, so brilliant… that even the most advanced minds and palates sometimes feel lost. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a unique chef who succeeds in capturing a new concept of taste. An artist of universal renown that paints a distant and very Italian gastronomic universe.

Paolo has infinite talent that materializes itself in minimalist constructions with lively contrasts provocatively expressed in astonishing balance. Pure, immaculate and on many occasions contrapuntal flavors, expressed with incredible sensitivity, with regard to both flavor and color, with dishes that are as exquisite as they are beautiful, and very personal. Compositions that are destined for an experienced gourmet clientele who are crazy about experimenting with new things. And it has everything – everything that can be offered by a privileged human being whose job it is to distil good taste, training, work capacity, modesty, daring, fantasy… and art. It must be repeated, in case there was any doubt: Paolo Lopriore is a GENIUS, a GENIUS who always, absolutely always, intends to give us new and unprecedented sensations.

Are there better potato puree gnocchi in existence than Paolo’s, which are simply dressed with lemon and toasted cumin? Absolutely not. (see Great Dishes). Is there a salad that expresses the vegetables more purely than that of seaweed, herbs and root vegetables, simply dressed with wasabi and ginger confit? Absolutely not. Is there a more delicate, nuanced, beautiful and lucid carpaccio than the monochrome of Norway lobster, impregnated with raw carrot juice and notes of lime, lemon and cumin? Absolutely not. Are there more pure, essential and futuristic macaroni than the titled “Elicoidale, black pepper and pecorino romano?” Absolutely not. Is there a finer historic presentation of pasta than that offered by the “Lumaconi of baked pasta”, majestically paired with tomato, mozzarella and aged parmesan? Absolutely not. Is there greater subtlety to be found than in the temperamental flavors expressed in the royale of garlic perfumed with pistachios purée and adorned with sweet aniseed crystals? Absolutely not. Is there a more daring and assured expression of tripe like that which he pairs in their purest form with caviar, beer and toasted chickpea flour cream? Absolutely not.

If all this is but a dazzling, lively history of Loprione’s savoir-faire, the most recent incorporations to the menu confirm the chef’s grandeur. Like the caviar with tender walnuts, lemon peel –a constant theme, a definition, a real passion in his work– and liquorice –another resource of the chef–, proposed in two versions: sauce and jelly. How many people have ever been able to leap four times in the air with sturgeon roe and succeeded in their attempt? What a nerve! Paolo can handle impossible things, definitely. Like this kind of foamy cod cream in –total– motion, inspired by the buttered cod. Yes, ladies and gentlemen: a foaming and jumpy cream of buttered cod that goes up and down, right and left, lain over a raw brunoise of slightly blanched tender beans, enhanced with a rosemary infusion and some olive oil brushstrokes. A new position for gastronomic Kamasutra. Like the giant, wild and fleshy escargots, served with a green sauce made of the exciting and unique counterpoints of tea, celery leaves, julienned and foamed apple and dehydrated seaweed. Who gives you more? Like the raviolis stuffed with liquid onion broth lain over a liquid mozzarella sauce, simply seasoned with olive oil and oregano. Cheers to essentiality! Extreme and passionate red prawns cocktail, with strong touches of lemon zest, Campari gelatin, watermelon and pine nut chips. Sweet, acid and sour flavours… Paolo really enjoys himself with the latters. Like the lucid version of the brusquetta: wholemeal farmhouse bread with tomato and burnt aubergine purée. More humble, more basic, more genuine and more gratifying than ever. Like the grilled kidney with little strawberries, rhubarb and rose. Full house: this is what Paolo is always looking for; there is no place for half-measures here. Like the risotto, made without butter nor cheese, boiled and thickened with rice flour, impeccably and evenly cooked, al dente, served with capers, toasted pine nuts and olive oil. Rice had never tasted so much like rice and risotto had never been so low fat cooked. This rice is magically pure. Like the duck breast served with tender pine kernels, honey with hints of pine aromas, salted anchovies purée and gentian. Paolo’s Naturalism and contrasts are always heartbreaking. Like the suckling pig – from Paolo Parisi, obviously! –, with its rose and tender meat and its gelatinous skin, deliciously served with black cabbage juice and leaves as unique accompaniment. Glorious simplicity. The squab breast, served skinless and muscularly red, accompanied by a “civet” made on the side using the blood along with a blackcurrant puree and a few drops of Armagnac, invigorating the main ingredient and the sauce. Or the incredible ravioli filled with muscatel, dressed with capers and perfumed with Serragghia oregano–a proposal for posterity where the wine is eaten in its pure form.

Paolo Lopriore has stolen our hearts. We love his cuisine. A cuisine that is beginning to go beyond concepts of even creativity and perfection.