Because we believe in the future, a congress of revelations
The XI Congress of lomejordelagastronomia.com will be brimming with new life in both protagonists and ideas. As always, the new generation opens the path to the future ¬– the new names are already there, taking on projects, working towards the future, making themselves known. In Spain, a full cast of artists has emerged in recent decades to place the country at the summit of international cuisine. In Italy, a pleiad of creators have recently appeared, substantially modifying transalpine cuisine. In France, an unbridled advancement has taken place, after twenty years suffering an absence of new values, the new generation is now being called to glory – chefs who have rationalized the restaurants, creating original, ‘possibilist’ cuisine, surpassing the old Versailles concept of ‘deluxe’. They are the driving force behind the democratization that haute cuisine needs if it doesn’t want to end up reduced to such an elitist circle or become endangered. And here we find Holland, uninhibited by prejudice, offering truly liberal concepts; and Belgium, breaking away from the Gallic gastronomic colonialism. There are also leading personalities in Portugal firmly resolved in their work; an emperor of Russian gastronomy; two Swiss chefs with progressive, precise messages to bear; the best, most creative chef in Germany; a French chef who follows Adrià and takes inspiration from China, succeeding by putting ideas before nationalism.
In short, it will be a Congress of revelations – a revelation of a Europe that is confirming its leadership with new chefs at the helm.