Alubias de Tolosa, Brotes de Nabo Daikón, Coral y Consomé de Bogavante

Tolosa beans, Daikon radish sprouts, coral and lobster consommé
Casona del Judio Gastronómico
Chef: Sergio Bastard
Country: España
City: 39012 Santander (Cantabria)
Address: Repuente, 20
(+34) 942342726

Ganador de la séptima edición del premio de cocina con aceite de oliva “Jaén, paraíso interior” con un plato de bacalao, Sergio Bastard propone, ahora, unas alubias negras de Tolosa con marisco. Eso sí, unas alubias negras que pretenden conservar todas las virtudes de dicha legumbre, pero privándoles de sus habituales defectos, esto es, su carácter, por lo general, más bien harinoso y hollejudo.
En realidad, cada uno de los granos es un cremoso mínimamente texturizado, técnicamente muy bien desarrollado, con forma de alubia.
El plato es un refinado y fragante potaje a base, por un lado, de alubias negras, por otro, de bogavante –en cuyo caldo se han cocinado las alubias y cuyo coral estará presente en la base del plato- y de unos brotes y flores que, ligeramente picantes, juegan el papel de las tradicionales guindillas.

The Recipe

Para el consomé de alubias y bogavante:

1kg de Alubias de Tolosa.
C/s de caldo de bogavante.

Coceremos las alubias, asustándolas a partir de 45´, cada 30´.
Una vez cocidas, pasaremos el consomé de bogavante y alubias por una estameña y lo reservaremos.

Para la pasta de alubias:

256gr de pasta de alubias.
4gr de gluco.
3gr de metil.
C/s de aceite de oliva.

Metemos las alubias cocidas en un vaso de Pacojet y le damos una pasada.
Pasamos por un colador y quitamos las pieles.
Nuevamente metemos la pasta con aceite de oliva en un vaso de Pacojet y l pasamos unas 4 veces hasta conseguir un textura cremosa.
Mezclamos la pasta con gluco y con metil y la metemos en una manga. Dejamos reposar durante 12 horas.

Para el coral del bogavante.

C/s de Coral de bogavante

Brotes de nabo Daikón y flor de tagete.

Cogemos la pasta de alubias y la introducimos en un baño de algin, dando la forma deseada; una vez hecho, se calientan en un caldo de bogavante.
Pincelamos el plato con el coral del bogavante, en donde pondremos el nabo Daikón, que aporta sabores picantes, junto con las flores; finalmente, delante del comensal, añadiremos el consomé de bogavante y alubias, por donde hemos pìncelado el coral, que irá transformándose y homogeneizando todo el plato.

Tolosa Beans, Daikon Radish Sprouts, Coral and Lobster Consommé

Tolosa beans, Daikon radish sprouts, coral and lobster consommé
Casona del Judio Gastronómico
Chef: Sergio Bastard
Country: Spain
City: 39012 Santander (Cantabria)
Address: Repuente, 20
(+34) 942342726

Winner of the VII International Championship for Recipes using Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Jaén, Paraíso Interior” with a dish based on cod, Sergio Bastard is proposing now some black beans from Tolosa together with seafood. These peculiar black beans intend to preserve all the virtues of the legume, but depriving it of its usual faults, such as the floury and skinny character.
Here, every single bean is a cream that is minimally texturized and technically very well executed in the shape of a bean.
The dish is a refined and fragrant stew with black beans on a side, lobster on another –whose broth has been used to cook the beans and whose coral has been placed into the plate¬–, together with some slightly spicy sprouts and flowers which play the part of the traditional chili.

The Recipe

For the bean and lobster consommé:

1 kg Tolosa beans
Lobster broth

Cook the beans for 45 minutes and from then on, “frighten” them every 30 minutes.
Once cooked, strain the bean and lobster consommé through a cloth and set aside.

For the bean paste:

256 g bean paste
4 g Gluco
3 g Methyl
Olive oil

Put the cooked beans into a PacoJet container and mix.
Drain and remove the skins.
Pour the mixture with olive oil in a PacoJet container and mix again 4 times until obtaining a creamy texture.
Mix the paste with Gluco and methyl and introduce into a piping bag. Leave to stand for 12 hours.

For the lobster coral:

Lobster coral

Daikon radish sprouts and tagete flower

Introduce the bean paste into an Algin bath, give the desired shape and heat in a lobster broth. With a brush, paint the dish with the lobster coral just where the daikon radish is going to be placed to give spicy notes. Add some flowers and finally, in front of the guest, pour the bean and lobster consommé onto the coral in order to transform it and spread it homogeneously through the plate.

Tolosa Beans, Daikon Radish Sprouts, Coral and Lobster Consommé

Tolosa beans, Daikon radish sprouts, coral and lobster consommé
Casona del Judio Gastronómico
Chef: Sergio Bastard
Country: Spain
City: 39012 Santander (Cantabria)
Address: Repuente, 20
(+34) 942342726

Winner of the VII International Championship for Recipes using Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Jaén, Paraíso Interior” with a dish based on cod, Sergio Bastard is proposing now some black beans from Tolosa together with seafood. These peculiar black beans intend to preserve all the virtues of the legume, but depriving it of its usual faults, such as the floury and skinny character.
Here, every single bean is a cream that is minimally texturized and technically very well executed in the shape of a bean.
The dish is a refined and fragrant stew with black beans on a side, lobster on another –whose broth has been used to cook the beans and whose coral has been placed into the plate¬–, together with some slightly spicy sprouts and flowers which play the part of the traditional chili.

The Recipe

For the bean and lobster consommé:

1 kg Tolosa beans
Lobster broth

Cook the beans for 45 minutes and from then on, “frighten” them every 30 minutes.
Once cooked, strain the bean and lobster consommé through a cloth and set aside.

For the bean paste:

256 g bean paste
4 g Gluco
3 g Methyl
Olive oil

Put the cooked beans into a PacoJet container and mix.
Drain and remove the skins.
Pour the mixture with olive oil in a PacoJet container and mix again 4 times until obtaining a creamy texture.
Mix the paste with Gluco and methyl and introduce into a piping bag. Leave to stand for 12 hours.

For the lobster coral:

Lobster coral

Daikon radish sprouts and tagete flower

Introduce the bean paste into an Algin bath, give the desired shape and heat in a lobster broth. With a brush, paint the dish with the lobster coral just where the daikon radish is going to be placed to give spicy notes. Add some flowers and finally, in front of the guest, pour the bean and lobster consommé onto the coral in order to transform it and spread it homogeneously through the plate.

Tolosa Beans, Daikon Radish Sprouts, Coral and Lobster Consommé

Tolosa beans, Daikon radish sprouts, coral and lobster consommé
Casona del Judio Gastronómico
Chef: Sergio Bastard
Country: Spain
City: 39012 Santander (Cantabria)
Address: Repuente, 20
(+34) 942342726

Winner of the VII International Championship for Recipes using Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Jaén, Paraíso Interior” with a dish based on cod, Sergio Bastard is proposing now some black beans from Tolosa together with seafood. These peculiar black beans intend to preserve all the virtues of the legume, but depriving it of its usual faults, such as the floury and skinny character.
Here, every single bean is a cream that is minimally texturized and technically very well executed in the shape of a bean.
The dish is a refined and fragrant stew with black beans on a side, lobster on another –whose broth has been used to cook the beans and whose coral has been placed into the plate¬–, together with some slightly spicy sprouts and flowers which play the part of the traditional chili.

The Recipe

For the bean and lobster consommé:

1 kg Tolosa beans
Lobster broth

Cook the beans for 45 minutes and from then on, “frighten” them every 30 minutes.
Once cooked, strain the bean and lobster consommé through a cloth and set aside.

For the bean paste:

256 g bean paste
4 g Gluco
3 g Methyl
Olive oil

Put the cooked beans into a PacoJet container and mix.
Drain and remove the skins.
Pour the mixture with olive oil in a PacoJet container and mix again 4 times until obtaining a creamy texture.
Mix the paste with Gluco and methyl and introduce into a piping bag. Leave to stand for 12 hours.

For the lobster coral:

Lobster coral

Daikon radish sprouts and tagete flower

Introduce the bean paste into an Algin bath, give the desired shape and heat in a lobster broth. With a brush, paint the dish with the lobster coral just where the daikon radish is going to be placed to give spicy notes. Add some flowers and finally, in front of the guest, pour the bean and lobster consommé onto the coral in order to transform it and spread it homogeneously through the plate.



Andoni Luis Aduriz
Country: Spain
City: 20100 Erenteria-Rentería (Guipúzcoa)
Address: Aldura Aldea, 20. Caserio Otzazulueta
(+34) 943522455
Closed: Sunday nights, Mondays and Tuesdays midday
Price: € 135/180 €
Tasting menu:: € 95 and 125 €

The “Proportion-Balance” text, which appears as the central part of the pamphlet that includes the tasting menu at Mugaritz, today, perhaps more than ever, seems to be acquiring the role of a motto or maxim within the cuisine of this restaurant. Taking steps in that direction, accentuating flavors, something primordial in the rings to provide greater carnal pleasure, we are convinced that they can recuperate that glorious culinary status (they reached a 9.5 in this guide) that they lost by demonstrating a reiterative, prolonged and obsessive usage of certain vegetal ingredients (herbs, sprouts, flowers, etc.) but without the talent from before, to the point where they made the ideology an absolute, an ideology which in the absurd dogmatized the insipidity. In this sense, years before we recommended self-restraint and moderation, focussing on the message. Today, fortunately enough, those ingredients and postulants are no longer the main plot in the culinary proposals of Andoni Luis Aduriz, who has opened his work to new, more diverse horizons.
It also seems plausible that he is in search of another personality, that he has recently taken on the quest of essentiality in his cuisine, without over-simplifying too much. The articulations are more concrete, following an easier to understand line for the public. That is the goal, to humanize cuisine from an uninhibited and unique perspective.
Many of the dishes from 2009 have returned to shine with their subtleties and brushstrokes of brilliance, finding their whole expression in the proposals, like the grilled tomato salad with frozen tiger nut milk, or the silky cod cheeks blanched in their jelly and infused with acacia flower honey, or the singular, complex fossilized salsify dressed with roe and marine extracts. The carrots were magnificent, cooked in a concentrate of perfumed grains, with their astonishing flavorful identity dressed by a baby squid concentrate and arbequina olive pulp. Stellar product, erudition and demonstration of culinary technique in the wild turbot, a fish that becomes exultant beneath a seasoning of borage and a concentrate of its bones. Imagination, fantasy, sense of humor and, above all, the textural and flavorful contrasts are found in the brilliant trompe l’oeil presented at the table under the disguise of a carpaccio, accompanied by a sweet and sour sauce, shavings of Idiazabal cheese and vegetable strands. In the more indulgent dessert courses, which have always been stunning at this house, they continue to produce astonishing creations: berries soaked in a cold confit of orange leaves; spoonfuls of “sharp contrasts” with custard, leaves and sweets; powdered hazelnuts with fern roots, fern leaves, cream and vanilla ice cream… and the immortal torrija



Andoni Luis Aduriz
Country: Spain
City: 20100 Erenteria-Rentería (Guipúzcoa)
Address: Aldura Aldea, 20. Caserio Otzazulueta
(+34) 943522455
Closed: Sunday nights, Mondays and Tuesdays midday
Price: € 135/180 €
Tasting menu:: € 95 and 125 €

The “Proportion-Balance” text, which appears as the central part of the pamphlet that includes the tasting menu at Mugaritz, today, perhaps more than ever, seems to be acquiring the role of a motto or maxim within the cuisine of this restaurant. Taking steps in that direction, accentuating flavors, something primordial in the rings to provide greater carnal pleasure, we are convinced that they can recuperate that glorious culinary status (they reached a 9.5 in this guide) that they lost by demonstrating a reiterative, prolonged and obsessive usage of certain vegetal ingredients (herbs, sprouts, flowers, etc.) but without the talent from before, to the point where they made the ideology an absolute, an ideology which in the absurd dogmatized the insipidity. In this sense, years before we recommended self-restraint and moderation, focussing on the message. Today, fortunately enough, those ingredients and postulants are no longer the main plot in the culinary proposals of Andoni Luis Aduriz, who has opened his work to new, more diverse horizons.
It also seems plausible that he is in search of another personality, that he has recently taken on the quest of essentiality in his cuisine, without over-simplifying too much. The articulations are more concrete, following an easier to understand line for the public. That is the goal, to humanize cuisine from an uninhibited and unique perspective.
Many of the dishes from 2009 have returned to shine with their subtleties and brushstrokes of brilliance, finding their whole expression in the proposals, like the grilled tomato salad with frozen tiger nut milk, or the silky cod cheeks blanched in their jelly and infused with acacia flower honey, or the singular, complex fossilized salsify dressed with roe and marine extracts. The carrots were magnificent, cooked in a concentrate of perfumed grains, with their astonishing flavorful identity dressed by a baby squid concentrate and arbequina olive pulp. Stellar product, erudition and demonstration of culinary technique in the wild turbot, a fish that becomes exultant beneath a seasoning of borage and a concentrate of its bones. Imagination, fantasy, sense of humor and, above all, the textural and flavorful contrasts are found in the brilliant trompe l’oeil presented at the table under the disguise of a carpaccio, accompanied by a sweet and sour sauce, shavings of Idiazabal cheese and vegetable strands. In the more indulgent dessert courses, which have always been stunning at this house, they continue to produce astonishing creations: berries soaked in a cold confit of orange leaves; spoonfuls of “sharp contrasts” with custard, leaves and sweets; powdered hazelnuts with fern roots, fern leaves, cream and vanilla ice cream… and the immortal torrija



Andoni Luis Aduriz
Country: Spain
City: 20100 Erenteria-Rentería (Guipúzcoa)
Address: Aldura Aldea, 20. Caserio Otzazulueta
(+34) 943522455
Closed: Sunday nights, Mondays and Tuesdays midday
Price: € 135/180 €
Tasting menu:: € 95 and 125 €

The “Proportion-Balance” text, which appears as the central part of the pamphlet that includes the tasting menu at Mugaritz, today, perhaps more than ever, seems to be acquiring the role of a motto or maxim within the cuisine of this restaurant. Taking steps in that direction, accentuating flavors, something primordial in the rings to provide greater carnal pleasure, we are convinced that they can recuperate that glorious culinary status (they reached a 9.5 in this guide) that they lost by demonstrating a reiterative, prolonged and obsessive usage of certain vegetal ingredients (herbs, sprouts, flowers, etc.) but without the talent from before, to the point where they made the ideology an absolute, an ideology which in the absurd dogmatized the insipidity. In this sense, years before we recommended self-restraint and moderation, focussing on the message. Today, fortunately enough, those ingredients and postulants are no longer the main plot in the culinary proposals of Andoni Luis Aduriz, who has opened his work to new, more diverse horizons.
It also seems plausible that he is in search of another personality, that he has recently taken on the quest of essentiality in his cuisine, without over-simplifying too much. The articulations are more concrete, following an easier to understand line for the public. That is the goal, to humanize cuisine from an uninhibited and unique perspective.
Many of the dishes from 2009 have returned to shine with their subtleties and brushstrokes of brilliance, finding their whole expression in the proposals, like the grilled tomato salad with frozen tiger nut milk, or the silky cod cheeks blanched in their jelly and infused with acacia flower honey, or the singular, complex fossilized salsify dressed with roe and marine extracts. The carrots were magnificent, cooked in a concentrate of perfumed grains, with their astonishing flavorful identity dressed by a baby squid concentrate and arbequina olive pulp. Stellar product, erudition and demonstration of culinary technique in the wild turbot, a fish that becomes exultant beneath a seasoning of borage and a concentrate of its bones. Imagination, fantasy, sense of humor and, above all, the textural and flavorful contrasts are found in the brilliant trompe l’oeil presented at the table under the disguise of a carpaccio, accompanied by a sweet and sour sauce, shavings of Idiazabal cheese and vegetable strands. In the more indulgent dessert courses, which have always been stunning at this house, they continue to produce astonishing creations: berries soaked in a cold confit of orange leaves; spoonfuls of “sharp contrasts” with custard, leaves and sweets; powdered hazelnuts with fern roots, fern leaves, cream and vanilla ice cream… and the immortal torrija


La Rei

Chen Shiquin
Chen Shiquin
Country: Italy
City: 12050 Serralunga d´ Alba (CN)
Address: Strada Roddino, 21
(+39) 0173613042
Price: 70/110 €
Tasting menu:: 50 y 80 €

  • Cigala con caviar y crema de almendras
  • Cigala con caviar y crema de almendras
  • Morro de ternera con gamba roja
  • Morro de ternera con gamba roja
  • Fonduta de Bettelmatt con cardo crocante y lascas de trufa
  • Fonduta de Bettelmatt con cardo crocante y lascas de trufa
  • Ravioli con yema de huevo y fonduta de castelmagno
  • Ravioli con yema de huevo y fonduta de castelmagno
  • Risotto con crema de calabaza, cuajada de cabra, polvo de amaretti y balsámico
  • Risotto con crema de calabaza, cuajada de cabra, polvo de amaretti y balsámico
  • Civet de liebre con ñoquis de castaña, granadas y tomillo
  • Civet de liebre con ñoquis de castaña, granadas y tomillo
  • Capón asado al espadón con tatin de patatas, puré de castañas y salsa de trufa b
  • Capón asado al espadón con tatin de patatas, puré de castañas y salsa de trufa blanca

El más lujoso y mejor ubicado complejo hostelero de Langue, con magníficas vistas sobre la viña y el monumental castillo de la localidad. En consonancia, el restaurante lo atiende un magnífico equipo de profesionales que ha desempeñado grandes responsabilidades en casas como Antica Hosteria Reale de Renzo, Dal Pescatore y Cracco. De los fogones se ocupa un chino, Chen Shiquin, que fue el segundo de cocina durante 10 años en el primer establecimiento. Y eso se nota en muchas cosas: amor al producto, convencionalismo evolutivo, sabores puros y refinados... y enorme esfuerzo y suma rigurosidad. Solidez es la palabra. Nos encontramos, pues, ante una cocina de inspiración clásica actualizada en consonancia con el tercer milenio. Platos nobles, esenciales, efectivos, placenteros, muy placenteros, llamados a gustar a todos. Artesanía culinaria en un marco solemne con mucho diseño.
Un testimonio de todo lo dicho lo tenemos en esta composición honorable, concreta y pura: cigalitas tibias cubiertas por caviar sobre crema de almendras de Noto con un toque de vinagre tradicional ciertamente viejo. Igual de impecable, igual de técnico, igual de manjaroso: morro de ternera fundente y tanto que fundente, se deshacía en boca, con gamba roja de San Remo, nadando en un bisqué confeccionado con los jugos de ambos elementos y hojas de acelga china. Gargantúa y Pantagruel, frente a frente, ahitándose de cremosidad láctea: suculenta fonduta del célebre queso de Bettelmatt, procedente del Valle de Formazza, con el contraste de trocitos crocantes de pencas de cardo y aluvión de lascas de trufa blanca. En la misma filosofía, un antológico raviolo, al dente, con todo el sabor a una excelente pasta, del que brota, mejor explota, una yema de huevo que esconde en su seno, magnificada por otra fonduta, ésta de queso Castelmagno. En un alarde se pasa de la cremosidad imperante a la pastosidad, pastosidad sublime, que nos recuerda a la del arroz con leche: risotto carnaroli con crema de calabaza, cuajada de cabra, polvo de amaretti y pinceladas de balsámico ¡Un bol, por favor! Más caña, sodomización palatal, chillar y chillar sin poder decir basta: un clasicote civet de liebre selvática -habría que potenciar la jugosidad de la caza, el único desliz de la velada- con soberbios ñoquis de castaña, granadas y tomillo. A lo dicho, una noche carnal. Y acabamos la bacanal con un plato de otra época: un majestuoso capón de carnes rojas, prietas y plenas, saciadoras, asado al espadón con ornamentos convencionales ante los que no cabe otra respuesta que el sí quiero: tatin de patatas, puré de castañas y salsa de tartufo bianco ¡Viva Alba! ¡Viva los novios!
Se podrá comer con más arte; pero no es fácil salir más satisfecho. Y el director de sala, Davide Ostorero, tirándonos el arroz, como corresponde a la celebración. 


La Rei

Chen Shiquin
Chen Shiquin
Country: Italy
City: 12050 Serralunga d´ Alba (CN)
Address: Strada Roddino, 21
(+39) 0173613042
Price: 70/110 €
Tasting menu:: 50 y 80 €

  • Cigala con caviar y crema de almendras
  • Cigala con caviar y crema de almendras
  • Morro de ternera con gamba roja
  • Morro de ternera con gamba roja
  • Fonduta de Bettelmatt con cardo crocante y lascas de trufa
  • Fonduta de Bettelmatt con cardo crocante y lascas de trufa
  • Ravioli con yema de huevo y fonduta de castelmagno
  • Ravioli con yema de huevo y fonduta de castelmagno
  • Risotto con crema de calabaza, cuajada de cabra, polvo de amaretti y balsámico
  • Risotto con crema de calabaza, cuajada de cabra, polvo de amaretti y balsámico
  • Civet de liebre con ñoquis de castaña, granadas y tomillo
  • Civet de liebre con ñoquis de castaña, granadas y tomillo
  • Capón asado al espadón con tatin de patatas, puré de castañas y salsa de tr
  • Capón asado al espadón con tatin de patatas, puré de castañas y salsa de trufa blanca

The most luxurious and best-located hotel complex in Langue, with magnificent views over the vineyards and the monumental castle of the town. In keeping with the surroundings, the restaurant boasts a stellar team of professionals that have shared high responsibilities at establishments like Antica Hosteria Reale de Renzo, Dal Pescatore and Cracco. Behind the rings stands Chinese chef Chen Shiquin, who was second in command for 10 years at Antica–a fact that does not go unnoticed: love of the product, progressive conventionalism, pure and refined flavors, as well as an enormous effort and a rigorous approach. Solidity is the word. This is a cuisine full of classic inspiration contemporized to meet the palates of the third millennia. Noble, essential, effective and remarkably pleasant dishes created to satisfy all. Culinary artisanship in a solemn frame with a great deal of design.
A testimony to all that has been said is found in this honorable, concrete and pure composition: warm Norway lobster covered with caviar over Noto almond cream with a touch of truly old traditional vinegar. Equally impeccable, technical and delicious: tender beef snout, so tender that it falls apart in the mouth, with San Remo red prawn, swimming in a bisque made from the juices of both elements and Chinese chard leaves. Gargantua and Pantagruel, face to face, gorging themselves on lactic creaminess: succulent fondue made from the famous Bettelmatt cheese from the Formazza Valley, with contrasting crispy pieces of cardoon stalks and a sediment of white truffle shavings. In the same philosophy, an unforgettable ravioli dish, al dente, with all the flavor that excellent pasta should display, bursting, exploding with an egg yolk that is hidden in its interior, further enriched by another fondue, this time with Castelmagno cheese. In a show of strength they move from prevailing creaminess to sublime pasta and a dish that reminded us of arroz con leche: risotto carnaroli with pumpkin cream, ewe milk junket, powdered amaretti and balsamic brushstrokes… I’ll have a bowl, please. More intense still, palatal sodomy, to scream and squeal until you’ve had enough: classic Swiss civet de lièvre, which needs to work on the juiciness of the hunt (the only faux-pas of the evening) with superb chestnut gnocchi, pomegranate and thyme. This was a carnal night, definitely. We finished the orgy with a dish from another time: a majestic capon of red meat, dark and full–satiating–spit-roasted and served with conventional ornaments that one cannot deny: potato tatin, chestnut puree and white truffle sauce. Long live Alba! Long live the newlyweds!
Although you may eat with a more artful approach, it isn’t easy to leave a restaurant more satisfied than here. And the maître d’, Davide Ostorero, throwing rice over us as such a celebration would dictate.


La Rei

Chen Shiquin
Chen Shiquin
Country: Italy
City: 12050 Serralunga d´ Alba (CN)
Address: Strada Roddino, 21
(+39) 0173613042
Price: 70/110 €
Tasting menu:: 50 y 80 €

  • Cigala con caviar y crema de almendras
  • Cigala con caviar y crema de almendras
  • Morro de ternera con gamba roja
  • Morro de ternera con gamba roja
  • Fonduta de Bettelmatt con cardo crocante y lascas de trufa
  • Fonduta de Bettelmatt con cardo crocante y lascas de trufa
  • Ravioli con yema de huevo y fonduta de castelmagno
  • Ravioli con yema de huevo y fonduta de castelmagno
  • Risotto con crema de calabaza, cuajada de cabra, polvo de amaretti y balsámico
  • Risotto con crema de calabaza, cuajada de cabra, polvo de amaretti y balsámico
  • Civet de liebre con ñoquis de castaña, granadas y tomillo
  • Civet de liebre con ñoquis de castaña, granadas y tomillo
  • Capón asado al espadón con tatin de patatas, puré de castañas y salsa de tr
  • Capón asado al espadón con tatin de patatas, puré de castañas y salsa de trufa blanca

The most luxurious and best-located hotel complex in Langue, with magnificent views over the vineyards and the monumental castle of the town. In keeping with the surroundings, the restaurant boasts a stellar team of professionals that have shared high responsibilities at establishments like Antica Hosteria Reale de Renzo, Dal Pescatore and Cracco. Behind the rings stands Chinese chef Chen Shiquin, who was second in command for 10 years at Antica–a fact that does not go unnoticed: love of the product, progressive conventionalism, pure and refined flavors, as well as an enormous effort and a rigorous approach. Solidity is the word. This is a cuisine full of classic inspiration contemporized to meet the palates of the third millennia. Noble, essential, effective and remarkably pleasant dishes created to satisfy all. Culinary artisanship in a solemn frame with a great deal of design.
A testimony to all that has been said is found in this honorable, concrete and pure composition: warm Norway lobster covered with caviar over Noto almond cream with a touch of truly old traditional vinegar. Equally impeccable, technical and delicious: tender beef snout, so tender that it falls apart in the mouth, with San Remo red prawn, swimming in a bisque made from the juices of both elements and Chinese chard leaves. Gargantua and Pantagruel, face to face, gorging themselves on lactic creaminess: succulent fondue made from the famous Bettelmatt cheese from the Formazza Valley, with contrasting crispy pieces of cardoon stalks and a sediment of white truffle shavings. In the same philosophy, an unforgettable ravioli dish, al dente, with all the flavor that excellent pasta should display, bursting, exploding with an egg yolk that is hidden in its interior, further enriched by another fondue, this time with Castelmagno cheese. In a show of strength they move from prevailing creaminess to sublime pasta and a dish that reminded us of arroz con leche: risotto carnaroli with pumpkin cream, ewe milk junket, powdered amaretti and balsamic brushstrokes… I’ll have a bowl, please. More intense still, palatal sodomy, to scream and squeal until you’ve had enough: classic Swiss civet de lièvre, which needs to work on the juiciness of the hunt (the only faux-pas of the evening) with superb chestnut gnocchi, pomegranate and thyme. This was a carnal night, definitely. We finished the orgy with a dish from another time: a majestic capon of red meat, dark and full–satiating–spit-roasted and served with conventional ornaments that one cannot deny: potato tatin, chestnut puree and white truffle sauce. Long live Alba! Long live the newlyweds!
Although you may eat with a more artful approach, it isn’t easy to leave a restaurant more satisfied than here. And the maître d’, Davide Ostorero, throwing rice over us as such a celebration would dictate.