Alubia Canela La Buena Olla

Legumbres Montes, S.L.

Pays: España
Localité: 37427 La Vellés (Salamanca)
Adresse: Ctra de Pedrosillo, 8.
(+34) 923354007
Prix à la carte: Sobre 4 €

Eusebio Montes se supera a sí mismo, ofreciéndonos una de las mejores judías de España, estas alubias canela que engrandecen su ya brillante  catálogo de legumbres: blanca planchada de Salamanca, lentejas de la Armuña, garbanzos de distintas variedades, etc.  Proceden de la zona de Toro, comercializando unos 10.000 kilos por campaña.
Perfecta síntesis de las mejores blancas y de las mejores rojas, recuerda a las primeras en la finura y la carencia de hollejo y a las segundas en la  suculencia y en la propensión para ligar un apetitoso caldo.
Una alubia sutil y sustanciosa, verdaderamente manjarosa, que hacer creer que ha sido pelada, que funde su mantecosidad en boca proporcionando una sensación un tanto volátil.



Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla (Navarra)
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4
(+34) 948700852

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra like no other. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. And this also applies to historical and –basically– gourmande recipes. The chilindrón lamb (tomato and pepper sauce) you can taste here is the best of all. The same can be said about the patorrillo, a visceral stew made with the lamb innards; exuberant. Although some of the elements may sometimes be missing, the dish is usually made with legs, sweetbreads, brains, kidneys, tripe, blood, liver,… A real must. The patotrillo is served in the old style, i.e. very generously, together with an irresistible sauce made with the lamb juice and vegetables –onion, tomato and choricero chili pepper. A time travel to origins and integral uses of products, which couldn’t be more refined.

La Recette


  • 8 lamb legs
  • Lamb tripe
  • 300 g sweetbreads
  • 4 brains
  • 4 lamb kidneys
  • 150g liver
  • Blood
  • 40 g Iberian ham
  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 200 g chopped onion
  • 150 g fried tomato
  • 30 g flour
  • 15 g paprika
  • 15 ml cream
  • 3 choricero chili peppers
  • 40 g chopped chorizo
  • 10 g chopped garlic
  • 100 ml white wine
  • 1 pinch white pepper
  • 100 ml chicken broth
  • 1 onion, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 leek (for the cooking)

Preparation of the Innards


1.    Cut the legs and tie the intestine to them, if necessary. Cut the stomach and the tripe, blanch in water, throw this water away, wash carefully and put in a pressure cooker with water, coarse salt and the vegetables. Keep on cooking for 45 minutes when you hear the cooker whistle. Open and remove the cooking broth (the remaining quantity should cover the content of the cooker).

2.    Clean the brains and blanch in water with a bit of vinegar. Set aside on straining trays.

3.    Remove the veins of the liver and cut. Set aside on a straining tray.

4.    Clean the sweetbreads removing the exceeding grease and the thin film that cover them. Set aside on a straining tray.

5.    Cut the blood and set aside on a straining tray.

6.    Clean the kidneys and cut them in half.



Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a stainless steel saucepan, add the ham, the chorizo and the chopped garlic. Cook briefly and add the chopped onion until browned. Integrate the sweetbreads and the kidneys and keep on cooking for a few minutes. Add the paprika and boil for a few seconds. Pour the flour, the legs and the stomach together with their cooking broth and the white wine. Boil for 10 minutes at very low heat and add the tomato. Boil again for about 35 minutes and add the brains, the blood and the liver. Pour the 250 ml chicken broth when necessary. Boil for 10 more minutes, add the cream and the chopped parsley, and keep on for 10 more minutes.

NOTE: The cooking times are approximate. The cooking must be slow in order to avoid anything to stick (which is quite easy). Cool down as fast as possible at 3ºC in a cold room. The delicacy of the products requires maximal care.


Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla (Navarra)
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4
(+34) 948700852

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra like no other. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. And this also applies to historical and –basically– gourmande recipes. The chilindrón lamb (tomato and pepper sauce) you can taste here is the best of all. The same can be said about the patorrillo, a visceral stew made with the lamb innards; exuberant. Although some of the elements may sometimes be missing, the dish is usually made with legs, sweetbreads, brains, kidneys, tripe, blood, liver,… A real must. The patotrillo is served in the old style, i.e. very generously, together with an irresistible sauce made with the lamb juice and vegetables –onion, tomato and choricero chili pepper. A time travel to origins and integral uses of products, which couldn’t be more refined.

La Recette


  • 8 lamb legs
  • Lamb tripe
  • 300 g sweetbreads
  • 4 brains
  • 4 lamb kidneys
  • 150g liver
  • Blood
  • 40 g Iberian ham
  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 200 g chopped onion
  • 150 g fried tomato
  • 30 g flour
  • 15 g paprika
  • 15 ml cream
  • 3 choricero chili peppers
  • 40 g chopped chorizo
  • 10 g chopped garlic
  • 100 ml white wine
  • 1 pinch white pepper
  • 100 ml chicken broth
  • 1 onion, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 leek (for the cooking)

Preparation of the Innards


1.    Cut the legs and tie the intestine to them, if necessary. Cut the stomach and the tripe, blanch in water, throw this water away, wash carefully and put in a pressure cooker with water, coarse salt and the vegetables. Keep on cooking for 45 minutes when you hear the cooker whistle. Open and remove the cooking broth (the remaining quantity should cover the content of the cooker).

2.    Clean the brains and blanch in water with a bit of vinegar. Set aside on straining trays.

3.    Remove the veins of the liver and cut. Set aside on a straining tray.

4.    Clean the sweetbreads removing the exceeding grease and the thin film that cover them. Set aside on a straining tray.

5.    Cut the blood and set aside on a straining tray.

6.    Clean the kidneys and cut them in half.



Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a stainless steel saucepan, add the ham, the chorizo and the chopped garlic. Cook briefly and add the chopped onion until browned. Integrate the sweetbreads and the kidneys and keep on cooking for a few minutes. Add the paprika and boil for a few seconds. Pour the flour, the legs and the stomach together with their cooking broth and the white wine. Boil for 10 minutes at very low heat and add the tomato. Boil again for about 35 minutes and add the brains, the blood and the liver. Pour the 250 ml chicken broth when necessary. Boil for 10 more minutes, add the cream and the chopped parsley, and keep on for 10 more minutes.

NOTE: The cooking times are approximate. The cooking must be slow in order to avoid anything to stick (which is quite easy). Cool down as fast as possible at 3ºC in a cold room. The delicacy of the products requires maximal care.


Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla (Navarra)
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4
(+34) 948700852

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra like no other. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. And this also applies to historical and –basically– gourmande recipes. The chilindrón lamb (tomato and pepper sauce) you can taste here is the best of all. The same can be said about the patorrillo, a visceral stew made with the lamb innards; exuberant. Although some of the elements may sometimes be missing, the dish is usually made with legs, sweetbreads, brains, kidneys, tripe, blood, liver,… A real must. The patotrillo is served in the old style, i.e. very generously, together with an irresistible sauce made with the lamb juice and vegetables –onion, tomato and choricero chili pepper. A time travel to origins and integral uses of products, which couldn’t be more refined.

La Recette


  • 8 lamb legs
  • Lamb tripe
  • 300 g sweetbreads
  • 4 brains
  • 4 lamb kidneys
  • 150g liver
  • Blood
  • 40 g Iberian ham
  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 200 g chopped onion
  • 150 g fried tomato
  • 30 g flour
  • 15 g paprika
  • 15 ml cream
  • 3 choricero chili peppers
  • 40 g chopped chorizo
  • 10 g chopped garlic
  • 100 ml white wine
  • 1 pinch white pepper
  • 100 ml chicken broth
  • 1 onion, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 leek (for the cooking)

Preparation of the Innards


1.    Cut the legs and tie the intestine to them, if necessary. Cut the stomach and the tripe, blanch in water, throw this water away, wash carefully and put in a pressure cooker with water, coarse salt and the vegetables. Keep on cooking for 45 minutes when you hear the cooker whistle. Open and remove the cooking broth (the remaining quantity should cover the content of the cooker).

2.    Clean the brains and blanch in water with a bit of vinegar. Set aside on straining trays.

3.    Remove the veins of the liver and cut. Set aside on a straining tray.

4.    Clean the sweetbreads removing the exceeding grease and the thin film that cover them. Set aside on a straining tray.

5.    Cut the blood and set aside on a straining tray.

6.    Clean the kidneys and cut them in half.



Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a stainless steel saucepan, add the ham, the chorizo and the chopped garlic. Cook briefly and add the chopped onion until browned. Integrate the sweetbreads and the kidneys and keep on cooking for a few minutes. Add the paprika and boil for a few seconds. Pour the flour, the legs and the stomach together with their cooking broth and the white wine. Boil for 10 minutes at very low heat and add the tomato. Boil again for about 35 minutes and add the brains, the blood and the liver. Pour the 250 ml chicken broth when necessary. Boil for 10 more minutes, add the cream and the chopped parsley, and keep on for 10 more minutes.

NOTE: The cooking times are approximate. The cooking must be slow in order to avoid anything to stick (which is quite easy). Cool down as fast as possible at 3ºC in a cold room. The delicacy of the products requires maximal care.

Caius Apicius

Un Animal Ecuménico

Así como en la mesa navideña la tradición impone la presencia de un ave de corral, normalmente un pavo o un capón, asada, lo más clásico para la mesa del día de Año Nuevo, en el supuesto de que el personal se levante para comer, solía ser también un asado, pero de cordero.

La de cordero es una carne admitida por todas las religiones, excepto, claro, por las que predican el vegetarianismo. Pero tanto cristianos como judíos y musulmanes pueden comer cordero sin problemas morales, y lo comen. De hecho, es hasta un rito en determinadas ocasiones, como la Pascua judía (Pésaj) o la fiesta del sacrificio (Aid el-Ahda) de los musulmanes, mientras que la tradición cristiana incluye el cordero llamado 'pascual' que se come el domingo de Pascua... aunque el actual Papa haya puesto en duda que hubiese cordero en el menú de la última cena de Jesús y sus apóstoles.

Al español le gusta el cordero. De muchas maneras. Dejaremos a un lado las más rústicas, las más propiamente pastoriles, esas calderetas o calderetes navarros o extremeños. La forma más apreciada de comer cordero es, sin duda, asado en horno de leña.

El cordero asado, servido con una ensalada del tiempo, es uno de esos platos que queda mejor fuera que en casa. El horno, aquí, tiene muchísima importancia; de hecho, si va a comerse en casa, es frecuente encargar el asado en algún horno de panadero: el doméstico no alcanza las sutilezas que confiere el de leña, con sus variaciones aromáticas aportadas por maderas o hierbas. Cordero asado, en cuartos; ensalada, pan de pueblo y un buen tinto.

La afición al cordero hace que el consumidor español se lleve no pocas decepciones cuando, fuera de España, se enfrenta al cordero. El "méchoui", la gran especialidad magrebí, le parecerá "borrego", lo coma en un restaurante de Marrakech o en una jaima berebere.

Mirará con desconfianza los excelentes corderos merinos de la campiña inglesa, y no, como Obélix, por culpa de la salsa de menta, sino por el tamaño, edad y alimentación del animalito. Hasta recelará de esa joya que son los corderos de "pré-salé" (de prado salado) de Mont Saint Michel... "Borregos", insistirá. Y tal vez opine, como Julio Camba, que esos corderos tienen un sabor a traje inglés que no resulta agradable ni siquiera si el traje procede de esa milla de oro de la sastrería mundial que es Saville Row.

Josep Pla, en cambio, criticaba la manía española de consumir animales demasiado jóvenes, entre ellos, claro, el cordero lechal. Decía que éramos un tanto "infanticidas". Yo creo que todo tiene su sitio, que los corderos ingleses y franceses antes citados son maravillosos y que la versión magrebí ya ofrece más dificultades, entre ellas la de comerla con los dedos.

En una cosa es aplastante la superioridad del lechal: en su, para mí, mejor bocado, que son las chuletitas. Fuera de casa, hechas al sarmiento, son sublimes; pero, a diferencia del asado, pueden hacerse muy bien en la cocina doméstica. Hablamos de chuletitas que justifiquen el diminutivo, que tengan como mucho dos bocados cada una, solo un poco más grandes que las maravillas que me pone, en su 'Alhambra' pamplonés, mi amigo Iñaki Idoate cuando aterrizo por allí y que a mí me justifican un viaje por sí solas.

En casa las limpiamos bien y les suprimimos todo lo indeseable, como sebo y pellejos, dejando el palo limpio. Las untamos con un poco de aceite aromatizado con ajo, y las dejamos marinar así un rato. Luego, sin más grasas, a la sartén. Bien caliente. Han de quedar bien selladas y doradas por fuera, y bien jugosas, pero jamás sangrantes, en su interior, sin necesidad de recurrir a la versión que placía al rey francés Luis XVIII, en la que se cocinaban tres chuletas superpuestas, se achicharraban las de fuera y solo se comía la del medio. Un despilfarro. Están muy bien, en cambio, a la inglesa, esto es, rebozadas en huevo y pan rallado.

Pero, ante unas mínimas chuletitas hechas "al natural" uno es capaz de imitar a Urtain que, cuando llegaba a un local especializado en chuleticas de cordero pedía "cien de las mías".

Una buena ración de chuletitas, comidas "tocando la flauta" y dejando el hueso limpio, con acompañamiento de una ensalada (la de invierno, con escarola, es la ideal) y un tinto serio, pero no solemne... Un placer.

Que el cordero es pródigo en ellos, y lo tenemos medio olvidado. Porque a las excelencias de sus cuartos, de su costillar (entero) o de sus chuletillas habrá que añadir los placeres ocultos, es decir, las mollejas y los riñones. Sí: el cordero, simbolismos aparte, es un animal evangélico, talmúdico y coránico. Con tantas bendiciones... ¿cómo no va a estar bueno?

Winter Vegetables Stew

Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla. (Navarra).
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4.

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. The menu offers infinite recipes with diversified treatments of every main ingredient. Boiled, fried, sautéed… and raw artichokes served with a wide variety of accompaniments from here and there. As well as winter thistle. This is a very lucid vision of the winter vegetable stew that maintains all the natural flavours, textures and colours of the ingredients thanks to the short cooking times. The vegetables are reinforced by the strong taste of an intelligent velouté sauce and by their cooking broths, which make the dish clearlier-defined.

La Recette



- Artichokes “Blancas de Tudela”
- Borage
- Thistle
- Green beans
- Extra virgin arbequina olive oil
- Garlic
- Acorn-fed Iberian ham


Peel the artichokes and cook for 6 minutes into salted water. Remove from the heat when they are still a bit hard and let the cooking finish into the cooking water. Set aside for the artichoke broth.

The doneness of the vegetables must be constantly checked!



Clean and cook both vegetables separately into salted water with a bit of bicarbonate. Once perfectly done (after 3 and 2 minutes, respectively), remove and transfer to a bowl with water, salt and ice to cut the cooking and fix the colour. Set the cooking water of the borage aside.


Clean the thistle, choose the most tender and youngest ribs and put into water as soon as they are being cleaned. Cook in a pressure cooker into abundant salted water for 3-5 minutes (according to the tenderness of the selected ribs). Remove and leave aside.


Heat four garlic slices into a pan with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Once slightly browned, add the ham and remove them immediately from the oil. Add a pinch of flour and a drop of artichoke broth to give a pleasant hint of flavour as well as some borage broth in order to give the stew a green touch. Bind and set the sauce aside for the finish.

Place the vegetables on a tray, steam-heat for 2 minutes, add the sauce and a drop of extra virgin olive oil, a slice of fried garlic and some slices of Iberian ham.

Winter Vegetables Stew

Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla. (Navarra).
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4.

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. The menu offers infinite recipes with diversified treatments of every main ingredient. Boiled, fried, sautéed… and raw artichokes served with a wide variety of accompaniments from here and there. As well as winter thistle. This is a very lucid vision of the winter vegetable stew that maintains all the natural flavours, textures and colours of the ingredients thanks to the short cooking times. The vegetables are reinforced by the strong taste of an intelligent velouté sauce and by their cooking broths, which make the dish clearlier-defined.

La Recette



- Artichokes “Blancas de Tudela”
- Borage
- Thistle
- Green beans
- Extra virgin arbequina olive oil
- Garlic
- Acorn-fed Iberian ham


Peel the artichokes and cook for 6 minutes into salted water. Remove from the heat when they are still a bit hard and let the cooking finish into the cooking water. Set aside for the artichoke broth.

The doneness of the vegetables must be constantly checked!



Clean and cook both vegetables separately into salted water with a bit of bicarbonate. Once perfectly done (after 3 and 2 minutes, respectively), remove and transfer to a bowl with water, salt and ice to cut the cooking and fix the colour. Set the cooking water of the borage aside.


Clean the thistle, choose the most tender and youngest ribs and put into water as soon as they are being cleaned. Cook in a pressure cooker into abundant salted water for 3-5 minutes (according to the tenderness of the selected ribs). Remove and leave aside.


Heat four garlic slices into a pan with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Once slightly browned, add the ham and remove them immediately from the oil. Add a pinch of flour and a drop of artichoke broth to give a pleasant hint of flavour as well as some borage broth in order to give the stew a green touch. Bind and set the sauce aside for the finish.

Place the vegetables on a tray, steam-heat for 2 minutes, add the sauce and a drop of extra virgin olive oil, a slice of fried garlic and some slices of Iberian ham.

Winter Vegetables Stew

Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla. (Navarra).
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4.

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. The menu offers infinite recipes with diversified treatments of every main ingredient. Boiled, fried, sautéed… and raw artichokes served with a wide variety of accompaniments from here and there. As well as winter thistle. This is a very lucid vision of the winter vegetable stew that maintains all the natural flavours, textures and colours of the ingredients thanks to the short cooking times. The vegetables are reinforced by the strong taste of an intelligent velouté sauce and by their cooking broths, which make the dish clearlier-defined.

La Recette



- Artichokes “Blancas de Tudela”
- Borage
- Thistle
- Green beans
- Extra virgin arbequina olive oil
- Garlic
- Acorn-fed Iberian ham


Peel the artichokes and cook for 6 minutes into salted water. Remove from the heat when they are still a bit hard and let the cooking finish into the cooking water. Set aside for the artichoke broth.

The doneness of the vegetables must be constantly checked!



Clean and cook both vegetables separately into salted water with a bit of bicarbonate. Once perfectly done (after 3 and 2 minutes, respectively), remove and transfer to a bowl with water, salt and ice to cut the cooking and fix the colour. Set the cooking water of the borage aside.


Clean the thistle, choose the most tender and youngest ribs and put into water as soon as they are being cleaned. Cook in a pressure cooker into abundant salted water for 3-5 minutes (according to the tenderness of the selected ribs). Remove and leave aside.


Heat four garlic slices into a pan with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Once slightly browned, add the ham and remove them immediately from the oil. Add a pinch of flour and a drop of artichoke broth to give a pleasant hint of flavour as well as some borage broth in order to give the stew a green touch. Bind and set the sauce aside for the finish.

Place the vegetables on a tray, steam-heat for 2 minutes, add the sauce and a drop of extra virgin olive oil, a slice of fried garlic and some slices of Iberian ham.

Salad of Raw Red Thistle and Oysters

Ensalada de Cardo Rojo Crudo con Ostras
Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla (Navarra)
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4
(+34) 948700852

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. The menu offers infinite recipes with diversified treatments of every main ingredient. Boiled, fried, sautéed… and raw artichokes served with a wide variety of accompaniments from here and there. As well as winter thistle. This is the most clairvoyant indigenous salad which “dares” to integrate distinguished vegetables from the land: red thistle, artichokes, green beans or mange-tout, chicory, watercress, red chard and arugula, served raw or stripped, sliced and in leaves, seasoned with a delicate and tempered vinaigrette and oyster juice. The whole is topped by a huge oyster that gives oceanity and exquisiteness to the liveliness of the countryside. Nature and naturality in all their splendour.

La Recette

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 4 oysters
  • red thistle
  • 2 artichokes “Blancas de Tudela”
  • 1 chicory
  • green beans
  • 4 purple potatoes
  • watercress
  • red chard
  • extra virgin arbequina olive oil
  • apple vinegar
  • chopped spring onion
  • chervil
  • Maldon salt



Open the oysters, remove the shells and set aside with their water.

RED THISTLE. Choose the most tender and youngest ribs, clean and cut them both lengthwise and transversally. Clean and put in water with ice so that the thistle curls and absorbs the oil better.

ARTICHOKES. Peel, slice and cover with extra virgin olive oil and some drops of lemon.

POTATOES. Cut and cook into salted water until tender. Strain and set aside.

GREEN BEANS. Cut in thin strips, cook in water with bicarbonate and salt and cut the cooking with water and ice.

CHICORY. Choose the most tender ribs and clean.



Mix all the ingredients except the oysters in a bowl. Season with the extra virgin olive oil, the vinegar and the salt. Place the vegetables onto the plate in an aesthetic way, add some Maldon salt crystals and top with the oyster. Make a cream with the oyster juice and the extra virgin olive oil, and add into the salad. Finish with the chopped young onion and the chervil.

Salad of Raw Red Thistle and Oysters

Ensalada de Cardo Rojo Crudo con Ostras
Cuisinier: Nicolás Ramírez
Pays: Spain
Localité: 31300 Tafalla (Navarra)
Adresse: Plaza de Navarra, 4
(+34) 948700852

This restaurant represents the evolution of popular cuisine in Navarra. A statement that is at its height regarding the elements the local population is the proudest of: vegetables. The menu offers infinite recipes with diversified treatments of every main ingredient. Boiled, fried, sautéed… and raw artichokes served with a wide variety of accompaniments from here and there. As well as winter thistle. This is the most clairvoyant indigenous salad which “dares” to integrate distinguished vegetables from the land: red thistle, artichokes, green beans or mange-tout, chicory, watercress, red chard and arugula, served raw or stripped, sliced and in leaves, seasoned with a delicate and tempered vinaigrette and oyster juice. The whole is topped by a huge oyster that gives oceanity and exquisiteness to the liveliness of the countryside. Nature and naturality in all their splendour.

La Recette

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 4 oysters
  • red thistle
  • 2 artichokes “Blancas de Tudela”
  • 1 chicory
  • green beans
  • 4 purple potatoes
  • watercress
  • red chard
  • extra virgin arbequina olive oil
  • apple vinegar
  • chopped spring onion
  • chervil
  • Maldon salt



Open the oysters, remove the shells and set aside with their water.

RED THISTLE. Choose the most tender and youngest ribs, clean and cut them both lengthwise and transversally. Clean and put in water with ice so that the thistle curls and absorbs the oil better.

ARTICHOKES. Peel, slice and cover with extra virgin olive oil and some drops of lemon.

POTATOES. Cut and cook into salted water until tender. Strain and set aside.

GREEN BEANS. Cut in thin strips, cook in water with bicarbonate and salt and cut the cooking with water and ice.

CHICORY. Choose the most tender ribs and clean.



Mix all the ingredients except the oysters in a bowl. Season with the extra virgin olive oil, the vinegar and the salt. Place the vegetables onto the plate in an aesthetic way, add some Maldon salt crystals and top with the oyster. Make a cream with the oyster juice and the extra virgin olive oil, and add into the salad. Finish with the chopped young onion and the chervil.