Ferrarini Zampone Di Modena

Ferrarini SRL

Pays: Italy
Localité: 42100 Reggio Emilia
Adresse: Via Rivaltella, 3
(+39) 05229321
Prix à la carte: 15 € / kg

If there is one succulent, gargantuesque and pantagruesque product that answers to the cleverest of rusticities, it’s zampone. It has the (reconstructed) identity of a hog’s leg, deboned save for the four bones in the hoof, making the pig’s extremity that much more real; and covered in the gelatinous natural skin. It is stuffed with pork loin and fat, all minced into chewable pieces. Gastronomically, what stands out is the exuberant gelatinousness; the wonderful juiciness; the gourmand tastiness; and the outstanding seasoning, rich and balanced in herbs as well as pepper.

Preparation requires cooking it for 30 minutes in the same bag in which it is presented, after which we recommend broiling it so that the gelatinous skin around the meat becomes crispy; for this, it must be placed under the broiler and turned periodically so that it browns and crisps evenly around the outside.

It is typically eaten in the winter and, above all, at New Year’s, to accompany the requisite lentils.


Jose Maria

José María Ruiz
José María Ruiz
Pays: Espagne
Localité: 40001 Segovia
Adresse: Cronista Lecea, 11
(+34) 921466017
Jours de fermeture: Toujours ouvert
Prix à la carte: 40/55 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 20 €

  • Patatas chip con cochifrito y pan frito
  • Patatas chip con cochifrito y pan frito
  • Cochinillo
  • Cochinillo

Ségovie a toujours réclamé la primauté d’un plat traditionnel de Castille : el tostón (le cochon de lait rôti) qui, dans la cité de l’aqueduc, a eu de véritables temples, dont le plus important – et de loin – est le restaurant José María, une ancienne maison fondée en 1982, située à deux pas de la Plaza Mayor, et dont le propriétaire, José María Ruiz Benito, a su faire du cochon de lait un véritable art, une science, voire un monument touristique universel.


Campo de Belmonte Lard-Cured Manchego Chesse

Tierno Campos, S.A.

Pays: Spain
Localité: 16640 Belmonte (Cuenca)
Adresse: Camilo José Cela, 16
(+34) 967170838
Prix à la carte: 20 €/ kg

We have never tasted another cheese like this one, as far as Manchego is concerned. And if this producer and this brand already deserve high honors for their semi-cured version, their cured one, aged nine months in lard, breaks with the region’s gastronomic inclination to position itself light years ahead.

An ancestral, noble cheese in which the excellent ewe’s milk takes center stage, with a flavor of reduction, of concentration, of lactic essence—with clear presence of fat enhanced by age and the protection of the lard. Extremely condensed without losing life.

Tierno Campos produces about 2,000 kilos of this label annually. Each cheese weighs a minimum of 2.5 kilos. All production is done with milk from the family’s 1,000 sheep, which graze in the municipal district and the surrounding area.


Tierra Guareña Chickpeas

Sociedad Coop. Los Zamoranos

Pays: Spain
Localité: 49400 Fuentesaúco (Zamora)
Adresse: Camino Valparaíso, s/n
(+34) 980601136
Prix à la carte: 3 € per kg

This is the old and prestigious Flor de Saúco brand that has had to change its name for legal reasons.

This cooperative produces about 130,000 kilos from its famed region, all of which are protected by the seal of origin.

These chickpeas are characterized by three qualities. Their skin, practically imperceptible, is the thinnest known for this legume. Their texture, buttery and at the same time substantial, causes them to soften without the least bit of resistance. And their flavor, singularly rich, makes them unique.

In raw form, they are medium to large sized, creamy in color with a curved, pronounced tip and rough skin.


Cucina Antica Carbonara Sauce


Pays: Italy
Localité: 41036 Medolla
Adresse: Vía Statale, 12-102
(+39) 053549711
Prix à la carte: 4,75 € a 200 g jar

Traditional pasta sauce that fully connects with gourmand tastes, it gratifies rather than responding to modern gastronomical concepts. Predominant, and how, is the pancetta, lightly smoked and well balanced, providing flavor and meatiness. Succulence enriched by the presence of egg yolk, olive oil, onion, white wine, rice starch and spices—to produce a dense and very rich condiment (it must be heated) that permeates and marks whatever it touches: spaghetti, tagliatelle, etc.


Cooked Tongue in Brine Baudracco Gastronomia

Baudracco Gastronomia

Pays: Italy
Localité: 10126 Turín
Adresse: 62, Corso Vittorio Emanuelle IIº
(+39) 011545582
Prix à la carte: 35 € per kilo

One of those artisanal products that is the fruit of past habits and inherited nobility. Made with tongues from “fassone” cows, a Piamontesa species with intrinsic qualities in the aging of their meat and concentration of fat. Both factors contribute to give it extraordinary succulence, gelatinousness and juiciness. Immense flavor and a supple meatiness, the consequence of numerous veins which give a “marbled” effect to the meat, similar to that of an excellent aged beef loin. It also brings out the reddish complexion of the product. Hence we find ourselves before an example of stellar charcuterie, supplied by exceptional animals. It is worth mentioning Maurilio Baudracco’s symbolic annual production: between 350 and 400 kilos. The production technique is also first-rate. The tongue is submerged in salt for one month. Once a week, it is massaged by hand. Once the time has passed, it is de-salted in water for 24 hours and slow-cooked over low temperature for 3 hours. It is allowed to cool and rest for 10 days.
A tongue that is one of a kind in the world.


Furgentini Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Furgentini
Azienda Agrícola Avola Giorgio

Pays: Italy
Localité: 97015 Modica. Ragusa. (Sicilia)
Adresse: Via Calenchi, 127
(+39) 0932901027
Prix à la carte: 17,5€ 0,25 l- 25,58€ 0,50 l

A contender for the throne of the world’s olive oil. Winner of some of the most important industry awards, such as the “Grande Menzione Leone d’Oro 2003”, among others. We can without question characterize it as the quintessential expression of Sicilian olive oil—aromatic, fruity and, in all of its features, exceedingly refined, in the most elegant sense of the word. Lively fragrances that make it unique, evoking tomato leaves and freshly cut grass and mixing with the character of the very fresh and ripe olives. “Sweet” flavor, very “sweet” and fruity, elegant and balanced with extraordinarily subtle bitter and spicy notes that bring just the right complexity to the natural character of the olive. A bright, clean greenish color.
Made from Verdese and Moresca olive varieties, hand picked from the seven hundred olive trees on the 9-hectare property; after being pressed the same day, they yield a production of 4,000 bottles a year, each bearing the seal of ecological responsibility.


Joselito Dry-Cured Iberico Pork Loin

Cárnicas Joselito

Pays: Spain
Localité: 37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)
Adresse: Santa Rita, 8
(+34) 923580375
Prix à la carte: 85 €

This is clearly the number one Iberico acorn-fed pork loin in Spain. Characterized by its lightness in smoke and paprika, improving the meat—which clearly takes center stage—with enhanced notes of the mentioned ingredients. Its texture is also significant given that, despite being cured (6 months), it remains juicy and tender and therefore easier to bite into. To the palate it is an explosion of heartiness, fusing its abundant fat with the tastiness of the loin to saturate the palate: immeasurable. The sharp aroma also contributes to its delice.
It is advisable, given its intense flavor, to slice it finely.
Production is around 25,000 pieces a year.


Cipolina a la Brace Prunotto

Azienda Agricola Prunotto Mariangelina

Pays: Italy
Localité: 12051 Alba (Cn)
Adresse: Via Osteria, 14
(+39) 0173441590
Prix à la carte: € 5 for a 300 g jar

An estate with 25 hectares of land in which the entire fruit and vegetable process is carried out, from cultivation to preparation and canning. In this case there are only 5,000 kilograms of small, quite uniformly sized onions.
They are first blanched in vinegar and wine, then run through a gas grill to give them color and a rustic touch before being conserved in oil, which is how they are sold. What really stands out is their texture, crisp and tender at the same time, with a neat cut. Immaculate, very natural flavor, with subtle acidity; we could classify them as aromatized, with the smoothness and flavor imparted by the olive oil.


Pierre Marcolini Grand Cru Fleur de Cacao Chocolates

Chocolates Pierre Marcolini

Pays: Belgium
Localité: 1000 Bruselas (Bélgica)
Adresse: Rue des Minimes, 1
(+32) 025141206
Prix à la carte: € 3,75 for an 80g bar

Traveling to Belgium, especially Brussels, entails a visit to one of the shops of the most famous chocolatier in the country, whose best designed establishment is at the address listed above. A two-floor exhibit of all kinds of sweets, with cocoa-centric taking center stage. The bonbon display is amazing, with more than 25 types, both conventional and exotic, and all elegant and technically very accomplished.

No less important are the chocolate bars, also very varied. We have given this article the title above, but there are others that are just as good, such as Marcolini Limited Edition, Pure Origine Madagascar, Pure Origine Java, etc.

Grand Cru Fleur de Cacao has 85% different cocoas, selected and combined by this prestigious confectioner and perfumed with Tahitian vanilla. The technique in the workmanship stands out, the result of which is refined, creamy and full-flavored. Extraordinary aroma that is delicate at the same time, in which bitterness and an acidic note are present. It has an easy, singular character.