Rice Acquerello

Rondolino Piccolo Società Cooperativa Agricola

Pays: Italy
Localité: 13046 Livorno Ferraris
Adresse: Tenuta Colombara
(+39) 0161477832
Prix à la carte: 500 g., 1 Kg y 2,5 Kg: 7, 12 y 21 €

The Rondolino family, whose tradition with rice dates back to 1859, began cultivating Acquerello in 1991. In honor of its supreme quality they reduced their harvesting area from 600 to 130 hectares. They sow the land exclusively with this carneroli variety as well as adhering to all the requirements to be considered an organic producer. This is a truly artisan, select rice that is nurtured with the most innovative methods and technologies, produced in very limited quantities in order to obtain the highest quality possible. It is sold in vacuum-sealed packages.
A small, white, beautiful grain, it grows to 2 1/2 times its original sized when cooked. Employing a precise cooking time preserves a homogenous, uniform consistency, absorbing an important part of the stock but not to be overly seasoned so that it maintains its full identity and exquisite flavor of rice. This balance between its own identity and that which it takes on from other elements distinguishes it, as well as its consistency – it is hard to overcook it if one takes a little care in its preparation.
Ideal for risottos and similar preparations.


Ricotta Fernando di Gennaro

Fernando di Gennaro

Pays: Italy
Localité: 80069 Vico Equense (Na)
Adresse: Via R. Bosco, 956
(+39) 0818028936
Prix à la carte: 7 € the kilo

We discovered this ricotta in La Tradizione (+39 081028437), a store located in Vico Equense, on the Sorrentine peninsula, which offers the best delicacies of the Campania region: cheeses, cured meats, pastas, etc. It also happens to be frequently used by the great chef Gennaro Esposito of “Torre del Saracino” (see restaurants section) in an infinity of dazzling dishes, taking on relevant, even transcendental roles. Its production is very limited and utterly artisanal – made from the milk of approximately 90 cows in a small village presided over by Tommaso di Gennaro who inherited the spirit and technique from his father.
So that there are no misunderstandings: this is cream and creaminess in unerring splendor. A fresh “butter”, substantial, concentrated, dense, full of personality and character, converted into the quintessence of milk. There is no rind, only radiant, granulated and unctuous white cheese. It smothers the palate with its delicious evanescent cream.


La Gôndola Sardine Roe in Olive Oil

Fábrica de Conservas La Gôndola, Lda.

Pays: Portugal
Localité: 4455-482 Perafita
Adresse: Rua Doctor Marcos de Cruz, lotes 19/20.
(+351) 229964712
Prix à la carte: 9.50 € the 120 g can

A highly revered Lusitanian preserve that is known as “Portuguese caviar”. It is becoming considerably more exclusive due to current fishing trends.
They are small, exquisite eggs from large sardines seasoned and preserved in olive oil. Nothing more and nothing less than gastronomic artisanship inspired by the ancestral necessity to enjoy all that is offered. Its gastronomic value is furthered by using such a modest but interesting ingredient, highly idiosyncratic, expressing it in such a natural way. The flavor is that of roe and sardines, preserving all its purity and texture. Exquisite and delicate within the beautiful rustic aspect of the sardine.


Miel Quintessenza Tarassaco

MIELES THUN – Explotación Agrícola Andrea Paternos

Pays: Italy
Localité: 38010 Vigo di Ton (Trento)
Adresse: Via Castel Thun, 8
(+39) 0461 657929
Prix à la carte: Retail price for 250 g jar:

Andrea Paternoster practices an almost nomadic apiculture: he selects all the most apt zones in Italy to take his bees, following a floral cycle throughout the year, in order to produce monofloral honeys (acacia, orange blossom, chestnut, heather, alfalfa, eucalyptus, sunflower, rhododendron, rosemary, dandelion, clover) or multifloral varieties (millefleurs, millefleurs of the Alps and dandelion and apple blossom). Quintessenza is the finest selection of the house: the honey comes from a specific zone, almost an appellation, and it is indeed a “cru”, obtained from the nectars that bees collect when flowering is at a maximum, giving an incredible purity to the honey.
Dandelion Quintessenza 2007 is made of nectars from the high plains in Asiago, in Lavarone. It has a stunning, lively yellow color with dazzling white reflections. An intense, floral perfume with aromas of fresh hay and ammonia. Exquisite in the mouth with an involving flavor, suggestive, sweet but not sickly so, with a faint bitter note on the finish. A perfect texture, neither too pasty nor too hard, it melts in the mouth without sticking to the teeth or palate. It has a long, floral persistence in the mouth. The bees have given way to a cream worthy of haute patisserie! Paternoster recovers the maximum quality of an ancient, archaic product, a base of our daily delight brought from his youth.



José Avillez
Pays: Portugal
Localité: 1200-270 Lisboa
Adresse: Rua da Misericordia, 35
(+351) 213421112
Jours de fermeture: Dimanche
Prix à la carte: 100/130 €
Prix menu de dégustation: 75 y 95 €

  • Vieira con tocino de Alentejo, esfera de sucedáneo de caviar y aire de ajo y pue
  • Vieira con tocino de Alentejo, esfera de sucedáneo de caviar y aire de ajo y puerro
  • Bogavante con gelatina de verbena y ravioli de higaditos de pollo y alcachofa
  • Bogavante con gelatina de verbena y ravioli de higaditos de pollo y alcachofa
  • Salmonete con jugo de sus higadillos y caviar de albahaca
  • Salmonete con jugo de sus higadillos y caviar de albahaca
  • Pichón con salsa de foie gras, láminas de patata y manzana y capuchina
  • Pichón con salsa de foie gras, láminas de patata y manzana y capuchina

Ce restaurant lisboète historique de luxe a ouvert ses portes en 1784. Son décor classiciste contraste avec la nouvelle étape gastronomique qui a été lancée au début 2008, car les fourneaux ont été pris en charge par un jeune dont les idoles nationale et internationale sont Luis Baena et Ferran Adrià, chez qui il a séjourné. Une admiration qui en dit long sur le projet culinaire de l’établissement.


Queso de Azeitao Arbiqueijo


Pays: Portugal
Localité: 2950-055 Quita do Anjo
Adresse: Rua Venancio da Costa Lima. Casal dos Cantos.
(+351) 212881180
Prix à la carte: Retail price for 1 piece: 7,00 €

Azeitao cheese, with or without a Denomination of Origin, is produced by people who continue to bring out the finest this cheese has to offer instead of merely hiding behind their product; it is our favorite in all of Portugal. It is, in fact, a version of a common cheese produced on both sides of the border of Spain and Portugal: Torta del Casar, Torta de la Serena, Torta da Serra are a few of the names given to this variety of cheese. All of them are characterized by their incredible creaminess and substantial flavor, made with ewe’s milk and curdled with cardoon flowers. The type in question here is offered in small quantities that facilitate consumption without affecting the characteristics or quality, though the 250 gram piece is preferable.
Intense flavor of ewe milk, very concentrated, fatty, filling the palate with nobility and natural purity, with a light acidity and a minimum amount of bitterness that gives it character. Substantial but very balanced. When fully ripened the consistency is fluid – liquid delicacy hidden within its distinguished density.


Santa Teresa tomato-basil sauce


Pays: Spain
Localité: 28290 Las Rozas (Madrid)
Adresse: Chile, 10. Edif. Madrid 92
(+34) 916 369 260
Prix à la carte: Around 2.75 € for 500 ml

Santa Teresa always manages to be at the height of whatever they do. The Quince Jelly, Egg Yolks, Mayonnaise, as well as their Béchamel sauce and this tomato and basil creation all confirm the general approach of the company and the commitment they have to excellence.
This tomato sauce is precise with regard to color and texture as well as density and thickness. The flavor could not be more crisp, traditional and polished. The tomato, very ripe, comes across in all its purity, softened and given a honey-like touch by an considerable ratio of sweated onion, coming together to create a harmonic acidity and sweetness, leaving the limelight for the tomato and its characteristics.


Joselito white and red morcon

Morcón  Blanco y Rojo Joselito

Pays: Spain
Localité: 37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)
Adresse: Santa Rita, 8
(+34) 923580375
Prix à la carte: Retial price for a box of both types: Around 105 €

Up until Christmas of 2007, the Joselito company did not sell morcón (kind of chorizo). A little over a month ago they launched these two varieties, offered together in a single package. One, the traditional morcón, which is similar to chorizo, and another, a new morcón inspired by sausage, which is, in reality, a fat sausage itself. The difference is that the first has paprika and the second is perfumed with black pepper. Both are made from noble parts of the animal, including the tenderloin and other choice cuts of the famed acorn-fed Iberian pig. They are as good or better than the chorizo and sausage, and perhaps even a bit juicier. They also gain in presence, appearing in beautiful irregular slices.


Cheese Parmigiano-Reggiano Caseificio Sociale Castellazzo, 36 months


Pays: Italy
Localité: 42012 Campagnola Emilia (RE)
Adresse: Vía Mazzalari, 12.
(+39) 0522652862
Prix à la carte: Retail price per kilo: Around 24 €

This artisan and prestigious cheese-maker uses 14 different dairies, all located in the same city, to collect enough milk for production. In total they transform 3,200,000 liters of milk per year, from approximately 780 cows, obtaining some 223,000 kilos of parmigiano-reggiano, more or less. 95% of the production is aged over 24 months, some of it as long as 42 months.
The texture combines a certain tenderness within the grainy consistency normally associated with the cheese, demonstrating all the magnificent crystals derived from its long ageing process. The aroma is fragrant, delicate and substantial. It has an intensely lactic flavor, pure and refined yet concentrated, building, developing and enduring in a truly substantial way. At every moment it has a subtle and constant acidity along with a light astringent quality. The raw product is superb and perfectly prepared.
It is sold in different sizes, weights and curing times.


Don Bocarte bonito belly in olive oil


Pays: Spain
Localité: 39740 Santoña (Cantabria)
Adresse: Baldomero Villegas, s/n.
(+34) 942661920
Prix à la carte: Retial price for a 350 g cans: Around 18 €

The arrival in 1997 of master charcutier Jose Mari Zorrilla to the artisan fish conserves couldn’t have been more fruitful for the gourmet world. As if the Don Bocarte anchovies in virgin olive weren’t enough (and they were), he has done it again with the bonito belly–extraordinary. One’s attention is immediately drawn to the color, a light tonality with slices that are easily separated. A sharp, supernaturally clean flavor, demonstrating its juicy meats, boasting a gelatinous character, bragging about its substance… The oil contributes to the overall oleaginous quality, playing a secondary role that dresses the fish without taking anything away from the identity of the main ingredient. Very limited production.