Jacques Decoret

Cola de sapo lacada
Jacques Decoret
Country: France
City: 03200 Vichy
Address: 7, avenue de Gramont
(+33) 0 470976506
Closed: Tuesday and Wednesday, February vacations, from August 11 to September 7
Price: 75/110 €
Tasting menu:: 95 €

In 1998, Jacques Decoret abandoned the spotlight of Paris, where he was on his way to a very secure career – meilleur ouvrier de France in 1996 – in order to open his own restaurant in Vichy, a valiant wager that by no means promised success at the time. Decoret is an authentic acrobat of taste and juggler of the burners. He likes to entertain, and to be entertained, something which is clearly reflected in his cuisine, extremely ironic and, what’s more, ironic unto itself.