False risotto of vegetables and beet yolk

Chef: Pedro Subijana
Country: Spain
City: 20008 San Sebastián (Gipúzcoa)
Address: B. Igueldo. Paseo Padre Orcolaga, 56.

2007 was, without a doubt, a year of glory for Pedro Subijana, one in which he created a vast number of important dishes -transcendental even- that will stand the test of time, distinguished by their elegance, harmony… and by his refinement and wisdom. There are those dishes which are more essential, like the gelatinous baby squid and onion rings over a beautiful, delicate cuajada of Parmigiano-reggiano with lyophilized ink sauce from the squid–a reinvention of an illustrious recipe in accordance with our times. Or dishes that are more complex, such as the bean salad with a succulent cu...