White risotto with coffee powder and Pantelleria capers

Le Calandre
Chef: Massimiliano Alajmo
Country: Italy
City: 35030 Sarmeola di Rubano (Pádua)
Address: Via Liguria, 1
(+39) 049630303

Just as we can assert that Massimiliano Alajmo is the primus inter pares of pasta chefs without any risk of being wrong, he is also among the world’s elite in risottos. Despite his youth, he created his two magnum opuses a few years ago and has not been able to outdo them, even though he finds himself in a permanent state of grace. The reason: it is a virtually impossible feat, given the eminence of the antecedents. Equally great, and greatly equal are the saffron risotto with licorice powder and the white risotto with coffee powder and capers; to such an extreme that a day could come in ...