Pomodorini di Collina Masseria Maida
MI. VA. S.R.L.
Country: Italy
City: 84047 Capaccio-Paustum (Salermo)
Address: Via Tempa di Lepre, 33
(+39) 0828722975info@masseriamaida.it
Price: 3 € the 550 g jar
A noble tomato sauce with whole cherry tomatoes, perfumed with basil and prudently salted. Delicious, when spruced up a bit: reduce slightly and strengthen with more aromas and flavors. It needs seasoning: virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and, to taste, herbs, spices, pancetta, etc., or anything that pairs well with tomato, is of a high quality and is pleasantly flavorful. It has the advantage of easily transmitting personal touches that are enjoyed within the context of its unmistakable identity.
For a higher qualification, they should present the cherry tomatoes peeled; that’s the challenge.
This having been said, it is a respectable product.