Rules of the 8th edition of International Championship for Recipes using Extra Virgin Olive Oil, “Jaén, Paraíso Interior”

Conditions for the 8th edition
This competition, organized by the Congress and sponsored by the Diputación provincial (Provincial Council) of Jaén together with the “Jaén Selección 2010” olive oil producers, is aimed at encouraging the inventiveness of the chefs and at promoting the use of this historical and nutritious product in both sweet and savoury dishes.
Subject: the recipes, in which olive oil plays the main part, are judged on their virtuosity, inventiveness, innovative concepts, techniques, aesthetics, etc.
The finalists are provided all the “Jaén Selección 2010” oils. The cooks must exclusively use the selected oils and take into account their specific organoleptic properties in elaborating their dish.
Participants: Chefs de cuisine.
Number of finalists: 10 cooks (possibility to come with an assistant).
Quantity to execute: 10 half portions.
Execution time: 6 hours.
Location: IFA, in Alicante.
Date: 7th November, 2010.
Presentation of the dishes : 4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Jury: composed of great gastronomic critics of the worldwide scene
Prize: €18,000 and "Jaén, paraíso interior" Trophy
Finalists: transport (roundtrip) to Alicante from their place of residence, hotel accommodation, dinners in the best restaurants in the area and enrolment fees of the 12th Congress lomejordelagastronomí will be paid by the organization.
Until 10th October, 2010, sending an email with the name of the cook, the name of the restaurant he/she is the head of, the recipe of the dish and a picture of it. The 10 finalists will be chosen by the organizing committee and made public 2nd November.
Phone: 00.34.943.564120
Phone: 00.34.943.564120
Diputación Provincial de Jaén
Plaza de San Francisco s/n. 23071 Jaén
Phone. 953 24 80 00 Fax. 953 24 80 23